Monday, September 30, 2019
Impact of Current Events and Trends on Tourism Essay
Threats of terrorism, pandemic outbreaks, natural calamities and, finally, pesky security checks notwithstanding, the international tourism industry is booming. Tourism has become a key economic driver globally, and is one of the main sources of income for many developing countries today. The global crisis that shook 2008 to the core (and continues to do so) has impact in industries across the board. One of the most affected fields is tourism as it’s an elected excess and not a necessity. A recently released research by the Tourism Journalist’s Association shows that people will be more cautious in spending for leisure travels and will engage in more meaningful, rather than extravagant, vacations. The tourism industry has matured significantly in recent years and is displaying a new willingness to share information and co-operate. The result: A different type of growth, one that is more moderate, more solid and more responsible. Many of the crisis events that affect tourism have been occurring for millennia. The global financial and economic downturn that affected tourism from 2007 through to 2010and beyond has cast substantial attention to the role that crisis events play in tourism. These concerns have only been exacerbated by natural disasters. The potential affect of crisis events on international tourism is likely to increase both in size and frequency as tourism becomes increasingly hypermobile and the global economy even more interconnected. The impact of technology and the competitive factors on tourism were among the interesting trends. Technology Technology is a driving force of change that presents opportunities for greater efficiencies and integration for improved guest services. Technology has become a tourism business activity in development of strategic resources and is considered as a tool to increase competitiveness. Effective use of information technology can make significant operational improvements. Advanced software and communication tools allow enlarging operational efficiency, for example, orders may be made better, faster and cheaper. In addition, decision-making through decision support tools, databases and modeling tools assist the manager’s job. Technology changes the tourism business rules. More specifically: Information on all tourist services is available virtually from all over the world. Potential client can be any resident of the world. More territorial boundaries restrict the number of customers. Decision making turns into a tourism specialist in each component. Changes in customer service technology and service personalization occur. International Competition Tourism services compete on more than just image, differentiation, and benefits offered. Tourism demand trends. While the mass tourism market remains fundamental to the growth of many destinations, the new challenge for the decision makers of the tourism sector nowadays seems to be the choice between supporting the conventional mass tourism activities or creating the conditions for the development of a new local tourism supply (Conti and Perelli, n.d.:17). The multi-motivational nature of holiday decision-making combined with the fact that tourists become more and more sophisticated, seeking increasingly for tourist products that fulfill their particular needs, has increased competition between destinations, fuelling the need to target particular special interest visitors.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Limitation Of The Study Guide Essay
Identifying limitations, and explaining how important they are There are many possible limitations that your research may have faced. However, is not necessary for you to discuss all of these limitations in your Research Limitations section. After all, you are not writing a 2000 word critical review of the limitations of your dissertation, just a 200-500 word critique that is only one section long (i.e., the Research Limitationssection within your Conclusions chapter). Therefore, in this first announcing move, we would recommend that you identify only those limitations that had the greatest potential impact on: (a) the quality of your findings; and (b) your ability to effectively answer your research questions and/or hypotheses. We use the word potential impact because we often do not know the degree to which different factors limited our findings or our ability to effectively answer our research questions and/or hypotheses. For example, we know that when adopting a quantitative research design, a failure to use a probability sampling technique significantly limits our ability to make broader generalisations from our results (i.e., our ability to make statistical inferences from our sample to the population being studied). However, the degree to which this reduces the quality of our findings is a matter of debate. Also, whilst the lack of a probability sampling technique when using a quantitative research design is a very obvious example of a research limitation, other limitations are far less clear. Therefore, the key point is to focus on those limitations that you feel had the greatest impact on your findings, as well as your ability to effectively answer your research questions and/or hypotheses. Overall, the announcing move should be around 10-20% of the total word count of the Research Limitations section. THE REFLECTING MOVE Explaining the nature of the limitations and justifying the choices you made Having identified the most important limitations to your dissertation in the announcing move, the reflecting move focuses on explaining the nature of these limitations and justifying the choices that you made during the research process. This part should be around 60-70% of the total word count of the Research Limitations section. It is important to remember at this stage that all research suffers from limitations, whether it is performed by undergraduate and master’s level dissertation students, or seasoned academics. Acknowledging such limitations should not be viewed as a weakness, highlighting to the person marking your work the reasons why you should receive a lower grade. Instead, the reader is more likely to accept that you recognise the limitations of your own research if you write a high quality reflecting move. This is because explaining the limitations of your research and justifying the choices you made during the dissertation process demonstrates the command that you had over your research. We talk about explaining the nature of the limitations in your dissertation because such limitations are highly research specific. Let’s take the example of potential limitations to your sampling strategy. Whilst you may have a number of potential limitations in sampling strategy, let’s focus on the lack of probability sampling; that is, of all the different types of sampling technique that you could have used [see Types of probability sampling and Types of non-probability sampling], you choose not to use a probability sampling technique (e.g., simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified random sampling). As mentioned, if you used a quantitative research design in your dissertation, the lack of probability sampling is an important, obvious limitation to your research. This is because it prevents you from making generalisations about the population you are studying (e.g. Facebook usage at a single university of 20,000 students) from the data you have collected (e.g., a survey of 400 students at the same university). Since an important component of quantitative research is such generalisation, this is a clear limitation. However, the lack of a probability sampling technique is not viewed as a limitation if you used a qualitative research design. In qualitative research designs, a non-probability sampling technique is typically selected over a probability sampling technique. And this is just part of the puzzle? Even if you used a quantitative research design, but failed to employ a probability sampling technique, there are still many perfectly justifiable reasons why you could have made such a choice. For example, it may have been impossible (or near on impossible) to get a list of the population you were studying (e.g., a list of all the 20,000 students at the single university you were interested in). Since probability sampling is only possible when we have such a list, the lack of such a list or inability to attain such a list is a perfectly justifiable reason for not using a probability sampling technique; even if such a technique is the ideal. As such, the purpose of all the guides we have written on research limitations is to help you: (a) explain the nature of the limitations in your dissertation; and (b) justify the choices you made. In helping you to justifying the choices that you made, these articles explain not only when something is, in theory, an obvious limitation, but how, in practice, such a limitation was not necessarily so damaging to the quality of your dissertation. This should significantly strengthen the quality of your Research Limitations section. THE FORWARD LOOKING MOVE Suggesting how such limitations could be overcome in future Finally, the forward looking move builds on the reflecting move by suggesting how the limitations you have discuss could be overcome through future research. Whilst a lot could be written in this part of the Research Limitations section, we would recommend that it is only around 10-20% of the total word count for this section. Limitations Limitations of a dissertation are potential weaknesses in your study that are mostly out of your control, given limited funding, choice of research design, statistical model constraints, or other factors. In addition, a limitation is a restriction on your study that cannot be reasonably dismissed and can affect your design and results. Do not worry about limitations because limitations affect virtually all research projects, as well as most things in life. Even when you are going to your favorite restaurant, you are limited by the menu choices. If you went to a restaurant that had a menu that you were craving, you might not receive the service, price, or location that makes you enjoy your favorite restaurant. If you studied participants’ responses to a survey, you might be limited in your abilities to gain the exact type or geographic scope of participants you wanted. The people whom you managed to get to take your survey may not truly be a random sample, which is also a limit ation. If you used a common test for data findings, your results are limited by the reliability of the test. If your study was limited to a certain amount of time, your results are affected by the operations of society during that time period (e.g., economy, social trends). It is important for you to remember that limitations of a dissertation are often not something that can be solved by the researcher. Also, remember that whatever limits you also limits other researchers, whether they are the largest medical research companies or consumer habits corporations. Certain kinds of limitations are often associated with the analytical approach you take in your research, too. For example, some qualitative methods like heuristics or phenomenology do not lend themselves well to replicability. Also, most of the commonly used quantitative statistical models can only determine correlation, but not causation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Strategic Marketing Management of Nintendo Assignment
Strategic Marketing Management of Nintendo - Assignment Example Furthermore, members of this club have access to limited edition products that are not available to non members. Finally, the company sells video games that are segmented by games for Nintendo Wii, Wii U, DS and 3DS. Although majority of the games are sold through retailers, some are available for download on the company’s e-shop website. Current market/s including customer behavior issues, demand and trends The company uses differentiated positioning for its offerings. While the company has historically targeted the segment of gamers, it has recently shifted its attention to incorporate non-gamers. This segment comprises of families, women as well as individuals who are ‘not’ hard-core gamers. In other words, Nintendo now targets individuals who want quick-fix gaming solutions in addition to serious gamers (MaRS, 2012). This has been matched by a shift in the company’s value proposition which has evolved from the delivery of intensely realistic gaming expe riences to providing fun-filled family entertainment. The company soon realized the changing customer demographics and saw a large potential in the market for women and pensioners. As of 2010, Wii was presented by 90% of primary console female players (ESRB, 2010). Overall, women account for 40% of video game players (ESRB, 2010). This has opened up new markets for Nintendo, thereby reducing reliance on the market for hard-core gamers which has become highly competitive. While price and performance plays a key role in determining customer response to the company’s products, emotional attachment to the product is just as important in order to capture customer value. Furthermore, the company’s use... The researcher of this essay focuses on the analysis of the current business products and product lines that the Nintendo uses to gain benefits today. Nintendo seems to have used the latter with majority of its products carrying the â€Å"Nintendo†label. The product lines include the Nintendo Wii U, Wii, Nintendo 3DS as well as services such as Club Nintendo and Video Games. The Nintendo Wii comprises is a hardware – game box that is motion controlled and allows users to play games on it. The researcher presents tdifferent products of the company and states that the company also sells video games, that are segmented by games for Nintendo Wii, Wii U, DS and 3DS. Although majority of the games are sold through retailers, some are available for download on the company’s e-shop website. Current markets including customer behavior issues, demand and trends are later discussed in the essay. The researcher also describes how the Nintendo company uses differentiated pos itioning for its offerings, where price and performance plays a key role in determining customer response. Nintendo outsources its production, that is, it makes limited term contracts with various companies that manufacture its products in their factories. This is because the company had initiated a blue ocean strategy whereby it attempted at broadening its customer base. The researcher then concluds that Nintendo can capitalize on its core competency of being the pioneer in the video gaming industry - a competency which is both valuable and rare.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Discuss the reforms made by SCAP and their legac Essay
