Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Half the Sky Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Half the Sky Movement - Essay Example Breakthrough is an organization that is committed to deal with violence against women in the society. The organization defines sexual violence as all acts ranging from assault from partners, early marriages, â€Å"honor†killings and rape. Sexual Violence is viewed as a violation of human rights to a safe environment. It is seen as an issue that causes women to be insecure while living on earth. The organization views sexual violence as an act that keeps women from contributing fully to the economy of the community. The organization states that the key reason as to why women are faced with such traumatizing issues is simply because they are women. They are seen as less of a value compared to men. Research also shows that the level of education in women is less than that in women and thus, the gender difference. Thus, the organization states that the only way in which women can stop sexual abuse is self-empowerment. Women should equip themselves with education and skills such t hat; the community will realize that they are of value to the economy. This way, they will be able to earn respect from members of the opposite sex and be able to reduce cases of sexual violence.Equality Now is an organization that is based in New York which mainly deals with social issues affecting the lives of women. The organization also has a branch in Kenya that mainly targets at helping women who suffer from gender-based issues in Africa. Equality Now classifies a number of practices as sexual violence.... The organization defines sexual violence as all acts ranging from assault from partners, early marriages, â€Å"honor†killings and rape. Sexual Violence is viewed as a violation of human rights to a safe environment. It is seen as an issue that causes women to be insecure while living on earth. The organization views sexual violence as an act that keeps women form contributing fully to the economy of the community. The organization states that the key reason as to why women are faced with such traumatizing issues is simply because they are women. They are seen as less of a value compared to men. Research also shows that the level of education in women is less than that in women and thus, the gender difference (CIA, 2012). Thus, the organization states that the only way in which women can stop sexual abuse is self-empowerment. Women should equip themselves with education and skills such that; the community will realize that they are of value to the economy. This way, they will be able to earn respect from members of the opposite sex and be able to reduce cases of sexual violence (Breakthrough Organization, 1). Equality Now is an organization that is based in New York which mainly deals with social issues affecting the lives of women. The organization also has a branch in Kenya that mainly targets at helping women who suffer from gender based issues in Africa. Equality Now, classifies a number of practices as sexual violence. For instance, gang raping, sexual assault, child marriages and bride kidnapping. The organization views sexual violence as being a result of inequality in women. Therefore, the organization mainly works to end such acts through promotion of equality among women. According to the organization, equality between
Monday, October 28, 2019
Local Authority Housing in Ireland Essay Example for Free
Local Authority Housing in Ireland Essay Local authority housing plays a vital role in Ireland housing system. Without it many people would find themselves on the streets without a roof over their heads. However it is not a solution to all problems we are experiencing in this country today. In fact while local authority housing solves many problems it can also be the cause of some problems too. In this paper I will look at and evaluate the strengths and the weaknesses of local authority housing in Ireland today. I will also look at prime examples of these strengths and weaknesses, using a number of local authority housing estates throughout the country. Firstly I feel it is imperative to briefly describe the housing system Ireland as a whole, in order to gain a clearer perspective on the status of local authority housing in the country. In Ireland we have a dual housing system. This means we have a mix of both private and social housing and public tenures. State owned and social housing accounts for 19% of the housing market. The government enforced policies to ensure that a percentage of newly constructed houses were to be kept and dedicated to the local authority housing scheme. Local authority housing caters for poor and low income households, who may otherwise not be able to afford housing. It is accessed by means testing and also by special needs qualification. The rent for these houses are determined by the income of the household occupying them. The landlords are generally the local authorities. Some examples of well known local authority housing estates are: Moyross estate in Limerick City, Fatima Mansions in Dublin and Knocknaheeny in Cork. Unfortunately over the years these local authority housing estates have built up a bad reputation, negative images and negative stigmas. A few different factors play a role in this. I will be looking into these factors in more detail, as I speak later, about the weaknesses of local authority housing. An example of this would be the former Ballymun high rise flats which were renowned for appearing on the news linked with stories of crime and violence. In order to combat this problem and create less of a bad image for these problem estates, the government set out a ten year plan to regenerate 7 local authority housing estates throughout Ireland. They aimed to do this by means of policy changes and state funding. These estates are : â€Å"Fatima Mansions and Finglas South in Dublin City, Fettercairn, Tallaght, in South County Dublin; Deanrock estate in Togher, Cork City; Moyross in Limerick City, Muirhevnamor in Dundalk and Cranmore in Sligo town.†(Norris, M and OConnell, C. 201 0) Strengths of local authority housing: Local authority housing provides affordable homes for those who would not otherwise be able to afford housing and this is a much needed and great service provided by our local authorities here in Ireland. Local authority housing has a number of benefits to both its tenants and to the community as a whole. It has many strengths. Good quality houses: As stated above the government as part of the local authority housing scheme set out a number of newly built houses during the construction boom, and dedicated them to the local authority housing scheme. This was a very clever tactic by the government as it meant that these local authority houses were newly built good quality housing, moving away from the previous opinion that local authority houses were often undesirable and of poor quality. The most typical form of these houses were â€Å"cottage type or terrace housing in low density estates†(Fahey 1999. Pg. 236) Cheaper, affordable rent: Because local authority housing is accessed via means testing and rent payment is determined by household income it means that lower income households can afford to live more comfortably and ensures that they have a roof over their heads. Without this scheme homelessness rates would undoubtedly be a lot higher in Ireland. More owner occupation: A lot of people renting local authority housing as a long term arrangement often eventually come to own their houses. This instills a level of independence which they could never have achieved otherwise. Happier tenants: For the most part, people in local authority housing have reported that they are â€Å"happy with their overall housing experience†(Fahey 1999. Pg. 236) Community Development Programmes: Often in areas of local authority housing local authorities dedicate themselves to the provision of facilities and programmes to improve living conditions, social condition, education and employment conditions for those living there. Community employment schemes are just one example of this. This is a great benefit to both the residents and the community as a whole as it leads to a higher standard of living for the individuals and also helps reduce rates of unemployment in the area, which in turn leads to a reduction in other social problems in the area such as crime. (Fahey, T., Norris, M., McCafferty, D. Humphreys, E. 2011 Pg. 24) Preventative Interventions: Local authority housing can also act as a means of protection and prevention for many people. Local services provided within these local authority estates provide â€Å"support for families and individuals who would otherwise have negative outcomes†(Fahey, T., Norris, M., McCafferty, D. Humphreys, E. 2011 Pg. 24) Previously at risk people have more chance of being safe from abuse and crime etc. in these local authority housing estates. An example of the strengths within a local housing estate: Dean Rock estate, situated in Togher in Cork city, is a prime example of the many strengths of local housing estates in Ireland. This estate is in high demand with a very low turnover, long waiting lists to get in and very settled conditions. Dean Rock is now home to a voluntary, community based family support centre and also to social workers too. The estate has flourished over the years and is now a highly popular local authority housing estate with low levels of crime, delinquency, unemployment and enjoys a high status in terms of its visual appearance, absence of litter and graffiti and upholds high levels of planting and public green areas. It has become a very desirable place to live with good quality neighbors, ridding it of any stigmas which had previously applied to local authority housing estates. (Fahey, T. 1999. Pg. 