Discuss the reforms made by SCAP and their legac - Essay Example At the same time, the demilitarization issue became so controversial because; despite the fact that military empowerment was banned by Article 9 of the constitution, Japan continued to sustain a strong military budget (Buckley 4). The reforms not only demilitarized Japan but also aimed to enhance democracy and the rule of law in the country. They influenced Japan to shift away from the Meiji Constitution and the Prewar forces and policies. An important pillar of the reforms was the introduction of the initiative that sovereignty comes from the citizens because it eliminates the higher privilege of autocracy. At the same time, the reforms aimed to protect the rights of women. The latter gave the Japanese women the power to vote. The endorsement of clause 9 of the constitution by the reforms helped to prevent Japan from becoming a violent military power. However, the United States later pressurized Japan to rebuilt its military power for self-defense against other outside ideologies such as communism in other parts of the world, including Asia. This came soon after the Korean War and the Chinese Civil War. During the war in Korea, the US military forces withdrew from Japan. This left the country almost defenseless. A national police reserve was also created that was armed with massive weaponry equivalent to the army. The reforms also led to the formation of the Japan Self-defense Forces that acted as an extension of the police force. Another reform was liberalization. The priorities of the US towards Japan gradually shifted from the liberal policies to a change in the political stability as well as economic recovery. Democratization and demilitarization lost their momentum and seemed to stall. For example, economic decentralization was uncompleted as the country responded to new imperatives. The US also encouraged industrial policies and business activities that have now become sources of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Case Brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Case Brief - Essay Example She was also expected to reserve $ 200.00 every month for taxes and pay-- collecting the rents, paying for the net rentals towards the mortgage debt. However, On November 29, 1938, the mortgagee threatened foreclosure of the property after the reorganization of the interest grew to $ 15,857.71. Mrs. Crane, therefore, decided to sell it to a third party for $ 3,000.00 cash and paid $ 500.00 expenses of sale. She reported a taxable increment of $ 1,250.00. She argued that her property acquired from 1932-1938 was only the equity. She claimed that the equity was of zero worth when she acquired it. No depreciation could be taken on a zero value. Secondly, neither she nor her vendee ever assumed the debt; therefore, upon selling the equity, the amount she realized on the sale was $ 2,500.00. Nonetheless, he Commissioner determined that petitioner realized a net taxable gain of $ 23,767.03. He argued that, in addition to the net cash accounted by the petitioner, the amount realized should a lso contain the standard amount of the mortgage of $250,000 when sold. Issues: First, how the gain or loss on the sale of a physical property acquired by bequest subject is determined. Secondly, how the amount realized on the sale of a physical property is calculated and lastly, whether there are any depreciation allowances from the value of a property at the time of gaining. Analysis: The tax court first established the selling price comprised of the land and the building although the building is not a â€Å"capital asset†. The whole gain should, therefore, be taxed after the adjustments of the property were and tear has been made, under  §113 (a). The first question, the court determined that, under section  § 113 (a) (5), unadjusted basis for determining loss or gain on sale of a physical property. Mrs. Crane should determine her property value undiminished by the amount of the mortgage. In the second question, under  § 111 (b), the "amount realized" is calculated as the
The Goals of the U. S. Defence Department Network Essay
The Goals of the U. S. Defence Department Network - Essay Example The telegraph, radio, and telephone, which were the most commonly used medium of communication the past have been shadowed by the internet. The popularity of the internet has increased so much that it has become a worldwide network that has the capabilities to connect individuals via mobile/computer/smartphones/etc., irrespective of geographic constraints (Odlyzko, 2000, pp.31-56). The growth of internet can be attributed five major factors namely, technology, social, political, academic and commercial. The Internet has evolved into a widespread information infrastructure but if one traces back its history it will be revealed that its origin is very controversial and complicated. Further, there are many factors that contributed its growth over the years including political, technology, academic, social and commercial. The objective of this study is to critically evaluate the factors that contributed to the growth of internet that consequently led to the development of e-commerce a s a new business practice. In the late 1950s, ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) was formed in the United States whose primary aims was to develop technologies that could endure any nuclear attack. A meeting between the private sector contractors, ARPA university with the representatives of US DOD (Department of Defence) in the year 1967 determined the possible protocols to be used when information exchange would take place via computers. This lead to the development of ARPANET in the year 1969. This network initially connected four sites – Stanford Research Institute, the University of California (in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara), and University of Utah. Most of the 70’s were dedicated by researchers to the development of protocols for moving messages across the system of networks, controlling network connections and also allowing remote access to networks.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Health Promotion Package for Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Health Promotion Package for Diabetes - Essay Example Health promotion can take varied forms, depending on the concerned groups or individuals. Different constructs of health and well-being exist. In the context of Edna, various constructs are applicable in enhancing her well-being and health status. The constructs are multi-perspective and addresses various health concerns highlighted in the case study. Most relevant constructs includes; Social model theory of health promotion remains addressed from different perspective. It does not focus on medical profession domain alone. The social model does not entirely rely on the medical model on addressing various health issues. A multi-perspective approach that includes all the individual experiences and defined places are taken into consideration in this approach. Principally, there is a correlation dynamic interaction between the social structures and the concerned human agency. In addressing the medical conditions of Edna, a multi-perspective social model can find use in efficiently remedying her health concerns. Psychological model differs from medical model from the test that confirms and qualify an individual as sick. While the medical model may require an independent test to determine a medical condition, psychological model relies mostly on the psychological examinations that do not involve medical tests. For the case of Edna, psychological therapy may help relieve conditions such as stress due to death of the husband. Psychological model relies more on the subjective manifestation of the condition rather than the objective determinants of a given condition. Medical model of disease management utilizes the scientific theories and doctor patient relationship in managing a disease condition. Independent objective test are carried to determine specific condition affecting an individual. The medical models rely on the use of medicine in the management of health. For the case of Edna, medical
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Great Leader assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Great Leader assignment - Essay Example Lincoln was idealistic yet practical. Abraham Lincoln’s great skills in leadership showed in all his endeavors even as a member of the House of Representatives. As a great leader, Abraham Lincoln showed pure resolve when he decided that America should free all the slaves and save the Union. In the same way that America’s Founding Fathers did almost a hundred years before his time, Lincoln made a decision to free the people once more. In 1837, even before becoming president, Lincoln had already made it clear that he was against slavery. In 1856, he even expressed opposition towards former President Franklin Pierce when the latter allowed Nebraska and Kansas to choose for themselves whether or not to adopt slavery. His led the opposition to slavery even when he was still a member of the House of Representatives. Moreover, despite his strong involvement in the slavery issue, Lincoln helped to pass bills that modernized the economy in the Pre-Civil War era, with bills that promoted the constructions of canals, banks and railroads, and those that regulated tariffs (â€Å"Abraham Lincoln,†, 2014). Although Lincoln was fighting against slavery when he was still a Congressman, he knew he would be more useful if he applied himself to practical aspects of the economy such as infrastructure. As a leader, Lincoln had the resolve and determination. When he became President, Lincoln’s skills in leadership were put to a great test and one which he passed with the victory of the Union during the Civil War. Even at the expense of around 24,000 American soldiers, Lincoln’s leadership showed in his great moral resolve to free the slaves at any cost. The election of Jefferson Davis to the newly founded Confederacy was the blatant response of the South to Lincoln’s election to the presidency. Thus, in order not only to free the slaves but to save the Union and the integrity of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Children with Autism and School Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Children with Autism and School - Research Paper Example with autism should be mainstreamed in the general population of students in the school or if they should remain in specialized programs that meet their needs. On one side of the debate, people feel that autistic students in public schools will be distracting, slowing down the progress of the other students. On the other hand, others believe that by being in public school settings and being subjected to students that display proper education behavior, autistic students will be influenced by them to respond in the same way, thus learning some form or other of socialization and communication skills. The biggest controversy about allowing autistic children into public schools is that they do not possess the behavior to be around others, especially in an educational environment. Depending on the kind of autism that a child has, they are usually unable to socialize and communicate with others, oftentimes withdrawing into themselves and being entirely unaware of other people around them; sometimes this includes situations, which can be potentially harmful to the autistic child, as well as others. People are unable to hold the attention of an autistic child for even the smallest bit of time. Due to this lack of attention towards others and being unable to learn the proper techniques to do so, autistic children often have a difficult time in communicating their needs or intentions to others. Their inability to communicate properly can cause disruptions that can effect the attention and learning of other students if they were placed in the general population of students in schools. Furthermore, given their inability to communicate, an autistic child placed in the mainstream of a public school will have great difficulty in paying attention to their lessons, therefore making it almost futile for them to be in that class. Teachers will be unable to accommodate for both autistic and mainstream students; indeed, teachers would need special training to prepare them for teaching