238-239) Weaknesses of local authority housing estates: The fundamental aim of local authority housing that is, to help those who cannot otherwise afford housing, means that local authority housing should be a very positive and problem free area. Unfortunately this is not always the case. Because these estates are linked with poor and low income families it often means there are high levels of unemployment, low levels of education and thus resulting in high levels of delinquency and crime. (Fahey, T. 1999. Pg. 238) These factors all cause great social problems within these estates. Also high levels of diversity within the estates lead to a hierarchy within them. Higher and lower status areas emerge within the estates, causing a lack of social cohesion. â€Å"Appearances of houses, presence/ absence of litter and graffiti, and vandalism†(Fahey, T. 1999. Pg. 239) can often result in conflict between neighbors and thus lead to poor quality neighborhoods. Failure of the government to integrate with local authorities to improve provide vital amenities and service to the local authority housing estates also creates a huge problem in these estates. It creates a great level of social exclusion between those living in these estates and those that dont. (Fahey, T., Norris, M., McCafferty, D. Humphreys, E. 2011 Pg. 31) An example of the weaknesses within a local housing estate: Fatima Mansions is a local authority housing estate in Dublin. Unlike Dean Rock estate in Cork, Fatima Mansions has been described as â€Å"troubled and difficult to let†(Fahey, T. 1999. Pg. 238) Over 15% of the premises are vacant and some are derelict. There is no waiting list to get in to this estate. There is a severe lack of social cohesion and this causes other social problems. Heroin usage is high in the area and this has knock on effects to the levels of crime and violence in the area two. It is in stark contrast to Dean Rock estate and highlights the diversity between local authority estates. Conclusion: While it is evident, from the information in this paper, that local authority housing has huge and undeniable benefits to the lower income population of society I think that many improvements can still be made to these schemes. I feel the government needs to take more responsibility perhaps in funding local authorities and enabling them to better facilities and services available to these estates. This would bring about a major difference in the areas for the better and hopefully result in all the local authority estates being as successful as Dean Rock estate in Cork. Bibliography: Cowan, D. and McDermont, M. (2006) Regulating Social Housing: Governing Decline, Routledge, London. Fahey, T. (1999) (ed.) Social Housing in Ireland: A study of success, failures and lessons learned. Oak Tree Press, Dublin. Fahey, T., Norris, M., McCafferty, D. Humphreys, E. (2011) Combating Social Disadvantage in Social Housing Estates: The policy implications of a ten-year follow-up study. Combat Poverty Agency. National Economic and Social Forum (1999), Local Development Issues, Dublin: National Economic and Social Forum. Norris, M and OConnell, C (2002), ‘Local Authority Housing Management Reform in the Republic of Ireland: progress to date impediments to further progress’, European Journal of Housing Policy. Norris, M and OConnell, C (2010) Social Housing Management, Governance and Delivery in Ireland: Ten Years of Reform on Seven Estates. O’Connell, C and Fahey, T. (1999), ‘Local Authority Housing in Ireland’, Fahey, T. (eds.), Social Housing in Ireland: A study of success, failure and lessons learned, Oak Tree Press, Dublin.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Contrasting Poets Lawrence And Shapiro In Their Views Of Nature :: essays research papers fc
Contrasting Poets Lawrence and Shapiro in Their Views of Nature Throughout the history of literature, poetic views of nature has evolved through time. One of the most differing eras is the twentieth century. With it's non-classical views, the twentieth century is one of the most influential eras. While the Victorian era practiced traditional values, the twentieth century influences techniques of love and the loss of the beauty in nature. Poets of the same century have multiple views, many differing. Two major twentieth century poets are D.H. Lawrence and Karl Shapiro. D.H. Lawrence loves and is in touch with nature, while Karl Shapiro cares more of war and satires of government, not giving much thought to nature. Even though both poets share and differ in views, both are twentieth century poets. The twentieth century lasted from 1900-1939. It began at the dawn of the new century and in England, is set by the death of Queen Victoria. Reading attracted a large audience because of the tremendous growth in education opportunities (Granner, 616). One major downfall and factor of the twentieth century was World War I. This was had pulled up new roots that were "buried in the past," causing multiple conflicts between nations (Granner, 611). The war reflects the bitterness and troubles put on twentieth century poetry. The poets wrote of science fiction, anti-war protagonists, and ridicule of authority. Leading poets in the twentieth century are D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Joseph Conrad, Dylan Thomas, and H.G. Wells. D.H. Lawrence views on nature are more humanistic, rather than natural. He loves individuality and "inner self" (Magill, 1686). His writing were pure because of his adolescent puritan environment (Becker, 5). D.H. Lawrence, although in the twentieth century, is a die-hard romantic (Albright, 1). To Lawrence, nature was an item of beauty and creativity. He respects nature. In Lawrence's poem, "The Sea," he humanizes the sea. He states that the sea is "celebate and single," referring to a person. He treats this part of nature as if it is a real person. He does his with great passion showing his love for nature. He goes further stating, "Sea only you are free, sophisticated." Here again one views the humanistic views upon nature. Nature to Lawrence is an individual, trying to survive in this world of chaos. He refers to the sea as being a perfect individual. Throughout this poem, Lawrence constantly refers to nature as humanistic, much unlike most twentieth century poetry. He has the passion and love that most poets of that century do not. Karl Shapiro is another leading poet amongst the twentieth century.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Industry Analysis on Fast Food Essay
1. A few of the chief economic and business characteristics of the global fast-food industry are as follows: In the market growth rate the expected food sales is predicted to increase by $208 billion by 2020 with us already being at $800 billion by 2001. Under entry barriers for the fast-food industry the main concerns would be the entry costs, location, capital cost, and licensing. For a business to have success they must have the right location. Under exit barriers there are land leasing, building leases, capital cost. 2. Some of the driving forces include the quality of the food, price of the food, and the nutritional value. Some of the consumers that are playing an important role in fast food are women employed outside the home, two-earned households, higher income, and smaller size of the family. Increased food spending driven by population growth is just one way consumers will shape the future of the US food system. 3. Five forces: a. Rivalry among competitors- in the fast-food industry it’s who can get the food out the fastest. b. New entrants- the competition is increasing due to not having many entry barriers. c. Substitute products- there are many choices in the fast food industry leaving consumers with so many different choices. Therefore each individual fast-food restaurants needs to differentiate their product so people will want to come back for their product. For example what is it about Popeye’s chicken vs. KFC’s? d. Suppliers and buyers- in the fast-food industry if the buyers aren’t satisfied with the suppliers than they can easily switch their suppliers leaving the suppliers with a disadvantage. Also if suppliers cannot offer something unique that only restaurants can get form them, then they have no power to keep that restaurant’s business. 4. A few factors that are critical to success in the fast-food industry are timeliness of the food, quality of the food, quantity of the food, and the pricing of the food. 5. It’s attractive in they way that with the fast paced growth of the fast-food industry, there are so many restaurants entering because there are minimal entry barriers. Anyone who wants to open a restaurant can. Also, there are very low switching costs, which make restaurants look very appealing to big corporations. It can be unattractive because more and more consumers are willing to spend more money on better quality food rather than the quantity of food at a fast-food restaurant. Also senior citizens and immigrants are more likely to cook at home and move away from the trend.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Group Behavior