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Persuasive Analysis Animal Tesing Essay Example for Free
Persuasive Analysis Animal Tesing Essay For centuries animals have been experimented on for human benefits. People tend to forget that millions of animals are being tortured and even killed during the process of these extremely painful experiments. There are many other, more humane ways to test products that do not result in animals being harmed. For years now millions of helpless animals are suffering for our benefits. It is not fair for these harmless animals to live their entire lives in agony. Bleeding, blindness, liver problems, and ulceration, these are just some of the serious side effects of animal testing. The animals go through days and days of painful experiments, only to result in their deaths. About 50% of the animals used in these experiments die within the first two weeks and only 31% of those are euthanized to stop their suffering. â€Å"Beauty is pain†is a phrase that is commonly heard. But this saying has a whole new meaning in cosmetic testing labs where animals are being tested on all around the globe. Most women do not think twice when buying a cosmetic product. When girls put on their mascara in the morning I doubt they wonder â€Å"which animal suffered to make this?†The truth that no one wants to face is that the human race is extremely selfish. Are cosmetic products that important that we need to kill innocent animals just so we can safely wear them? Testing cosmetics on animals is not necessary. There are many others ways to test products that would not result in animals being harmed. Technology has become so advanced; scientists could run their tests through computers instead of testing on animals. The way in which animals and humans react to their environments, both physiologically and behaviorally, can be drastically different compared to humans. Animals have smaller blood vessels than humans that are distributed differently throughout their bodies. Makes you wonder why scientists in the testing labs bother testing on animals in the first place. Animals are living creatures that are experimented on against their free will. When will this animal cruelty stop? It is no different than someone beating their dog, and they get charged in caught.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Shabbat To The Jewish People
The Shabbat To The Jewish People For thousands of years, millions of Jews/Hebrews around the world live according to the Jewish Law. Jewish and some non-Jews believe G-d created the world in six days and G-d took the seventh day to rest and reflect on his creation (Exodus 20:11). What is the importance of the Shabbat to the Jewish people, what are some of the symbolic items used during the Holy Day which starts at sundown the night before? The symbolic of the word Shabbat was given to this day because the root of the word Shin-Beit-Tav, meaning to come to an end or to rest. Shabbat is the only day mentioned in the commandments therefore it is the most important of all the holy days ( While the word shamor, means to observe however the word observe has a different cogitations to the Orthodox Jews, then to the Reformed Jews or Conservative Jews. Generally there are variations amongst the different Jewish communities but for the most part the traditional Jewish lethargy is the same. The Orthodox Jews are the more restrictive and will walk two to and from their place of worship while reformed Jews are likely to drive. It is also customary Orthodox men and women to sit separately to allow for the focus on prayer, while in the Conservative and Reformed synagogues the focus is on family, which prays together. My wife and I while traveling to Athens, Greece on our honeymoon attended Friday Evening Sabbath services at Beth Shalom Synagogue. The Temple was constructed in 1930 and is extremely Orthodox. We had no prior knowledge but the usher whom spoke no English, pointed upstairs to my wife and the main floor for me. Like the Hebrews in ancient times, many religions of the Verdic period and the Roman Catholic faiths only Men are Priests. Perhaps traditions and rituals of the past have symbolic meaning but have not changed all that much? The Conservative and Reformed Jewish movement has already crossed this bridge and my research paper will be written from a conservative to reform traditional Jewish approach. My Wife, Kids and I frequent Temple Beth Elle in Boca Raton where my relatives are members. Its not unheard of to see more than one Rabbi in a synagogue but is unheard of to see a template with three full time Rabbis two of which are women. In addition they have a female cantor soloist that makes for a beautiful service. The second candle is lit the welcoming of the Sabbath begins. The welcoming is also known as the Kabbalat Shabbat and is the first of two very short services. Several Psalms are recited such as the Lchah dodi, which is the greeting of the Sabbath Bride. The Psalm is beautiful both in lethargy and the Hebrew melody. My beloved, come to greet the bride; let us receive the Sabbath. The Pslams translation is as follows The only God caused us to hear keep and remember in one utterance; the Eternal is One and Gods name is One, for honor and glory and praise. Come, let us go to greet the Sabbath, which is the source of blessing. From its opening it is pouring as from the beginning; the end of Creation from the beginning of thought. Wake up! Wake up! For your light has come! Rise up my light! Awake! Awake! Sing! The Eternals glory is revealed to you! Enter in peace, O Crown of Your husband; enter in joy and exultation. Come, O Bride! Come, O Bride! To the faithful people of the treasured nat ion. The last prayer, the mourners Kaddish, which is referred to as saying Kaddish and is for those that, have recently lost a loved one(s). The mourners Kaddish does not refer to death at all. The Kaddish is a prayer to praise of G-d in Gods name. The prayers main idea goes back to ancient times and is reflected a similar lethargy of the Christians Lords Prayer ( The Barchu prayer, meaning to Praise God, the Exalted One starts the Evening Shabbat Services. Two short prayers are recited before the most important prayer the Shema, which means Hear, Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One. The Shema affirms G-ds unity and is often said several times throughout the day but most notability when you wake and before bed. The second paragraph of he Shema is also recited followed by three short prayers, then comes the Amidah, a series of 7 blessings which talks about the Avot The Ancestors, Gevurot The Devine Power, Kedushah G-ds holiness, again the blessing of the Shabbat, Avodah The Sacrificial worship, Hodaah The Thanksgiving and Shalom The prayer for peace. Several more prayers complete the evening service including the silent prayer, which is usually last for a few minutes to give everyone a time for a personal prayer. The Mourners Kaddish said a second time followed by one of two medieval poems Adon Olam, meaning, Before creation shaped the world, God, eternal, reigned alone or my personal favorite, Yigdal meaning, Revere the living G-d. The poem has always had a great tune and I have always felt something spiritual to the Yigdal prayer. While reading the comments written by R. Eliesers I have learned the Yigdal poem is a poetic variation of Maimonides thirteen principles of faith ( Meaning summarizes the required beliefs of Judaism. It is also the name of a hospital in Brooklyn where my Grandmother had passed on. Now I understand why I felt so connected to the Yigdal and what a great way to end the service reaffirming my beliefs. The festive meal awaits, the Kiddish, which is an overflowing glass of wine or grape juice is said. The overflowing reminds us of the fullness of joy that we have in the Shabbat. We proceed to wash our hands with a short prayer and finally the blessing of the Challah, called the Ha-Motzi or just the Motzi for short. Symbolically, two Chalot are used for the reason during the time in Egypt on Fridays a double portion of Manna fell from the heavens. The prayer is as follows: Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe who brings forth bread from the earth. (Amen). Many years ago my wife and I befriended an Israeli couple and adopted the dipping of the Challah into sea salt. Not understanding why, we looked it looked it up and found sea salt never spoils or decays, therefore, it is symbolic of our eternal covenant with G-d ( Finally, the festive meal begins filled with an evening of singing, laughing, rejoicing with family before repairing to bed. Around 9:00am Saturday morning Jews begin to congregate to synagogue also called Shul. The adult men are required to place a Yamaka and a Tallit which both sanctifies a personal space between you and g-d. The Shacharit service begins; the Torah is taken from the Ark and a series of selections are read which are based on the past weeks teaching. The Torah is written with no vowels and is difficult to read even by most skilled Torah readers. It is so important two proof readers called biguys follow along carefully to ensure its accuracy. The Hoftorah is recited, which many Jews like I ask why the Hoftorah is read when its reading are linked to the same torah portion. My understanding is during a period of time Jews were forbidden from reading the Torah and the Hoftorah was a substitute. The Hoftorah reading had continued although the Torah was once again allowed to be read. The Ashrei prayer is repeated and the Torah scroll is returned to the Ark again in a care but accurate procession. Usually, the Rabbi will offer a weekly spiritual sermon, something that is related to the weekly Torah portion. The liturgy in the Musaf service has been changed, identifying the State of Israel as the Jewish homeland, but recognizing the Temple only as historical and not as a structure that will one day be restored (Wikipedia find other source). The Musaf service also includes the Amidah and it follows the same service read Friday evening. The Mincha begins; the second Torah is removed from the Ark using the same procession as the first. The first portion of the upcoming weeks Torah is read and the Torah is returned to the Ark. By the time birkat ha-mazon is done, it is about 2PM. The family studies Torah for a while, talks, takes an afternoon walk, plays some checkers, or engages in other leisure activities. A short afternoon nap is not uncommon. It is traditional to have a third meal before Shabbat is over. This is usually a light meal in the late afternoon. Shabbat ends at nightfall, when three stars are visible, approximately 40 minutes after sunset. At the conclusion of Shabbat, the family performs a concluding ritual called Havdalah separation, division). Blessings are recited over wine, spices and candles. Then a blessing is recited regarding the division between the sacred and the secular, between Shabbat and the working days. As you can see, Shabbat is a very full day when it is properly observed, and very relaxing. You really dont miss being unable to turn on the TV, drive a car or go shopping. Cersus the Christian point of view as a day of prayer much different then that of the Jewish faith. While the following day for morning services. For everyone Simcha, I assure you the oldest grandparent will also do the Mostzi regardless of how shaky their hand is. What does Shabbat mean to me and why is it after all these years I dont consider the things I do on Saturday as working My Grandmother Ida, may she be rested and Im sure she would be very proud to know that we continue to use her candle stick holders each Friday night as she did for some seventy plus years Do not get me wrong here there are variations amongst the different Jewish communities but for the most part the traditional Jewish liturgy are the same and are sung or chanted with traditional melodies.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
My Father Was a Paradox Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about my fa
I'll miss my father, I already miss him, greatly... I'll miss his stories, his laughter, the fire of his opinions, and especially the quiet strength of him. Yet, I think it's one of the truths of the world that the people we miss the most are also the ones that we can't miss, because we carry so much of them with us. My father was something of a paradox. On the one hand he stands out in my mind for his stories, his wit, and the fire of his opinions. Anyone who's argued with him, and that's quite a few of us, knew that he had strong opinions and argued them with zeal. On the other hand, at the same time, he was a quiet man, who kept a lot of what he felt on the inside, someone who taught more by example than by lecture. Did he believe that there was something for us after death? I don't really know. I asked him about God and the after life years ago. He explained to me what agnosticism meant to him, that you could never really know, a... ...ver really miss him. He's in everything I do, and everything I am. If you ever need a story about him just ask... Or hang around a bit, they burst out on their own. One of the last full sentences he ever said to me was that he ought to go off and "set old Bill Shakespeare right on a few things." Somehow, I expect that Bill's now learning what a lot of us know, what an experience it is to know my father. And his stories will never be the same again.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Ultimate Fulfillment in Mans Fate by Andre Malraux Essay -- Mans
The Ultimate Fulfillment in Man's Fate       In Man's Fate, Andre Malraux examines the compelling forces that lead individuals to join a greater cause. Forced into a life of contempt, Ch'en portrays the man of action in the early phases of the Chinese Revolution. He dedicates himself to the communist cause. It is something greater than himself, a phenomenal concept that he has fused into. It is something for which he will give his life. How did this devotion come about? A combination of his personality, his interior life, as well as society's influence, molded him into a terrorist. Ch'en is self-destructive; he is controlled by his religion of terrorism and his fascination with death. He is representative of the dedicated soldier who begins as a "sacrificial priest" (4) and ends as a martyr. After all, the ideologies of communism and terrorism were practically a religion to those involved in the revolution.  An examination of Ch'en's past gives us an idea of how he formed his beliefs, and fell into a state of isolation. At an early age, his parents were murdered in the pillage of Kalagan. In addition, at age twenty-four, his uncle was taken hostage and killed because he couldn't afford the ransom, and with no wife or children he was severed from any attachment to a family. He was practically brought up by pastor Smithson, representative of the thousands of Christians that were present in Shanghai, who gave him his Christian education. However, "[a]s he was devoid of charity, a religious calling could lead him only to contemplation or the inner life; but he hated contemplation and would only have dreamt of an apostleship, for which precisely his absence of charity disqualified him" (64).  Thus, he was u... ...reams which take possession of us because we give them force, but which we can just as easily deny" (180). This is further reinforced by Ch'en's idea that "In the last hour I have felt nothing of what used to weigh on me" (192). Ch'en is the terrorist for the insurrection. His faith had isolated himself from the world instead of submitting to it. We have a personal need for connection, Ch'en is isolated until the end, when all differences are subsumed. Communism gives a sense of escaping isolation. For under this ideology there is a personal connection and a feeling of equality. It is the ultimate fulfillment to live his idea, and more importantly to die for his cause - a cause that is much greater than the individual.  In the end Ch'en becomes the bomb. Bibliography  Malraux, Andre. Man's Fate: La Condition Humaine. New York: Vintage Books. 1990
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Effects of Industrialization on Norway’s Economy, Environment and P
The Effects of Industrialization on Norway’s Economy, Environment and Population Up until the beginning of the twentieth century, Norwegians were primarily fisherman and farmers. The fishing industry has been the basis of life and culture in Norway for hundreds of years. The fishing industry is still very important in Norway, however the discovery of oil in the North Sea has had a huge impact on the Norwegian economy and culture. Oil discoveries in the North Sea have made Norway a wealthy nation. Since the discovery of oil, Norway has become a highly industrialized country. Today, Norway has become very modern and technologically advanced. Industrialization is defined as, â€Å" To develop industry in (a country or society, for example)†. [30] The industry that is primarily being developed in Norway is oil. This industrialization has not only effected Norway’s economy but also its population and environment. Industry has brought a lot of jobs to Norway and many Norwegians are moving to Norway’s urban areas to be close to these jobs. More than 90,000 people work in the oil industry today. Around 20,000 are shift workers on the oil and gas platforms in the North and Norwegian Seas, Norway’s two main oil and gas-producing areas.[29] Unemployment in Norway is at an all time low. Immigration to Norway has increased because of the many job opportunities that the oil industry has brought to Norway. In my paper I will talk about the many ways in which industrialization has impacted Norway’s economy, population and environment. I think this is relevant to the class because it will entail discussions on immigration, economy, and population. Norway’s population grew more rapidly during the 19th century than during any oth... ...l obal+%2Bwarming+%2Bnorway&oq=&url=http%3A// =The+Carbon+Bomb%3A+Climate+Change+and+the+Fate+of+the+Northern+Boreal+F orests&top=1486 [23] Greenpeace .org [24] UDI [25] A Place in the World Edited by Doreen Massey and Pat Jess [26] ion= [27] Conde Nast Traveler [28] Contemporary Review Magazine, May 1997,5744,239651,00.html?query=epz%2 0manufacturing [29] ODIN [30]
All for Love Essay
A parent-child relationship involves a lot of complexities. Basically, parents are responsible to provide for their children’s needs, whether material or immaterial. They are expected to perform duties to their children in spite of personal issues they have to deal with. Conversely, for children, there is the constant struggle to win their parents’ approval. These complexities in the parent-child relationship are illustrated in Sherman Alexie‘s, â€Å"Because My Father Always Said He was the Only Indian who Saw Jimi Hendrix Played ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at Woodstock†and D. H. Lawrence’s â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner. †Analyses of the characters’ traits and motives provide a better understanding of how these complexities affect the relationship between parents and children. In addition, plot analyses help draw out a possible solution to the conflict. Told in the first person, â€Å"Because My Father Always Said He was the Only Indian who Saw Jimi Hendrix Played ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at Woostock†is a short story that talks about a father-son relationship. The son named Victor, serves as the narrator, who gives a picture of his father’s relationship with him and his mother by revealing his father’s characterâ€â€his racial ideologies, hobbies, and behavior. In his revelation, the narrator gives a lighthearted view of the conflict zeroing on his father’s irresponsible behavior. Citing his father’s claim that he was the only Indian who watched Jimi Hendrix play the national anthem, the son establishes his father’s uniqueness and at the same time, his hippie attitude. Likewise, his father’s appearance to famous magazines as he knocks down an officer in defense of his political ideologies, illustrates the father’s aggressive and violent nature. Moreover, the accident the father suffers from while riding a motorcycle demonstrates his adventurousness. In sum, these descriptions show signs of the father’s irresponsible behavior, the wrong decisions he makes throughout his life. Particularly, the claim he makes regarding the concert of Jimi Hendrix demonstrates the tendency of the father to create and amuse himself with lies. Moreover, as Victor implies, his father is preoccupied with his own ambition and adventures, and he covers up his shortcomings by telling stories, and attributing his life-long search for meaning to his cultural origins. The father reasons out that his being an Indian affects him to behave the way he does. He uses his cultural origin to justify his weaknesses as a father, his obsession for music, and his erratic behavior. Parenting proves to be a difficult task for the father, mainly because of his confinement to his own affairs, his irresponsible nature. His attempt to establish individuality makes him unable to perform his obligations to his family. His acts of merrymaking with his friends and continuous search for adventures show his unpreparedness and incapability to fulfill his role as a husband and father. The difficulty of becoming a good parent is likewise tackled in D. H. Lawrence’s story. However, unlike the personal issues that the father deals with in Alexie’s story, the conflict is associated with the mother’s materialist disposition. Due to the extravagant life she is used to, the mother always feels the need of the family to produce more money. Even the house is personified as someone who whispers, â€Å"There should be more money. †Hence, the mother is always preoccupied with the thought of finding money, or as she tells her son, to being â€Å"lucky. †The excessive materialism of the mother causes her to feel indifferent towards her children. The narrator states that deep inside, â€Å"she knew that at the centre of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody. †This indifference is what Marx (111) refers to as â€Å"alienation†in his â€Å"Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. †In simple terms, Marx implies that as people’s material needs grow, the need to produce money and to work becomes greater. In this process, workers or proletarians such as the mother soon lose control of their lives and their selves, just as they lose control of their work. Although the mother in the story is not characterized as a usual worker, her materialist needs make her a victim of the materialistic society in which she belongs. Considering this, the alienation she experiences is one that dehumanizes her, and disables her to establish emotional connection with her children. Considering the mother’s attitude of living beyond their means, the story closely mirrors Veblen’s (â€Å"The Theory of the Leisure Class†) view of the consumerist world. As the author claims, the consumerist equate personal happiness with consumption and the purchase of material things. In his â€Å"Theory of the Leisure Class,†the author discusses that people waste money and resources in order to display a higher status than others. In the story, the family â€Å"lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants. †Although they cannot afford such luxury, the parents maintain a high standard of living in order to feel superior to their neighbors. Acknowledging the need to produce more money, the mother works â€Å"secretly†in town, designing dresses for women. Even this effort of the mother reflects her consumerist attitude. As Veblen views, for the consumerist, the woman’s role is limited to that of a housewife, as this would show off a man’s success. In the story, the wife works secretly in order to pretend that the family has enough means support their needs. As Veblen proposes, by not allowing the wives to take outside professions, a man could show off his economic status, although in the story, these are all a facade invented by the mother. Like the father in Alexie’s story, whose individuality seems to come first before all aspects in the world, the mother possesses a selfish attitude, which considers everything alright as long as her material needs are met. This submission to material things illustrates nothing but her selfishness. According to Stebbins (82-83) â€Å"the person who has the least interest in continuing the relationship normally possesses the greater power and is most liable to resort to exploitative behavior. †In the two stories, we see the parents as those who are less interested to continue their relationship with their children. In â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,†the selfishness of the mother is best reflected in her request to withdraw the full amount that Paul secretly endows her. Although the mother uses the money to provide better education to her children, these are all due to her pride, her ambition to be regarded as superior to their neighbors. Moreover, her disinterest to find out whoever bequeaths her the big sum proves her ingratitude and materialist disposition. Furthermore, her insensitivity to her son’s condition, the fact that the three collaborators, the son, the uncle, and the servant are able to continue their deals without the knowledge of the family, provides a more lucid proof of the selfish nature of the mother. As the story relates, the selfish behavior of the mother drives the son to eagerly and desperately please her. Snodgrass (191) offers Freudian analyses of Paul’s character, claiming that the son’s effort to win his mother’s affection is Oedipal in nature. However, one may note that there is no established feud between Paul and his father. In fact, not much is said about the father; therefore, this claim cannot be fully established. Nevertheless, through the selfishness of the mother, one may see why the son becomes obsessed in the betting game. Ultimately, it is the mother’s materialistic ambition that drives the son to engage in the betting habit. It is also that, which leads him later to lose his senses. It can be noted that during their conversation, when Paul inquires about luck, the mother points out, â€Å"It’s what causes you to have money. If you’re lucky you have money. That’s why it’s better to be born lucky than rich. If you’re rich, you may lose your money. But if you’re lucky, you will always get more money. †This statement makes the son realize the importance of money and luck. As the mother equates luck with having money, the son struggles to find luck in order to please his mother. As the narrator reveals, the children in the house feel the indifference in the look of their mother. Thus, Paul, imbued by a son’s inherent desire to gain approval and be loved, forces himself to be lucky. More than the competition that some critics establish between the father and the son, it is the son’s emotional needs that move him to create something to please the mother. The same need for affection and approval motivates Victor. As he illustrates the sacrifices he and his mother bear just to please his father, one gets the notion of a one-way relationship where the father is at most on the