Group Behavior In our society today, there is a definitely a lot of categorizing of people going on. Group behavior is one of the larger categories. Many people, especially young people, are left out of many things. Those who have friends and participate in activities feel like they cannot be themselves. Then you have those people who make everyone else feel badly about who they are. Everyone needs to stop being so judgmental of others and accept people for who they are. We all remember the kids at school who were always chosen on the playground. Maybe a few of us were one of those kids. This sort of thing doesn’t just happen between children. Coaches and Teachers do those things all the time. Two people may have the same skills, but the one who has the family with money to support the school or with the notable last name will be given the position. It is no hard to see why many people have self-esteem issues. Many people with friends still find it hard to be themselves. They fear that they will not be accepted or that they will be looked down upon. Many people feel that to befriends two people have to be the exact same. This is simply not true. Generally speaking, two people with identical personalities will most likely clash. People need to realize that being different is not a bad thing. In life, there are bullies everywhere that we go, ranging from school to the workplace and everywhere in between. These types of people try to make themselves feel better by putting other people down. Perhaps they don’t realize what this does to other people, or maybe they just don’t care. Usually these types of people have self-esteem or self-image issues that they need to take care of themselves. However, there are different and better ways to deal with their own issues. No person has the right to belittle another person in any way. To conclude, everyone should think about the way that they treat other people. They cannot change the things that they have done or said in the past. All that can be done is to change the way that we act now and in the future. There really is no reason for the children in our society to be growing up with the self-esteem issues that they have. Many people are being diagnosed with depression, caused by the way that they have been treated by other people. Placing people into groups is wrong and something needs to be done to change this. Everyone deserves a fair chance in life, so do not be one of these types of people that categorize others. And if you are being placed into agroup, stand your ground and stand up for yourself because chances are, no one else will.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of the Greengrocers Apostrophe
Definition and Examples of the Greengrocers Apostrophe Greengrocers apostrophe is an informal term in British English for the nonstandard use of an apostrophe before the final -s in the plural form of a word. Examples and Observations There was formerly a respectable tradition (17c - 19c) of using the apostrophe for noun plurals, especially in loanwords ending in a vowel (as in We doe confess Erratas, Leonard Lichfield, 1641, and Commas are used, Phillip Luckcombe, 1771) and in consonants s, z, ch, sh (as in waltzs and cotillions, Washington Irving, 1804). Although this practice is rare in 20th c. standard usage, the apostrophe of plurality continues in . . . the nonstandard (illiterate) use often called in BrE the greengrocers apostrophe, as in apples 55p per lb and We sell the original shepherds pies (notice in a shop window, Canterbury, England).(Tom McArthur, The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University. Press, 1992) The ubiquity of apostrophes to signal the plural of fruits and vegetablesas in Carrots, Bananas, and (gasp!) Peacheshas created the term, at least in England, the greengrocers apostrophe. The worst offender found by John Richard and the Apostrophe Protection Society: Golden Deli-cious.Greengrocers, butchers, and supermarket managers have received polite notes from the Apostrophe Protection Society reminding them of the differences between plural and possessive nouns. Among the targets of polite letters that the APS has sent was a local cafe that serves Chips, Sausages, Rolls, Eggs, and every other foodstuff with a garnishing of apostrophe. But the establishment calls itself Bennys Cafe.(Richard Lederer and John Shore, Comma Sense: A Fun-damental Guide to Punctuation. St. Martins Press, 2005) The greengrocers apostrophewhere a simple plural is turned into a singular possessiveis probably the main cause of distress for the many people who would like punctuation to be used properly. It is so public that it encourages even more wrong use.(Christine Sinclair, Grammar: A Friendly Approach. Open University Press, 2007) The Restaurant Apostrophe We could just as well call this misuse of the apostrophe to create a plural noun the restaurant apostrophe, for it appears on countless menusoften miswritten menuseven in chichi establishments. The menu of an Italian restaurant in my neighborhood has some especially outrageous specimens: pizzas, pastas, appetizers, soup salads, and lunch specials. You can even order a pizza with sauteed onions. . . .The grocers or restaurant apostrophe also occurs in the curious way some people have of pluralizing their surname. They write the Simpsons or sometimes the Simpsons when all they need to do is say Doh! and write the Simpsons. (Of course, if a plural possessive is involved, a terminal apostrophe is required: the Simpsons house.)(Charles Harrington Elster, The Accidents of Style: Good Advice on How Not to Write Badly. St. Martins Press, 2010) An Atrocity? Think of the word atrocity, and certain appalling behaviours spring to mind. Add barbaric, and the picture gets worse. How about a barbaric atrocity thats detestable and provokes horror? At this point, its surely time for a UN intervention. We must act to halt this outrage! Except that all the words just quoted come from discussions of the uses and abuses of English. Simon Heffer, in his recent book Strictly English, thinks the so-called greengrocers apostrophe is an atrocity, and that academics write barbarically . . ..Anger delivers ego-enhancing pleasure; so does strengthening the boundaries of group membershipand carping about language is far more socially acceptable than explicit class snobbery or nationalism (not to mention less bother than confronting actual atrocities). Still, can we get, sorry, may we have, a bit of perspective, please? (Oliver Burkeman, Why Do They Adopt an Error-Hunting Mindset? The Guardian, Dec. 16, 2011) The Demise of the Apostrophe? In our period . . . came the arbitrary codification of its and whose without apostrophe as the genitives of it and who, respectively, and its, whos with apostrophe as the contraction of it, who with is or has. It is hardly surprising that these conventions seem to be in rapid collapse, with what has been called the greengrocers apostrophe (apples 60p, Antiques, linguistics, and perhaps even meant, all personally attested) just one symptom of what may well turn out to be the imminent demise of the apostrophe. Distressing though it is to purists, it must be admitted that genuine ambiguities caused by omission or misuse of the apostrophe are very infrequent indeed. (David Denison, Syntax. The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume 4, ed. by Suzanne Romaine. Cabridge University Press, 1998)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Connecting Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria
Connecting Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria are the two longest-serving monarchs in British history. Victoria, who reigned from 1837 to 1901, established many of the precedents that Elizabeth has honored since she was crowned in 1952. How are the two powerful queens related? What are their family ties? Queen Victoria When she was born on May 24, 1819, few people thought Alexandra Victoria would one day be queen. Her father, Prince Edward, was the fourth in line to succeed his father, the reigning King George III. In 1818, he wed Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, a widowed German princess with two children. Their only child, Victoria, was born the following year. On Jan. 23, 1820, Edward died, making Victoria fourth in line. Just days later, on Jan. 29, King George III died, to be succeeded by his son George IV. When he died in 1830, the next in line, Frederick, had already passed away, so the crown went William, Victorias youngest uncle. King William IV ruled until he died with no direct heirs in 1837, just days after Victoria, the heir-apparent, turned 18. She was crowned on June 28, 1838. Victorias Family Conventions of the time were that the queen must have a king and consort, and her maternal uncle had been trying to match her with Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Aug. 26, 1819 to Dec. 14, 1861), a German prince who was also related to her. After a short courtship, the two were wed on Feb. 10, 1840. Before Alberts death in 1861, the two had nine children. One of them, Edward VII, became the king of Great Britain. Her other children would marry into the royal families of Germany, Sweden, Romania, Russia, and Denmark. Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of the House of Windsor was born on April 21, 1926 to the Duke and Duchess of York. Elizabeth, known as Lilibet as a child, had one younger sister, Margaret (Aug. 21, 1930 to Feb. 9, 2002). When she was born, Elizabeth was third in line to her grandfathers throne, behind her father and his older brother, Edward, the Prince of Wales. When King George V, son of Edward VII, died in 1936, the crown went to Elizabeths uncle Edward, but he abdicated in order to marry Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced American. Elizabeths father became King George VI. His death on Feb. 6, 1952 cleared the way for Elizabeth to succeed him, and become Britains first queen since Queen Victoria. Elizabeths Family Elizabeth and her future husband, Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (June 10, 1921) met a few times as children. They were married on Nov. 20, 1947. Philip, who had renounced his foreign titles, took the surname Mountbatten and became Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Together, he and Elizabeth have four children. Her eldest, Prince Charles, is first in line to succeed Queen Elizabeth II, and his sons, Princes William and Harry, are second and third in line. The Lineages of Elizabeth and Philip The royal families of Europe frequently intermarried, both to maintain their royal bloodlines and to preserve some balance of power between the various empires. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip are both related to Queen Victoria. Elizabeth is a direct descendent of Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother. Working backwards in time, the tie can be traced: Elizabeths father was George VI (1895 to 1952). He married Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900 to 2002) in 1925, and they had two daughters, Elizabeth II, and Princess Margaret.George VIs father was George V (1865 to 1936), Elizabeths grandfather. He married Mary of Teck (1867 to 1953) in 1893, a German princess raised in England.George Vs father was Edward VII (1841 to 1910). Elizabeths great-grandfather. He married Alexandra of Denmark (1844 to 1925), a Danish princess.Edward VIIs mother was Queen Victoria (1819 to 1901), Elizabeths great-great-grandmother. She married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1840. Elizabeths husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is one of Queen Victorias great-great-grandsons: Philips mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg (1885 to 1969), married his father, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark (1882 to 1944), in 1903.Princess Alices mother was Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine (1863 to 1950), Philips maternal grandmother. Princess Victoria was married to Prince Louis of Battenberg (1854 to 1921) in 1884.Princess Victoria of Hesse and by the Rhine was the daughter of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom (1843 to 1878), Philips great-grandmother. This Princess Alice was married to Louis IV (1837 to 1892), Grand Duke of Hesse and by the Rhine.Princess Alices mother was Queen Victoria, Philips great-great-grandmother. Further Comparisons Until 2015, Queen Victoria had been the longest-ruling monarch in the history of England, the U.K., or Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth surpassed that record of 63 years and 216 days, on Sept. 9, 2015. Both queens married princes of their own choice, quite apparently love matches, who were willing to support their reigning monarch wives. Both were committed to their duties as monarch. Though Victoria withdrew for a period when mourning her husbands rather early and unexpected death, she was an active monarch, even in ill health, until her death. As of this writing, Elizabeth, too, has been similarly active. Both inherited the crown somewhat unexpectedly. Victorias father, who predeceased her, had three older brothers ahead of him in succession, none of whom had children who survived to inherit the honor. Elizabeths father became king only when his older brother, King Edward, abdicated when he wouldnt have been able to marry the woman he chose and remain king. Victoria and Elizabeth both celebrated Diamond Jubilees. But after 50 years on the throne, Victoria was in ill health and had only a few years left to live. Elizabeth, by comparison, continues to maintain a public schedule after a half-century of rule. At Victorias jubilee celebration in 1897, Great Britain could rightfully claim to be the most dominant empire on earth, with colonies the world over. Twenty-first-century Britain, by comparison, is a much-diminished power, having relinquished nearly all of its empire.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Antonymy - Definition and Examples in English
Antonymy s in English The semantic qualities or sense relations that exist between words (lexemes) with opposite meanings in certain contexts (i.e., antonyms). Plural antonymies. Contrast with synonymy. The term antonymy was introduced by C.J. Smith in his book Synonyms and Antonyms (1867). Pronunciation:Â an-TON-eh-me Observations Antonymy is a key feature of everyday life. Should further evidence be required, try visiting a public lavatory without checking which is the gents and which is the ladies. On your way out, ignore the instructions which tell you whether to push or pull the door. And once outside, pay no attention to whether traffic lights are telling you to stop or go. At best, you will end up looking very foolish; at worst, you will end up dead. Antonymy holds a place in society which other sense relations simply do not occupy. Whether or not there exists a general human tendency to categorize experience in terms of dichotomous contrast ([John] Lyons 1977: 277) is not easily gauged, but, either way, our exposure to antonymy is immeasurable: we memorise opposites in childhood, encounter them throughout our daily lives, and possibly even use antonymy as a cognitive device to organise human experience. (Steven Jones, Antonymy: A Corpus-Based Perspective. Routledge, 2002) Antonymy and Synonymy For the better-known European languages at least, there are a number of dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms available, which are frequently used by writers and students to extend their vocabulary and achieve a greater variety of style. The fact that such special dictionaries are found useful in practice is an indication that words can be more or less satisfactorily grouped into sets of synonyms and antonyms. There are two points that should be stressed, however, in this connexion. First, synonymy and antonymy are semantic relations of a very different logical nature: oppositeness of meaning (love:hate, hot:cold, etc.) is not simply the extreme case of difference of meaning. Second, a number of distinctions have to be drawn within the traditional concept of antonymy: dictionaries of antonyms are only successful in practice to the degree that their users draw these distinctions (for the most part unreflectingly). (John Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge Univers ity Press, 1968) Antonymy and Word Classes Oppositeness . . . has an important role in structuring the vocabulary of English. This is especially so in the adjective word class, where a good many words occur in antonymous pairs: e.g. long-short, wide-narrow, new-old, rough-smooth, light-dark, straight-crooked, deep-shallow, fast-slow. While antonymy is typically found among adjectives it is not restricted to this word class: bring-take (verbs), death-life (nouns), noisily-quietly (adverbs), above-below (prepositions), after-before (conjunctions or prepositions). . . . English can also derive antonyms by means of prefixes and suffixes. Negative prefixes such as dis-, un- or in- may derive an antonym from the positive root, e.g. dishonest, unsympathetic, infertile. Compare also: encourage-discourage but entangle-disentangle, increase-decrease, include-exclude. (Howard Jackson and Etienne ZÃ © Amvela, Words, Meaning and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology. Continuum, 2000) Canonical Opposites [W]hile antonymy is variable (i.e., context dependent), particular antonym pairs are often canonical in that they are known without reference to context. . . . For example, the color senses of black and white are opposed and so are their racial senses and their good/evil senses as in white magic and black magic. Canonicity of antonym relations also plays a role in context-specific antonymy. As Lehrer (2002) notes, if a frequent or basic sense of a word is in a semantic relation with another word, that relation can be extended to other senses of the word. For example, the basic temperature sense of hot contrasts with cold. While cold does not usually mean legally acquired, it can have that meaning when contrasted (with enough context) with hot in its stolen sense, as in (9). He traded in his hot car for a cold one. (Lehrer 2002) For readers to understand the intended sense of cold in (9), they must know that cold is the usual antonym of hot. Next they must deduce that if cold is the antonym of hot, then no matter what hot is used to mean in this context, cold means the opposite thing. The stability of some such antonym pairs across senses and contexts is evidence that those antonymic pairings are canonical. (M. Lynne Murphy, Semantic Relations and the Lexicon. Cambridge University Press, 2003) Antonymy and Word-Association Testing If a stimulus has a common opposite (an antonym), it will always elicit that opposite more often than anything else. These responses are the most frequent found anywhere in word association. (H.H. Clark, Word Associations and Linguistic Theory. New Horizons in Linguistics, ed. by J. Lyons. Penguin, 1970) See Also AntithesisVocabulary Builder #1: AntonymsWriters on Writing: Ten Tips for Finding the Right Words
Saturday, October 19, 2019
African Americans 1877 to Present Research Paper
African Americans 1877 to Present - Research Paper Example The Compromise of 1877 occurred when the Democrats agreed they would not block Hayes victory as long as the Republicans removed their federal troops from the South. Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida became democratic states as a result, and it was the end of the reconstruction era. The Southern white people resulted in violence and intimidation against African Americans because of the end of the reconstruction period. Blacks were kept from exercising their democratic right to voting and white supremacy was dominant in the area. There were many Supreme Court decisions that limited the reconstruction amendment laws and were against the Black community (Campbell & Fraser, 2008). The 14th and 15th Amendments give African Americans the right to be American citizens and protect them using the constitution. They were also not allowed to vote. Southern Democrats had made a promise to the government to protect the rights of the Black people, but they did not honor the promises. The feder al government stops interfered in the affairs of the South, which led to discontent among the Black community, who were not allowed to vote in any election. The results of the Reconstruction era led to the massive exodus of African Americans from the South and many migrated to Kansas. The African Americans, however, got hope as the first Black women’s college open in 1881, the Spelman College. There is also the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute that began in the same year in Alabama. It was one of the few Institutes for higher learning for the African Americans. In 1982, the American Colonization Society that founded Monrovia in 1847, the present-day Liberia continued with the movement of African Americans to Liberia. The leader of the Society Robert Finley believes the migration of African Americans back to Africa would be a solution to the problems they were encountering in America. More than twelve thousand slaves were successfully relocated