advantage. The attention Victor gives his father justifies this notion. Specifically, his effort to listen and learn his father’s music, the acquired love for Jimi Hendrix, and the mere belief that his father was the only Indian who watched Hendrix’s performance of the â€Å"Star-Spangled Banner†attest to the son’s struggle to win his father’s affection, and to keep the bond between them. The problem of winning their parents’ affection is very visible in the two stories. Although this issue may look petty for some, it is revealed to be a serious issue in the two stories, especially â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner. †As the story shows, this conflict is what makes Paul go insane, rocking his toy horse unceasingly until it gives him the idea of who will win the race. At first, one can imagine that the habit of the son may just be a simple game he plays, but at the end, as the mother witnesses his son rocks his toy horse like a madman in the middle of the night, one can sense the psychological damage that results from the child’s longing for his mother’s love. The behavior and illness that the son shows at the end demonstrate the psychological damage he undergoes. Particularly, as the races draw near, the child develops some anxiety to come up with a forecast of who will win the race. As he already loses in the first two races, his anxiety grows worse, realizing that he has only one chance left to win during the season. As such, the simple anxiety then grows worse into a General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), affecting his whole system, making him unable to sleep and eat, gain consciousness, or in other words, continue with his normal life. In addition to GAD, psychologists may also agree that Paul develops psychological gambling. According to Franklin (Psychology Information Online), psychological gambling is an â€Å"impulse control problem which consists in persistent maladaptive gambling that creates serious life problems for the individual. †It is different from recreational gambling in that it affects seriously the way one lives, suggesting failure to function normally as an individual. As the story portrays, Paul seemingly lose his senses as he rocks his toy horse in the middle of the night. He also shows abnormal behavior as he repeats, â€Å"Malabar,†the name of the horse that will win the final race.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Reconstruction 1965-77 a false dawn for African-American Civil Rights Essay
To what Degree was Reconstruction 1965-77 a false dawn for African-American civil Rights? After the end of the civil war, there were many issues which needed to be addressed. The civil rights of the African American’s were in need of change, and during this period there were hopes that new legislation would be implemented to aid African Americans and other minority groups. This legislation would be called the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the 14th Amendment of 1868 (which promised equality), and finally the 15th Amendment (which gave the right to vote). However, despite the positive legislation, reconstruction aggravated a lot of people and brought the southern states into conflict with the Government. The Freedmen’s Bureau was established in 1865, which aimed to provide food, clothing, and fuel to formal slaves and white refugees. The Freedmen’s Bureau bill was also passed by Abraham Lincoln; however Johnson vetoed it, however a supplementary act extended its existence until 1870. This was very good for black rights, as it gave blacks more protection and a safety net if they were too poor to buy food and support their families. However, it was only meant as a temporary act, and therefore there was always the looming feeling that it would soon come to an end, and also the promises of it were not fulfilled to the extent at which it was said to be. The Amendments which were introduced also gave black people a real hope in gaining independence and freedom. The 13th amendment was introduced in 1865, and this guaranteed the permanent abolishment of slavery. The emancipation proclamation which was introduced by Abraham Lincoln was seen as more of a temporary fix whilst the war was going on, however the 13th amendment solidified it and made it a more permanent and clear reality. â€Å"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.†However, although by law it states that there shall be no slavery, slavery continued on a more hidden basis. Sharecropping still existed, and freedmen who had come out of slavery with no qualifications or experience became unemployed, so the living conditions for most freedmen did not improve. Slave-owners were also reluctant to let their slaves leave, and often kept them illegally. The 14th Amendment however was introduced in 1870, and this aimed to further secure the rights of the freedmen. This turned out to be one of the most important Amendments ever made to the American constitution. It threatened to reduce the representation of the states which continued to discriminate. However, a loophole in this law was that the states which continued to discriminate would just accept the unequal representation, but carry on with their discrimination, yet just not so obvious. Therefore by some, this could be seen as a false dawn, as it did address the issue of freedmen not having rights, but it also created a loophole for the southern states to take advantage of. The 15th Amendment was introduced two years later, which aimed to cover the loophole which was created by the 14th amendment. This stated: â€Å"Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude†This was a huge step forward for black civil rights, as this means that the south was not able to carry on with their discrimination against many voters, and this nullified the loophole in the law which was created by the 14th Amendment. However, more loopholes were created with this, with unattainable requirements being implemented just to be able to vote. For example, voters in some states had to be taxpayers which was not possible for freedmen, as most were not earning enough to be able to pay tax, and also literacy tests were introduced which were severely biased against black people, with questions which were completely unanswerable. Another reason why this did not entirely work was because of the uprising of the KKK. They were a terrorist group which aimed to scare black people into not voting, and to basically cause terror because they were black. They at first were not an ultra-violent group, however as time progressed they quickly became increasingly violent, as lynchings were common, and they would often target the black people who were doing well for themselves, I.E lawyers who were doing a lot for civil rights, or those who went to vote. Because of this huge suppression and hatred, a lot of black people were scared to vote and in reality voting was not a freedom for black people. Some historians would say that reconstruction it itself did not really care for the black rights, and that it was a political move to try and remain Republican power in the south. Abraham Lincoln himself did not have a clear policy for freed slaves after the Civil War, so reconstruction was not seen as a solid plan from the start, it was looking like a false dawn. â€Å"False Dawn†– â€Å"something which seems to show that a successful period is beginning or that a situation is improving when it is not.†â€Å"Reconstruction†– â€Å"The act of constructing again, of rebuilding†Bibliography – * Wikipedia * Class Notes * Civil Rights In America – Ron Field *
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Brigham and Houston Essay
1. Whenever we are interested in buying a bond from the bond market, the bond’s issuer promises to pay back the principal (or par value) when the bond matures (Brigham and Houston, 2001). During this time, the issuer is obliged to pay interest in order to compensate the use of money. The interest payment is made on coupon rate which is fixed. There is an inverse relationship between the coupon rate and the bond prices, when: †¢ Interest rate increase, leads to rise in income, whereas the price of the bond declines. †¢ Interest rate decrease, leads to decline in income, whereas the price of the bond rises. Also we need to consider that the coupon rate is inversely related to duration because higher coupon rates lead to quicker recovery of the bond’s value, resulting in a shorter duration, relative to lower coupon rates. If coupon rate is greater than the market rate then it is favourable for issuer and if coupon rate is less than the market rate then it is favourable for purchaser (Brigham and Houston, 2001). The reason behind the variations in the coupon rates of various bonds is the market interest rate; company’s performance, time length, and credit worthiness of the issuer. So, all these factors have an implication on the bond yields. 2. Ratings of these bonds are determined on the basis of both qualitative and quantitative factors some of which are listed below: †¢ If a company uses conservative accounting policies, its reported earnings will be higher than if it uses less conservative procedures. †¢ Various ratios including the debt ratio and the Times Interest Earned (TIE) ratio also have some implications on these bond ratings. †¢ If company explores any new sites containing oil, gas, coal fields etc. †¢ Increase in the company’s sales & net profit increase both domestically and internationally also uplift the bond ratings and it showed that debt holder show the confidence on the company’s policy. Bond ratings might take a downward leap when: †¢ There is a signal of bankruptcy, internal mismanagement and financial distress in the firm (Helfert, 2001). †¢ When the company does not abide by the law, i. e. it breaches the laws, this may be related to environment, etc. †¢ When the product life cycle is going downwards and company can’t add more products in their product line. †¢ Negative bond covenants also hits the bond ratings of the company. †¢ Labour unrest or strikes may cause instability in the bonds ratings. †¢ Economic recession in the country. 3. We know that whenever the interest rate rises, bond prices tend to fall, and when rates fall, bond prices tend to rise (Helfert, 2001). This primarily occurs due to the economic condition of the country and also because of the market sentiments. If the price of the bond goes down it is less attractive (pays less interest) in comparison with current offerings and when the price of the bond goes up it is more attractive (pays more interest) in comparison with current offerings. This may also be described as when the coupon rate is greater than market rate then it is favourable for issuer and if coupon rate is lesser than market rate then it is favourable for the purchaser. Some bonds are sold below par value, which means (at discount) or greater than par value, which means (at premium). This mainly occurs due to the risk perceived for the debt of that particular organization. Market interest rate fluctuations usually effect the performance of the bonds in the secondary markets. Federal bank monetary and fiscal policy, inflation rate, recession in the economy, etc are the factors that may force organizations to sell the bonds at discount or at premium. One must also consider that sale of bonds on discount or at premium also has some impact on the yield and also the maturity of the bond, the shorter a bond’s maturity, the less its duration. Bonds with higher yields also have lower durations. Also the company’s performance reflects in bond valuations, i. e. its bond ratings, bond covenants and credit worthiness etc (Helfert, 2001). 4. The yield to maturity (YTM) is a reflection of the return on investment, that is earned at the current price, incase the bond is held by the issuer to its date of maturity and redeemed at par value. In other words, YTM is the discount rate that equates the present value of future inflows from the bond equal to its present price.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Loss and Grief
What is loss? What is grief? Loss is most often equated to death but generally, â€Å"loss occurs when an event is perceived to be negative by individuals involved, and it results in long-term changes in one's social situations, relationships, or way of viewing the world and oneself†(Marriage and Family Encyclopedia 2008). One tends to experience loss in one’s lifetime. Children usually experience loss through a death of a pet or a parent. Adults likewise experience loss through death of a spouse or because of divorce; they may also experience job or health losses.When we value something or someone that we lost, we experience grief. â€Å"Grief is the psyche’s natural healing response when faced with change and loss†(PsychCentral 2008). This suggests that grief is a normal and natural experience to a person who has experienced personal loss. Furthermore, it is said to be a â€Å"process, not an event†(PsychCentral 2008) which means that grief sho uld be allowed and given time to completely take place. Strayhorn enumerates the characteristics of grief (PsychCentral 2008). First, he says that pain is a natural part of grieving.One may choose to repress or ignore the pain but he says that further losses in life can always trigger it and eventually, the hurt only doubles. Second, he maintains that ‘grieving is a highly individualized process’ (PsychCentral 2008). This demonstrates how different each person is while in grief. Though grief is said to be a universal and a natural occurrence, the way one person grieves differs from another. Furthermore, being aware of the five stages of grief: â€Å"shock, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance†(PsychCentral 2008) helps one to cope with grief.Lastly, Strayhom states that â€Å"grief has no timetable†(PsychCentral 2008). Grief therefore should be allowed to take its own course. However, each individual in the process of grieving should also do activiti es to help them heal. Constantly sharing ones deepest sentiments to a trusted friend is always beneficial to a person in grief. There have been known grief responses, â€Å"such as a yearning for the lost person or state of affairs, a need to think repeatedly about past events, a sense of guilt, or even thoughts of suicide.(Death Reference 2008)†According to the Death Reference website (2008), Terry Martin and Kenneth Doka formulated 3 basic patterns of grief. First is the Intuitive Pattern, where the griever freely manifests his/her feelings. He/She can display intense emotions such as outbursts and crying. Any means to allow the griever to vent out his/her emotions is beneficial for coping. Second is the Instrumental Pattern where the griever would recall memories of the dead person and doing something in relation to those thoughts.An example cited by Martin and Doka (1999) where a man who has lost his daughter in a vehicular accident fixed the fence which his daughter has ruined during the accident. He said that it was the only thing he could repair. Third is the Dissonant Pattern. â€Å"Dissonant grievers are those who experience grief in one pattern but who are inhibited from finding compatible ways to express or adapt to grief that are compatible with their experience†(Death Reference 2008). For instance, when a man loses his wife, he can feel the urge to cry with his daughters and to show weakness.However, he chooses to keep it, as it is inappropriate for a man to do so. Women who lose spouses can experience the same situation, when she inhibits emotions and puts up a strong stance to protect her children. Loss and Grief on Different Perspectives There have been various studies about grief and prove that its characteristics are individualized and unique. On the one hand, children, grieve differently from adults (PsychCentral 2008). Young kids often think that the person who died will soon come back as seen in cartoon shows.Meanwhile, the re are signs which tell whether the child is experiencing significant grief. He/She tends to become immature for his/her age and there is also a considerable decrease in school performance. When these are present, Cohen advises the child be seen by a child psychologist (PsychCentral 2008). On the other hand, men and women also have distinct characteristics of grief. In an article written by Karen Carney in PsychCentral (2008), she enumerates the key points on how men grieve basing from Tom Golden’s book entitled ‘Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing’ (1997).Golden mentions that counselors tend to use approaches similar to what they use towards women, which was later on found to be ineffective to men. Men usually cope by busying themselves with any activity that would either use the mind or the body (PsychCentral 2008). Moreover, men try to go on living their lives as normal as possible like going on their usual routine. In contrast, wom en are attached to their feelings. They have the tendency to recall memories of the loved one who died (Linda-Angel 2005).It is significant to note that there are differences between the characteristics of the male and female human brain, which can be a cause of the distinction on how each sex grieves (PsychCentral 2008). In a study by Buchebner-Ferstl (2002), she mentions the differences between how a woman and a man deal with loss of a loved one (death). She said that women have broader social networks than men, and that women are often the source of social support between the couple. Being the case, she says that some experts would conclude that because of this, women cope better with loss.Moreover, â€Å"women are said to have a more emotionally-oriented behaviour, and men are said to be more problem-oriented†(Buchebner-Ferstl 2002). This means that women are more geared than men to grieve and share their emotions with other people. In addition to this, she mentions that research shows that women are said to have a â€Å"stronger sense of survivability †¦ [and] men are biologically more susceptible to the negative effects of stressors†(Buchebner-Ferstl 2002). This demonstrates that women are more apt to survive loss than men.Also, it was mentioned in the Death Reference website (2007) that men were socially conditioned to hide their emotions. In contrast, women can openly share their feelings to other people, allowing grief to take its course. Further, Louis LeGrand states that the gender difference â€Å"does not mean that men are not grieving; it does indicate that they may not accomplish the task as successfully as women†(LeGrand 1986:31). In a research conducted by Martin and Doka (1999), the differences between how women and men grieve were tackled. Their research showed the following:†¢ Upon the death of a spouse, the widower would usually engage in activities such as working or gym activities and are likely to resor t to alcohol. Conversely, widows spend time with friends and family for emotional support. †¢ Similarly, for those parents who have lost a child, the mothers tend to show emotions than the father. †¢ For those middle-aged children who lost a parent, the sons were more likely to engage in busy activities to deal with the loss while daughters show grief. †¢ Basing on the older generation, there are only slight differences on manifesting grief.†¢ â€Å"Differences in gender are also affected by other variables such as social class, generational differences, and cultural differences†(Death Reference 2008). †¢ The paper suggests that studies show varying results in terms of which gender copes with grief more effectively. The study of grief on the basis of gender is remarkable however Doka claims that the â€Å"[grief] pattern is not determined by gender†(Death Reference 2008) alone but is affected by other factors as well. Cultures differ in socia l norms and practices.There are societies where the sight of a man crying in grief is as acceptable as when a woman does (Death Reference 2008). Additionally, cultures differ in valuing relationships and attachment towards people and things, thus they also differ in grief experiences. Models of Loss and Grief There have been a number of loss and grief models that is based on the notion that every person in grief goes more or less in ‘the same sequence of stages in the recovery from grief, and at relatively the same speed’(Slap-Shelton 2008). Particularly on death, Kubler-Ross has formulated a model composed of 5 stages, as follows:1. ‘Denial and Isolation’ – The person who experienced death cannot accept that he/she actually lost a loved one. In severe cases, the person completely denies that death took place (Slap-Shelton 2008). 2. ‘Anger’- Here the person expresses anger towards others, and towards God, questioning Him why the loss had to happen to him/her (Slap-Shelton 2008). 3. ‘Bargaining’ – This is when one bargains and tries to compromise with God. 4. ‘Depression’ – As the person realizes and acknowledges the loss, he/she now experiences depression and deep sadness.5. ‘Acceptance’- The bereaved now accepts the reality of loss and is able to project a new life ahead. Based on a number of literatures on grief, Kubler-Ross’s model has become one of the most known and familiar. This model appears to define the stages of dying, phases of grief and is applicable not only to death but in other losses such as divorce or a break up. In the University of Kentucky website, Kastenbaum criticizes Kubler-Ross’s model, saying that these are not supposed to be stages as they do not happen chronologically (1998).In addition, he says that all these five stages are not necessarily undergone by a person dying or grieving. He further maintains that grief is uniqu e to every individual (University of Kentucky 1998). This demonstrates that these stages limit the process of grieving which is supposed to be individualized. Following this, various theoretical models on loss and grief were formulated. Charles Corr, specifically believed in the individuality of coping with death (University of Kentucky 1998). People differ in values therefore they also differ in need and coping mechanism for the same experience of loss.Meanwhile, Worden, Leick & Davidsen-Nielson (1991) proposed four means to understand loss and help accept its reality. First, one should recognize the fact that someone died or left for good. Second, one should not suppress the emotions but let them take their course. According to Slap-Shelton, (1998) among the intense emotions that one can feel during loss include â€Å"sadness, despair, anger, guilt, fear, loneliness, shame, jealousy. †Furthermore, to allow feeling these and letting these manifest will help in recovering ov er the loss.Third, it is advisable to let in something new in your life. For instance, one can learn a new skill or find a new set of friends. Through the process the person who experienced loss can grow despite the circumstance. Lastly, one ought to â€Å"reinvest emotional energy into the present†(Slap-Shelton 1998). This means that the bereaved person should focus on what is ahead and what he/she can do to live this new life without the person who died. Some, for example, do activities that commemorate and celebrate the goodness of the dead person.Furthermore, grief can be more understood in two other perspectives: psychoanalytic and attachment perspectives Basing from psychoanalysis, grief stems out of the griever’s uncertainty of where his/her relationship stands, now that the partner died. At the same time, â€Å"the psychological function of grief is to free the individual of the tie to the deceased and allow him or her to achieve a gradual detachment by means of a process of grief work†(Death Reference 2008). Many counselors and therapists have been influenced by this however such theory has also been criticized.On the other hand, Bowlby’s theory was based on the biological aspects of grieving. He maintains â€Å"that the biological function of grief was to regain proximity to the attachment figure, separation from which had caused anxiety†(Death Reference 2008). This means that when humans are separated from a figure whom or which they had attachment to, this results to reactions of grief. Conclusion According to the Marriage and Family Encyclopedia (2008), more recent models on loss and grief are now focused on â€Å"identifying symptoms [rather than] the process of grieving†(Marriage and Family Encyclopedia 2008).Stroebe and Schut (1990) formulated the Dual Process Model of Coping. Humans cope with grief with a combination of both â€Å"loss orientation†and â€Å"restoration orientation†. Loss orientation is allowing grief to take place for instance crying and reaching out to others while restoration orientation is â€Å"adjusting to the many changes triggered by loss†by engaging in new activities. Such dual model recognizes grief as a â€Å"dynamic and fluctuating process, labeled ‘oscillation,’ that incorporates confrontation and avoidance of different components at different times, and includes both positive and negative reappraisals†(Death Reference 2008).For instance, a man who lost his wife learns how to paint and takes pleasure in the activity (restoration orientation). However in the process, he is asked to paint a memorable place and thus reminded of the wife who has died and feels sad about it (loss orientation). Basing from the literature reviewed, grief can be described as universal since all humans at one point in their lives experience grief. Grief is natural since it is said to be an inevitable response to loss. However, th ere has not been an encompassing theory that can gauge grief; perhaps due to its vastness and complexity.Further studies and research, particularly on the biological perspective, how grief starts and where it ends, will allow a deeper understanding of human grief. List of References Buchebner-Ferstl, S 2002, Gender-specific differences in coping with bereavement, Osterreichisches Institut fur Familienforschung, Austria, viewed 30 Maarch 2008, . Carney, K 2006, How men grieve, 4 November, viewed 1 April 2008, . Cohen, H 2007, Children and grief, 4 June, viewed 1 April 2008 Coping With Loss 2008. Marriage and Family Encyclopedia viewed 28 March 2008 . Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. 2008. [online]. [accessed 29-31 March 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: . LeGrand, L. 1986 Coping with separation and loss as a young adult. Springfield, IL: Charles C.Thomas. Martin, T. & Doka, J. 1999. Men don't cry, women do: Transcending gender stereotypes of grief. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis . Rosenblatt, P. , Walsh, R. & Jackson, D. 1976. Grief and mourning in cross-cultural perspective. Washington, DC: HRAF Press. Schwab, R n. d. ,Gender, Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, viewed 29 March 2008, . Slap-Shelton, S 1991, The phases and tasks of grief work, Self Help Magazine, viewed 31 March 2008, .Strayhorn, D 2008, Surviving a life crisis, 21 January, Psych Central, viewed 1 April 2008,. Stroebe, M. , & Schut, H. , 1990. The Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement: Rationale and Description. Death Studies 23, p. 197–224. Stroebe, M, Stroebe, W & Schut, H, Theories on grief, viewed 29 March 2008, . Women, men & grief 2005, Child Bereavement Trust, viewed 31 M arch 2008, .