Network Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Network Security - Essay Example Project Planning: Parameters of project planning and resources to be utilized are identified. 2. Risk Analysis and Review: The internal and external threats, to which an organization is exposed to, are identified especially risks related to the geographic location. 3. Business Impact Analysis: The critical operations of the business unit are evaluated and resources that are needed to operate them are identified. 4. Recovery Strategy: Temporary recovery guidelines are created for the business units that are exposed to the period between a predictable disaster and ready for normal operations. Alternative recovery strategies are also planned and important data and information of the business units are copied and stored in a safe location. 5. Plan development: Right people to conduct the recovery operation are identified and methods to notify these people are established. Methods to evaluate the operational impact and recovery activation are also determined. Steps to minimize the risks a nd the restoration of the system to normal after attack are also created. A Business Continuity Plan is the milestone of this phase. 6. Training: The employees that were identified to be involved in the recovery process are made to understand the BCP. 7. Testing: A fake situation is created to test the BCP and evaluate it to ensure its working. 8. Maintenance: The plan is updated on a frequent basis with change in business. (Heng, 2004, p. 2). Part 3 A Disaster Recovery Planning is a planning that results in a document called the Disaster Recover Plan which â€Å"explores how a network recovers from a disaster that could either damage its data or hinder and stop its functioning. An organization’s financial auditors need this document as a company’s... A large corporation is supposed to have a large volume of data and information that needs to be protected from any kind of theft and any kind of loss due to natural disasters. This essay follows and discusses the ways such corporation are using to increase their network security. A large corporations should implement device security: physical and logical, that are described in the essay. Physical device security implies the placing of a copy of the original device in a location where it is safe from malicious attackers. However, logical security protects the device from non-physical attacks. This essay also refers to some systems, that are used to establish network security and plan it's proper work. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is discussed, that is a planning that helps to identify the internal and external threats an organization is exposed to. A Disaster Recovery Planning explores how a network recovers from a disaster that could stop its functioning. An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), that is mentioned in the essay is an important policy defined for a network, it defines what the acceptable usage of organizational resources is. The policy defines things, that are described in details, such as: sharing of passwords among users, installation of applications, copying data, levels of privacy on use of organization’s resources and many others. The last topic that the researcher discusses is social engineering, that is a way in which human behavior is manipulated in order to acquire a desired objective, such as hacker attacks.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Customer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Customer Behaviour - Essay Example Three key concepts, service quality, satisfaction, and customer loyalty are no longer the centre of creating a relationship with consumers. The latest trend in emphasis in relationship to the consumer is value (Foss 2011). Creating value for the consumer, or at the very least the appearance of value, has emerged as the economic crisis has created a dynamic in which economic restraint is in fashion. Therefore, expenditures are assessed for the value in contrast to the cost that is experienced by the consumer. While value may be at the forefront of the corporate goals in relationship to consumer expectations, service quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty comes through the value that is attached to a product or service. While these concepts may seem to have become set aside in favour of value, value is defined by these aspects so that the consumer feels they are getting the best possible service and product for their money. One cannot truly create value if quality and satisfaction are not met, and without quality and satisfaction, loyalty will not be the result. In trying to determine value, it is important to set criteria through which the company can operate and the consumer can perceive the value of their purchase. As an example, if a company can build computers for a lower rate, but still maintain high quality that have added an aspect of value for the consumer. ... Customer value comes when people become customers through repetitive buying behaviours, though adapting to the culture of the product line, and through becoming a resource that is then tapped in order to create further success. Understanding how customer value is achieved requires understanding consumer behaviour. Thus an understanding of the relationship between the organisation and the consumer can be achieved (Samover, Porter, and McDaniel 2011). The necessity to understand how value to the consumer and customer value is achieved must be attained through an understanding of relationships as they are defined through service quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty provides for the comprehensive understanding of customer value and in achieving value for the customer. Without the foundational concepts, the idea of value becomes a meaningless term with no basic understanding. It is essential that service quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty be involved in the construction of t he overall dynamic of the relationship that exists between the organisation and the consumer. Through these concepts, value is constructed Value The idea of value is based upon the exchange of use for benefit. From the perspective of the consumer, a product provides value through the benefits that are achieved in its use in comparison to the money that was spent to achieve the purpose that was intended. Value to a consumer, in this economic stage of history, is defined on a great number of levels, some of which are at the basic level, others residing at the level of self-actualisation. If Maslow’s Theory of Needs is applied to the concept of value, the basic needs such as food, shelter, and safety are
Strategic Marketing Audit for Marks and Spencer UK Essay
Strategic Marketing Audit for Marks and Spencer UK - Essay Example The report will also offer recommendations according to the findings with a purpose of assisting the company to maintain and increase market share in the world. Marks and Spencer is one of the leading retailers of clothes, home wares, financial services, and food in the United Kingdom. The company owns over 700 stores in the United Kingdom and 300 across 40 countries in the world. Marks and Spencer has been operational since the year 1884. The company offers high quality, stylish, home products, and exceptional value clothing. Marks and Spencer employ over 75,000 people in the United Kingdom and abroad. The company is the leading provider of women’s lingerie and wear in the United Kingdom, and it is rapidly growing worldwide. Marks and Spencer home wares and clothing account for 49% and the other 51% is in fresh produce, groceries, and food. Marks and Spencer is listed on the London stock exchange, and it is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. The company, which is colloquially known as â€Å"Marks and Spencer †,â€Å" M&S or â€Å"Markies†, was characterized in the early 20th century of selling British made goods giving it a reputation. For the purpose, of the study the company in last few faced with economic turmoil’s hence moving towards â€Å" back to basics†strategic while trying to survive the competitive market. The company’s back to basic strategies has not been successful in solving the problems thus necessitating an overhaul in their marketing and strategic audit (Gordon, 2009). In so doing the company will be able to gain a broader understanding of market structures while setting standards in values quality, innovation, customer trust and value services. Through strategy audit, the company will be able to answer financial crisis and the economic recessions. For marketing mix, Marks and Spencer is just in place in that their mix conforms to the products, place, price, and promotion. The company is averse to marketing because of convection
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Media study assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Media study assignment 1 - Essay Example It has attracted movies like Gran Torino, Up in the Air, and Scream bring more than 8,000 in one year and saved the movies more than $223 million in 2009. It is a testament of how tax cuts from several movies can save so much, an amount that could be reinvested on other movies. Proposed Policy Many movie and TV studios actually openly state that a huge part of their expense goes to taxes. On the other hand, there is another sector that complains about having the right ideas that could progress the quality of the movie and tv industry but not having enough funding to pursue these ideas. If five movies total more than $200 million in taxes, reallocating taxes from two movies of every movie and TV studio to fund independent film. Monumental movies like Memento, Run Lola Run, Primer and Clerks were all made for under $100,000. Many of the movies that Hollywood licensed such as The Eye and Shutter were all made under $10,000. $200 million yearly could easily fund 100 movies that could com pletely turn around the quality of movies coming from Hollywood. Benefits and Disadvantages of the Policy The greatest benefit of providing support to the new filmmakers follows the same model of the commercial market. In the commercial market, when people spend their money on goods and services, it stimulates the economy by increasing the demand. The business owners, in turn, produce more good which offers move jobs to people. This will give people more spending the power. That will start the whole process again. This model will follow the same process. As the government reallocate the money back to the market, it gives more jobs to people which allow them to have more spending power to support more movies. As more movies make money, more movies will be produced. The greatest benefit will, of course, be the probable increase in quality of the movies that are being produced as new talents are discovered. The only disadvantage that is in clear trajectory is the loss that government w ill incur. $200 million worth of tax is a huge cut from government funding. That could very well be going to infrastructure project, funding for Small and Medium Enterprise, education and other essential projects. Political, Social, or Cultural Issues that will be Addressed Art is important. It is, in a sense, the conscience of a nation and it must be nurtured the same way it is critical to nurture the conscience of a country. The film industry is part of art it is, primarily, a cultural issue. Hollywood, movie making, and television is a great influence in American culture, to some it is also a reflection of the American culture. When its growth is stunted, a huge part of the culture also goes away. American movies have served as a great influence in many other countries to pursue the growth of their own industry. The other more obvious consequence is the money that the movie industry contributes to the economy of the United States of America. In 2010, the movie industry contribute d an estimated $10.89 billion in direct revenue alone. The TV industry could easily double that figure. How it Supports Free Speech Giving filmmakers the ammunition to produce more movies is equivalent to providing them more platforms where they can express the messages they will not be able to say otherwise. Memento, for example, was the very first film that brought forward short memory loss disease. It raised awareness about this disease which, apparently, was more common than initially perceived to be. Primer, a
Paramedics assessment with Problems in Pregnancy and Complicated Research Paper
Paramedics assessment with Problems in Pregnancy and Complicated Childbirth - Research Paper Example By estimating her EDC or EDD through ultrasonography or manual calculations by measuring the fundic height or getting the LMP, a rough correlation with her uterine contractions can be deduced to know if the patient is undergoing false or true labor. Rupture of membranes or excretion of a mucus plug may indicate an active labor process. General health must also be assessed if the mother has had allergies, is smoker or alcoholic, or takes any drugs or medications (Complicated childbirth). In ancient times, the mode of delivery for subsequent pregnancies after a history of cesarean section (CS) will always be CS. Currently, there are now options to undergo a trial of labor after a cesarean birth but patients must be aided in their decision making with sufficient understanding about the risks and benefits of a vaginal delivery. With TOLAC, there is a risk of uterine rupture. The following characteristics, increases the success of vaginal delivery: previous vaginal delivery, history of VB AC, spontaneous labor, competent cervix, nonrecurring indications i.e. breech, previa, herpes, preterm delivery, an interpregnancy interval of more than 18 months. Similarly, the risks associated and factors that may contribute to failure of the process are morbid obesity, Hispanic and African American race, increasing birth weight, previous history of cephalopelvic disproportion, diabetes mellitus, failure to progress labor, no history of vaginal deliveries, or a previous cesarean section. In the clinical case given, her risks of undergoing a trial of labor may be high; therefore a cesarean delivery may be recommended (Caughey, n.d.). Condition Clinical presentation Problems/Risks/Complications Management Ectopic pregnancy Signs of pregnancy i.e. amenorrhea, positive pregnancy test Abdominal pain accompanied by shoulder pain as the embryo grows distending the involved structure and compressing adjacent organs If abdominal implantation, signs of shock i.e. hypotension If cervical or fallopian tube implantation, vaginal blood loss Problem: implantation of the embryo in structures other than the uterus Risk: previous ectopic pregnancy, history of tubal surgery, history of tubal infection, progestin-only contraception, intrauterine contraceptive devices Complication: rupture of structure with the growing fetus, hemorrhage causing hypovolemic shock Early diagnosis via ?-hCG level determination Transport to a medical facility for possible surgical procedure Correct signs of shock Pain alleviation Pre-term labour Uterine contractions Small amount of cervical effacement or dilatation Problem: premature onset of labor before 38 weeks of gestation Risk: multi-gravid, intrauterine infections, premature rupture of the membranes, uterine or cervical anatomical anomalies, smoker, Complication: preterm birth, low birth weight neonate, fetal distress, infection Prehospital setting: supportive care, decrease level of stress, bed rest Hospital setting: IV salbutamol Pre-eclamp sia Hypertension; BP >140/90 mmHg Edema Proteinuria Headaches Visual disturbances Pulmonary edema Hepatic dysfunction Oliguria Thrombocytopenia or haemolysis Problem: biochemical and physiological alteration resulting to widespread vasoconstriction, organ ischemia and edema Risk: obesity, diabetes mellitus, race Complication: progression to eclampsia; brain ischemia, seizure, heart failure, decreased
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Media study assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Media study assignment 1 - Essay Example It has attracted movies like Gran Torino, Up in the Air, and Scream bring more than 8,000 in one year and saved the movies more than $223 million in 2009. It is a testament of how tax cuts from several movies can save so much, an amount that could be reinvested on other movies. Proposed Policy Many movie and TV studios actually openly state that a huge part of their expense goes to taxes. On the other hand, there is another sector that complains about having the right ideas that could progress the quality of the movie and tv industry but not having enough funding to pursue these ideas. If five movies total more than $200 million in taxes, reallocating taxes from two movies of every movie and TV studio to fund independent film. Monumental movies like Memento, Run Lola Run, Primer and Clerks were all made for under $100,000. Many of the movies that Hollywood licensed such as The Eye and Shutter were all made under $10,000. $200 million yearly could easily fund 100 movies that could com pletely turn around the quality of movies coming from Hollywood. Benefits and Disadvantages of the Policy The greatest benefit of providing support to the new filmmakers follows the same model of the commercial market. In the commercial market, when people spend their money on goods and services, it stimulates the economy by increasing the demand. The business owners, in turn, produce more good which offers move jobs to people. This will give people more spending the power. That will start the whole process again. This model will follow the same process. As the government reallocate the money back to the market, it gives more jobs to people which allow them to have more spending power to support more movies. As more movies make money, more movies will be produced. The greatest benefit will, of course, be the probable increase in quality of the movies that are being produced as new talents are discovered. The only disadvantage that is in clear trajectory is the loss that government w ill incur. $200 million worth of tax is a huge cut from government funding. That could very well be going to infrastructure project, funding for Small and Medium Enterprise, education and other essential projects. Political, Social, or Cultural Issues that will be Addressed Art is important. It is, in a sense, the conscience of a nation and it must be nurtured the same way it is critical to nurture the conscience of a country. The film industry is part of art it is, primarily, a cultural issue. Hollywood, movie making, and television is a great influence in American culture, to some it is also a reflection of the American culture. When its growth is stunted, a huge part of the culture also goes away. American movies have served as a great influence in many other countries to pursue the growth of their own industry. The other more obvious consequence is the money that the movie industry contributes to the economy of the United States of America. In 2010, the movie industry contribute d an estimated $10.89 billion in direct revenue alone. The TV industry could easily double that figure. How it Supports Free Speech Giving filmmakers the ammunition to produce more movies is equivalent to providing them more platforms where they can express the messages they will not be able to say otherwise. Memento, for example, was the very first film that brought forward short memory loss disease. It raised awareness about this disease which, apparently, was more common than initially perceived to be. Primer, a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Managing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 2