Friday, September 13, 2019
Job analysis 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Job analysis 2 - Essay Example Safdar et al. (2010) conclude that individuals with higher levels of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) tend to be better job performers. They also suggest that jobs need to be analyzed for the nature of the job and the nature of the relationships that the job entails as well as the job outcomes. Heathfield (2011) defines job analysis as â€Å"the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job†(para. 1). These are conducted in organizations as a strategic Human Resource Management practice with the aim of contributing to the efficiency of organizational performance (Cascio, 1998). Safdar et al. (2010) foresee that the increasing recognition of job analysis’ connection to H-R performance will make organizations conduct it more often in order to gain competitive advantage advantage (Anthony et al., 2002; Dessler, 2003). A job analysis was conducted on a lady director of a chi ldren’s centre. In this paper, she would be referred to as â€Å"jobholder†, being the subject of my job analysis. ... One day was a regular day on the job and the other day was observing her during a special event which is the parent orientation. She said I could ask her questions along the way. So the methods used in this job analysis are direct observation in the form of job shadowing, and interview. Job shadowing entailed my tailing her in the performance of her tasks for the day as she explained them to me. She assured me that I was free to interview her informally should any queries come up on my side. The job analysis that follows includes information gathered from both job analysis methods for the smooth flow of the analysis. Job Description The interview commenced with the jobholder describing her job. Such job description comprises the roles and responsibilities that the position entails. These are key determinants in estimating the experience, education, skill, etc. that the job requires. Heading a children’s centre entails a host of roles and responsibilities to keep it not only af loat but thriving at its optimal level. The jobholder is the managing director of a children’s centre and its sister preschool. Her job is being in charge of the day-to day operation of the centre which includes the over-all management of all areas from the availability of supplies, to scheduling of staff, to interviewing parents and to budget considerations, among many other responsibilities. She is there to ensure that the centre runs smoothly. She also works with a Board of Directors composed mostly of volunteer parents. They make final decisions on some financial issues. Aside from management concerns, she also does strategic planning with staff for brainstorming other decisions for the centre and the children. Although she does not have a teaching load, she is on
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Refactoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Refactoring - Essay Example This is where refactoring will come in handy. Refactoring is a method of altering the code of a software in various ways so it can easily be understood and the cost of modifying the code will be minimal. Refactoring does not change the observable behavior of the program. All changes are done internally just for the purpose of making the code more flexible and reusable. Maintaining the program's observable behavior is crucial to refactoring. Automated testing for each aspect of the software can be done to ensure the consistency of the observable behavior of the program. Refactoring reduces the degradation of an application over time by helping the developers easily maintain it. It is like cleaning up the program's code. It also makes the program easier to understand in the long run. Since one of the principles of refactoring is for it to be done in small steps, it can help the developer find bugs after testing each small step. And since you can easily find bugs, the time spent fixing them would be lesser. Thus, it will allow for more additional features to be added in the program. Refactoring, however, may not be applicable to all program codes. If a code seems to be a total mess, really difficult to understand and has a lot of bugs, then it might be better to rewrite the whole thing than just refactoring it.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Side Effects of Cancer Treatment Drugs Assignment
The Side Effects of Cancer Treatment Drugs - Assignment Example If the child is worried about her appearance, the parents can advise her to try different styles of hair and makeup. She can wear wigs, use scarves or even come up with a cool bald-shaven look. Additionally, to maintain the quality of the remaining hair, she should use gentle hair products and use gentle brushes when combing. Dyes and hair-straighteners should be avoided as they only lead to more hair loss. She should also desist from constantly massaging her head as this can aid in hair loss. When sleeping, she should wear a soft night cap to prevent waking up with hair all over the bed which can lead to further emotional distress. Above all, the child should be informed that the situation will get better with time as she adapts to the treatment. Antineoplastic drugs or chemotherapy agents have several side effects on patients some of which are severe and life-threatening. If a patient is quiet and listless, it may be due to general fatigue or anemia caused by the drugs as they inhibit the growth of new white and red blood cells. Additionally, this may be due to a condition is known as peripheral neuropathy which makes it difficult to walk/balance and pick things up. The patient can be encouraged to engage in fun activities and also take some energy drinks to improve his/her mood. The most common adverse side effects of Antineoplastic drugs include; Anemia and Fatigue Nerve problems Reproductive side effects such as irregular periods, hot flashes and decrease in sexual interests. Peripheral edema Hair Loss
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Structured System Analysis and Design Method Research Paper
Structured System Analysis and Design Method - Research Paper Example Additionally, this methodology is believed to be a public domain, as well as is officially represented in British Standard BS7738. Basically, software development methodologies are a most important element of the software development sector which aspires to offer a structure for action and to gather, store, process and distribute information in an attempt to support the economic growth of information systems and software development that are well for purpose. In this scenario, structured systems analysis and design methodology is a kind of linear sequential process model through which software systems are designed and developed. Additionally, this methodology is considered as a representation of a pinnacle of the thorough document-led mechanism to design a software system, and differ with modern RAD (Rapid Application Development) approaches for instance DSDM (Samyal, 2013; Rouse, 2008; Patel, 2005, p. 75). In addition, one of the most attractive features of this software development methodology is that it divides a software development project into several manageable components, steps, stages and activities, and offers a mechanism for defining projects in a way that is easy to manage and control. Some of the major objectives of SSADM methodology are outlined below (Rouse, 2008; Samyal, 2013; Schumacher, 2001): Provides management team with effective control over the software development process Allows software development firm to make more effective use of skilled and new development personnel Facilitates software development team to build high quality systems The loss of staff does not affect the progress of projects Encourage use of computer-based tools for instance computer-aided software engineering systems Establish and maintain a structure for effective communications and collaboration between stakeholders in a project Moreover, this software development technique effectively manages all the aspects of software development life-cycle varying from the pha se of a feasibility study for the actual software development. Additionally, many software development firms use this methodology in association with various other approaches, for instance PRINCE and PRINCE2, which is effective in dealing with various activities of project management. In addition, this software development methodology forms a flow or a waterfall vision of software development, which is based on carrying out a series of steps, and all these steps are interrelated. Some researchers contrast it with the RAD model as it pre-supposes a need to conduct steps autonomously. As discussed above, structured systems analysis and design method divides the software development process in various stages which are outlined below (Rouse, 2008; Samyal, 2013; Schumacher, 2001): In the first step a detailed feasibility study is done to determine the feasibility of a project. Analysis and study of the current environment In this step different business system options are identified At t his stage system requirements are defined This step involves identifying various system options At this stage logical design of the system is developed Last stage involves the development of a physical design Furthermore, for every phase, structured systems analysis and design method forms a set of procedures, techniques and rules for communicating and recording information
Monday, September 9, 2019
Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Critique - Essay Example The competitors will always try to take steps to improve their position in the market. It is the accountability of the leaders at an organization that is crucial in order to surpass the expectations of the customers by providing them with the goods and the services that meet their demand. This report tries to exhibit how the companies face problems when the changes need to be implemented in the business model. It tries to demonstrate that in order to bring transformation in Blockbusters; it is significant to bring short term wins. The report has followed SMART objectives where it has precisely predicted what it wants to achieve in the stipulated period of time. For instance, the report states that it wants to achieve profitability at 18 months’ mark. However, it fails to demonstrate the steps that the company would take if it is unable to achieve the desired profitability within the period of 18 months. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the report lacks
Sunday, September 8, 2019
CORRELATIONAL METHOD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CORRELATIONAL METHOD - Essay Example Harvey tries to control for education, but the only meaningful control she makes is that of years of education. Perhaps mothers who saw reduced results from going to work were educated at worse schools or had lower academic performance. Certainly, the academic performance of the child can't be separated from the academic performance of the mother. Another factor could be genetics. Mothers in the early-employment group may have different genetic backgrounds, anomalies or diseases that could explain lower cognitive or academic functioning. Harvey can't control for these factors either. She does control for mother's IQ, but the NLSY doesn't account for father's IQs. Harvey appropriately controls for race, but only controls for African-American or Hispanic status. Yet Asian-Americans also face notable difficulties (Wise, 2005) . Other groups that might face discrimination or social stigma that could vary the results are Native Americans and Middle Easterners. It is possible that the chil dren who faced difficulties were Asian-American or Middle Eastern in background.
Structural Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Structural Analysis - Assignment Example In engineering construction, material’s strength and the cost are the main parameters to be considered when selecting a particular material. Another important aspect in structural engineering the design. Structures should be designed in such a way that no failure occurs in future. For instance, for the I- Section given, there are two possible stresses. Compressive stress and tensional stress. In designing, the least possible stress should be used for safety. From the stress distribution diagram, it can be seen that stress is zero at the beam axis. This therefore, makes an I-Section the best beam for structural engineering. When the beam bends, the top most fiber is in compression while the bottom most fiber is in tension. The stresses are greatest at the top and the bottom fibers. I-section provides the stiffest beam with the least amount of material. This is because it only requires more materials at the bottom and top flanges. The diagram below shows a cross section through an I-section. This shape is used when the load is parallel with the flange. As you can see, the shape is not so good with lateral forces unless you turn it sideways. When the load will come from two directions, a square tube is used. The section is normally designed so as to minimize materials on. This type of section is better than other sections due to the fact the maximum beam stiffness is achieved with minimum
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Cashflow Statements - Three examples Essay Example for Free
Cashflow Statements Three examples Essay Accounts Payable increased in both first years, especially in 1990. For 1991 the amount decreased. III) Assessment of the financial strength: Own assessment of the financial strength of the company, why? The Gamma Corporation realizes a process of restructure and acquisition. A lot of purchases of plant, property, and equipment and high values in depreciation and amortization describe the firm’s situation best whilst it is also well managed from a financial perspective. Even though the reported net income of especially the last year 1991 shows a clear loss - ? which may indicate a weak financial situation- ? the corporation is still stable from a finance perspective and seems to prepare for the future. A restructuring reserve has been implemented which proofs the ongoing restructuring process. The net cash flows from operating activities show over all three years (despite a slight decrease) a financially stable situation in the case of operating cash flows. Also, the corporation still disposes a huge amount of cash and cash equivalents so that no risk of bankruptcy can be perceived. The company has a safe line of cash reserves each year so far. The only thing unclear is the position of â€Å"Other adjustments†in all three years. All in all, Gamma Corporation seems to be on the right track and setup for the coming financial years.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Case Study Alim Leung Essay Example for Free
Case Study Alim Leung Essay 1. The terms of the psychological contract at the Atchison Corporation under the leadership of Jerome Atchison are of quality, integrity, and loyalty. Jerome Atchinson expects his employees to produce quality work and create a good environment to work in. Jerome Atchinson also expects his employees to uphold and maintain high integrity; even senior management could be discharged in cases of moral crime or dishonesty). Loyalty is the largest aspect of the psychological contract. Employees stay with the company for many years, if not their entire career. Managers are viewed in high regards and are rewarded the longer they remain with this company. In return, Jerome provides a family-orientated relationship with his employees, in which he protects and takes care of his employees, taking personal interests in the affairs of his employees. Everybody is an equal and an employee’s value is in the quality and dedication to his work 2. I expect that there will be changes to this contract under the leadership of Prince Millman. I believe that innovation and creativity will become more important over quality and loyalty. It will be about what the employee can create rather than how he she created. The employee is Millman will expect his employees to continually strive to be better and compete with other companies. Instead of more of an ‘equality†approach similar to Atchinson’s contract, Millman values competition among others. Employees may be rewarded for their ideas and change what they bring to the company while seniority and loyalty to the brand are not as heavy of a=values.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Concept of social entrepreneurship
Concept of social entrepreneurship Understanding the concept of social entrepreneurship will be of value in whichever career path I choose As the concept of entrepreneurship becoming important sources in economic fields, many existing businesses have been trying to implement that concept onto their own running business. It is not simple to define or decided entrepreneurship as only one set word or concept, because it has wide range of meaning and is the method that contains complex mixture of fundamental economic principle. In addition to that, when the concept is applied in certain industry it could be developed in many different ways depending upon which industries are targeted. Finally, the misunderstanding of implementing that entrepreneurship concept may lead the outcome that entrepreneur planed it in the process to unexpected situation, could be negative or coincidently positive for them. The concept of entrepreneurship has been studied for many years and it was illustrated by the classic theory of development worked by author named Benjamin Higgins; By entrepreneurship is meant the function of seeing investment and production opportunities: organizing an enterprise to undertake a new production process; raising capital, hiring labor, arranging for a supply of raw materials, finding a site, and combining these factors of production into a going concern; introducing new techniques and commodities, discovering new sources of natural resources; and selecting top managers for day-to-day operation (1997 ,228p) In putting another word simply, entrepreneurship basically means to start companies and organizations based on the findings of the entrepreneur of certain niches in the marketplace, and willing to assume the risks of a business to take significant opportunities for success. Moreover, entrepreneurs also create their own niches for the products or services they want the company to produce. (Hodgetts R.M, 2004) It is not surprised anymore hearing the term of entrepreneurship in the success stories in the real many different type of business industry. That is, it is just part of example that how entrepreneurship is important concept should be concerned to success, besides it is required to understanding the true concept of this topic. Entrepreneurship could be classified by under 5 categories in order to clarify that how actual processes which the entrepreneurship contains is working in the certain business; Entrepreneur traits, creativity, innovation, business planning and growth management. These elements can be representing the segments of characteristic of entrepreneur. In Entrepreneurial creativity part, it is required to have different view of perception and thinking of something and a paradigm shift in order to create new ideas. There 4 critical processes to get the concept of innovation can be classified as invention, extension, duplication and synthesis. Strategic planning is the key sources that to access the entrepreneurs position through internal/external factors then identify these factors to implement a strategy. Finally, in the management, it is required that identify what size of company will be through, the capability of which how direct control the company is afforded and how entrepreneurial spirit can be retained in a growing business.( Bailey, J. 2003) Once entrepreneur concept is cleared, to move on to a Social entrepreneur is next step. What is a social entrepreneur? They act similar to entrepreneur does, such as facing risks, inspiration and creativity, in order to take hidden or uncovered significant opportunities. What the social entrepreneur seeks for value in the certain market is the changeable factors that would result positive effect on disadvantaged communities, ultimately, society at large. (Martin.R,2009) It will be given some particular examples about how entrepreneur have been successfully in implementing the concept of entrepreneurship into real-world business industry. That would be able to help clear understanding then, furthermore developing the ideas of fundamental business principle. There is the national food business named Food Connect, aim is to supply local, sustainably produced food tothe community in South East Queensland. They are creating a new, more equitableway of distributing local produce in a socially responsible way. The seasonal produce comes from local farmers livingwithin a five hour radius of Brisbane who are paid afair price for their hard work andwho are encouraged to farm using the most sustainable methods possible.Our subscribers know where their food comes from and are invited to see for themselves on regular farm tours. Moreover, there are as an entrepreneurial way of which they run the business practices are markedly different from thosein other corporateorganizations: Our staff presents educational talks and seminars to the general public about food issues. Weorganize regular farm tours and other eventsfor our subscribers. Individuals cannot profit from Food Connect, except in terms of earning a fair wage for fair work. We provide, when feasible, opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in the daily life of the Homestead (our headquarters). Staffs have a major say in the running of Food Connect, particularly at our staff review days which are held every three months. We are environmentally aware in the Homestead, recycling everything possible. We even have our own worm farm for food scraps. (Food Connect,2008,story of food connect) As it describe at above, the Food Connect company has faced some niches as in terms of entrepreneur point of view that the other competitors does not challenge it due to failure of changes, which briefly are; creating the new way of satisfying the local distribution channels and to guarantee providing the best quality products with reasonable price for everyone, not only customer but also employee. As the results, the company could have had strong faith from consumers due to finding out risky factors to run the business according to their created entrepreneurial processes and they made huge changes after implementing it into real business. Muhammad Yunus, he is the one that begin offering microloans model to the indigent Bangladesh in 1976. How the microloans work was that loaned money to the people was small adequate amount of money that they were able to take out the loan. As the result, he could have helped the people to become self-employed. According to this case, it can be recognized that entrepreneur also can take the role of a leader, not only government, which to make a social change or movement that supporting opportunities and benefit to the people in certain categories. The achievement that he has contributed to the society is not only for gaining profit himself but also involving more people having the beneficial opportunities. Another example can be found out in India. Social entrepreneur Bunker Roy who built the Barefoot College in India to educate uneducated people such as illiterate and semiliterate, whose lose the opportunity of education due to social situations. There are many successful achievements the college has develop and improve the level of Indian society, for instances, teachers, workers and architects have installed and maintain solar-electrification systems that about 100,000 people in over 500 villages could have received the benefits by the college. The last example will be Ann Cotton, who made a effort of the right for female education(Campaign for Female Education : Camfed) in Africa. The launched programs by Camfed, which is providing opportunities of having education for whose cannot afford to pay school fee or join a school throughout awarding a scholarship, could have supported many numbers of young girls, approximate 700,000 students, in Zimbabwe, Ghana, Zambia and Tanzania in the educational sector. Some of graduated students returned to this community as leaders and over 5,000 started their own business. In terms of business point of view, it can be seen entrepreneurs as only a pragmatist because they are the people who born to seek for success and benefits in the business. However, that is just general ultimate purpose of entrepreneurs. The points according to examples are the process how and ways they achieve to drive the business successful. A common denominator of among entrepreneurs in these examples is that they are not afraid of facing current and potential risks to make changes. In addition, the social entrepreneurs have emphasis on the processes of creating a new idea throughout inspiration, creativity, courage in order to reach the final goal that ensure that everyone have social benefits and opportunities, called a new equilibrium.(Social Enterpreneur,2009)
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