Managing strategy - Essay Example The company’s maximum revenue is earned from the domestic streaming services, which accounts for $2.75 billion of revenue generation. Netflix is dominant in the American market, which generates almost 84% of its revenue (Marketline, 2014). This paper discusses the external and internal environment of Netflix, using theoretical models like PESTLE framework, porter’s five forces, VRIN framework, Value chain model etc. This is followed by the discussion of the challenges faced by Netflix along with the vantage point which the company has leveraged. The paper further discusses about the company’s strategic growth options which have been justified in the light of relevant facts and theories. Finally the paper will conclude with the summary of the major findings from the study, followed by recommendation on the chosen strategic decisions. Political influence: Netflix operates in the movie streaming and DVD rental business, which is rarely affected by the political scenario of a region. However, the political framework can impose certain regulations and ban particular movies with controversial content. Movies with political storyline often bring controversies and are eventually banned in several countries, which affect the business of Netflix. Economic influence: The economic condition of a region highly influences the business operation of a firm. The movie steaming and rental business is highly dependent on the disposable income of the consumers. Moreover, movies are considered to be leisure products and a customer will spend on watching movies only when his disposable income is in and above satisfactory level. The economic crisis of 2012 has impacted the sales of Netflix significantly as it has reduced the number of viewership and subscriptions (Li, 2013). Moreover, the economic crisis has also led to lower number of film productions. Social:
Monday, October 14, 2019
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck Essay Example for Free
Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck Essay In Chapter 4 of Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck portrays Crooks, Lennie, Candy, and Curleys wife as outcasts who although are lonely and seek each others companionship, ostracize each other nevertheless. Each of said characters seek companionship, are outcasts, and as a result abase one another. Crooks, Candy, Curleys wife, and Lennie are lonely and therefore seek companionship. Crooks is a very lonely character, and may in fact be the most diverse due to both his handicap and race. When he gets company, he tries to conceal his pleasure with anger; he does not welcome others into his abode because they discriminate against him (his impediment is therefore seen as a spiteful retaliation), but at the same time he is delighted to have company. When Crooks sees Lennie standing at the doorway smiling at him, Crooks gives in and allows him to stay, telling him you can come if ya want. Lennie is also lonely, for he is drawn to Crooks stable when he sees the light on; when he approached Crooks, he smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends. Candy later comes in to the stable, as Crooks allows him to come in; he is modest about Crookss welcome, saying of course if you want me to. Candy is a passive man virtually unable to take any independent action and his one major act in the book, offering Lennie and George money in order to go in on a piece of land together, is a means by which he can become dependent on them; this is a result of his impeding loneliness. Lastly, Curleys wife enters the stable. Her presence is almost nomadic; she wonders around the whole ranch, seeking company and then parting. Generally considered to be a tramp by the men at the ranch, Curleys Wife is the only major character in Of Mice and Men whom Steinbeck does not give a name. She dislikes her husband and feels desperately lonely at the ranch, for she is the only woman and feels isolated from the other men, who openly scorn her. She still holds some small hope of a better life, claiming that she had the chance to become a movie star in Hollywood, but otherwise is a bitter and scornful woman who shamelessly uses sex to intimidate the workers. When she enters the stable, she pretends as if she is looking for Curley, but she really just wants company. Each of the aforementioned characters seek each others companionship and company to keep from getting lonely. Crooks, Candy, Curleys wife, and Lennie are also scrutinized as outcasts in the society in which they live, due to their defects Crooks being a black cripple, Candy an old handicapped man, Curleys wife being female, and Lennie whom is afflicted with mental retardation. Their reclusive stature is justified in the names in which they call themselves; Crooks calls himself black and a busted back nigger. Candy is called a busted sheep, Lennie a dum dum, and Curleys wife a tart. Furthermore, Steinbeck does not give Curleys wife a name; this illustrates that women in the concurrent era were looked down upon. Crooks, Curleys wife, Candy, and Lennie are further exemplified as outcasts by the fact that Slim, George, and Whit left them behind. Crooks, Candy, Curleys wife, and Lennie are exiled from society and left to be alone. With the pain, loneliness, and fear which they feel, Crooks, Candy, Curleys wife, and Lennie degrade each other. They call each other names, and Curleys wife adds to these statements by saying they [George, Slim, and Whit] left the weak ones behind. Candy calls her a bitch and reminds her that they at least have friends. Candy and Crooks even indicate that they want her to leave, that they have had enough. Crooks, Lennie, Candy, and Curleys wife are portrayed as outcasts who although are lonely and seek each others companionship, they ostracize each other nevertheless because of the over bearing society in which they live. They demean and mortify one another to make themselves feel better to attain a private victory that the other is more of an outcast than the former. They would rather have bitter company as to no company.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The opt-out clause of the Working Hours Directive 1998. :: Business and Management Studies
The opt-out clause of the Working Hours Directive 1998. The European Working Time Directive (EWTD) was adopted in 1993, and came into force in the UK under the Working Time Regulations 1998 as a safety measure, because of the recognised negative effects on health and safety of excessively long working hours. It also provides for statutory minimum rest-break entitlements, annual leave and working arrangements for night workers. The EWTD is also designed to help work life balance by limiting long hours, which is both stressful and harmful to health. For example, some research has shown that driving while tired provided similar results to driving after having drunk alcohol. The EWTD regulations place a legal requirement on employers, which means that if it is not implemented, national governments will be liable for payment of heavy financial penalties and potentially sanctions from the European Union (EU). There are no rights to work long hours, but there is legal protection to protect workers’ rights to reasonable working environment and conditions, and to family life. The main features of the EWTD are; no more than 48 hours work per week; 11 hours continuous rest in 24 hours; 24 hours continuous rest in seven days (or 48 hours in 14 days); a 20 minute break in work periods of over 6 hours; four weeks annual leave; and for night workers, an average of no more than 8 hours work in 24 hours over the reference period. The EWTD was considered by the UK Government as an issue of working conditions, not as a health and safety issue. As a result, in 1993, the UK negotiated an opt-out clause, which allows Member States not to apply the limit to working hours under certain conditions, such as: prior agreement of the individual, no negative fall out from refusing to opt-out, and records kept of working hours of those that have opted out. The European Commission announced on 23rd September 2004 its controversial proposal to update the 1993 Working Time Directive. This will most likely mean the UK will have to abandon its opt-out clause. If this is the case, and working hours are restricted, there will be many advantages and disadvantages for both employees and employers. The advantages and disadvantages range from health and safety issues to financial issues. The advantages for employees are; firstly, no longer shall employees be pressured into signing a contract with an opt-out clause stating if required, they must work extra time. This will also stop a lot of employers blackmailing potential and/or current employees, which can be often the case. For example, an employer may say to a potential employee, that if they do not sign the opt-out clause contract then
Saturday, October 12, 2019
John Locke :: Empiricists, Empiricism
Property cannot be made secure by natural right alone, and for the better securing of their properties men have entered into civil society. The will of the body politic, when formed, is determined by the will of the majority, and of a bare majority if there be no different express agreement. For this Locke does not give any reason but the necessity of the case; it is certain that much worse ones have been given. As a matter of fact, we now know that a majority vote has not been generally recognized in archaic societies; the difficulty of obtaining nominal unanimity was overcome (as in special cases it still has to be) by various methods, including varying elements of force and fiction. This does not apply to the original agreement to form a society, which is assumed to be unanimous, and includes only the actual parties to it. Any one who stands out may go his ways and provide for himself elsewhere. It would seem that the community is entitled to enforce his departure; it is certain, on Locke's principles, that it has not the right to detain him against his will. Could he agree to stay in an inferior capacity like that of a resident alien? But it is needless to pursue the auxiliary fictions which might be devised. A body politic, then, is formed by consent; the essential term of the agreement is that every member gives up his natural judicial and executive power to the community (not, as Hobbes maintains, to an irresponsible sovereign); and this consent is renewed, tacitly if not expressly, in the person of every new member; for one cannot accept the benefit of a settled government except on those terms on which it is offered. Locke is bold to assert that 'a child is born a subject of no country or government,' and may choose his allegiance for himself at the age of discretion: this is another opinion which no modern lawyer
Friday, October 11, 2019
Education †School Essay
Education is a vital process that enables pupils and students to acquire knowledge and skills that can earn them a living and a respectable life. Within most education systems are measures such as user charges and cost recovery. These measures are put forward so as to improve the quality of education. In Sub-Saharan Africa countries, the user charges and cost recovery measures have been criticised by some people on equity grounds although within the same region other people have defended the measures based on the same grounds. This essay therefore, intends to identify and discuss the various dimensions of user charges and cost recovery measures in education as well as to propose an alternative for user charges and other cost recovery measures in the Zambian education system. In order to have a wider understanding of this essay, the key words that are frequently appearing should be defined. According to (Jiminez, 1987) user charges are defined as a fee for service or a direct charge for the provision of a good or service by the Government in an open market while cost recovery is the regain of the costs of government-provided or funded products, services or activities that, at least in part, provide private benefits to individuals, entities or groups, or reflect the costs their actions impose. User charges fall within the broader concept of cost sharing which involves the contributions from users towards the cost of the particular service that they benefit from such as education, health and water (Terme, 2002). Cost sharing takes a wide range of forms such as direct charges and indirect charges. Examples of direct charges in education are charging fees for tuition and for school writing materials while the indirect charges include in kind contributions such as maintenance, construction and furniture. Such in kind contributions must equate to the official fees of the services provided. User charges however, are direct charges or fees which in the education system may include PTA funds which the school can use for the construction of ablution blocks and class room blocks. Examples of user charges in public offices include fee for a copy of a marriage, birth or death certificate. Cost recovery measures may include the products, services and different activities such as: recreational services; minerals and petroleum services; registration and licensing activities that the government offers to people that have costs (Lockheed and Verspoor, 1990). These costs can be recovered by either the users or other people who benefit from goods, services or activities. They can also be recovered from taxpayers. The education systems such as colleges offer teaching programs to students, the students benefit from such programs by acquiring skills and knowledge for teaching in other government or private schools. Since colleges have to buy chemicals for school laboratories, they also have to provide internet services, white board makers and other educational activities. The colleges have to find other ways of recovering such costs so as to maintain quality in their services. This is usually done by imposing tuition fees for all students, charging boarding fees, book fees as well as internet fees. The resources acquired from user charges and cost recovery measures are said to be equitably distributed to all sectors of economy. Equity is the fairness, justice in the distribution of resources (Kelly, 1999). This concept is normative in nature meaning that it involves the distribution of resources to different areas according to the amount needed and not on equal basis. It is also concerned with the patterns in which cost and benefits are being distributed among different areas of a society. To achieve equity in an area, resources as well as benefits must be distributed unequally that is more to the poor and less to the rich. An action like this should be done because the poor lack sources for income as well as protection hence providing less funds for their schools than the rich. This indicates that most of the poor people largely depend on different resources from the government in order to earn a living. User charges and cost recovery measures in the Sub-Saharan countries are seen by some people to be promoting equity in the education system because they improve the way resources are allocated in all the education institutions (World Bank Policy Research Report, 2001). User charges and cost recovery measures also lead to the effective contribution of resources. This in schools is usually achieved when the value that users place on educational services equal the cost of resources used up in the production of those services. Pupils as well as parents tend to value education, by so doing they put pressure on the school, teachers and the stuff to maintain quality. This increases accountability of education institutions hence the easy detection of problems to do with learning. Accountability in education enhances equity. The proper functioning of the user charges and cost recovery results into meeting and maintain the resource requirements for the education system. In situations when the government is not incapable of providing needed resources the school from the user fees can generate its own needed resources and solve any problem at hand. User charges often ensure the provision of quality leaning through the provision of books and other important learning materials, improved school planning and management, better utilization of teaching staff and reduced unit cost in construction for those who enroll. The vulnerable groups of society can also enroll by paying fees through in kind contribution to the construction of the school and even maintenance of school materials. Therefore, the equity benefits in this instance results from the use of resources in ways that benefit the poorest. Such benefits manifest through improvements in the provision of education in rural areas as well quality of educational services. User charges and cost benefits in the Sub-Saharan countries have been criticised because the vulnerable groups in such societies have been found not to be benefiting from the resources that are said to be distributed on equity. According to (Kelly, 1999) disadvantaged groups of society comprise of the poor, people that are handicapped, the girls or females and those that live in rural areas. With the user charges in the system, children from the poor families may not enroll because these families will have to look at how they will make indirect costs such as transportation, school meals, school provisions and sports as well as direct costs such as school fees and boarding fees. Besides that poor children also lack personal material and are unable to buy materials that are sold at school. With high levels of poverty children cannot be allowed to go to school because they are a source of income in their families especially in areas of farm work and selling. Those that are allowed to go to school usually go on empty stomachs. This affects them negatively in academic performance thus causing inefficiencies in the school system. In addition the school curriculum as well as the culture of learning act as barriers in the educational endeavors of these children because it is too advanced for them to understand and does not relate to their everyday activities. The other dimension is that this type of educational provision does not encompass areas such as rural areas. Education provision in rural areas is poorer than in urban areas (Central Statistics Office, 1997), because most of the teachers sent to teach in these areas are untrained, this in turn leads to poor quality in education; the school buildings and sanitation are so poor such that pupils get less motivated to attend lessons; materials and other supplies are not adequately distributed hence preventing pupils from acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. The fairness, justification as well as the treatment of all people according to their needs that is said to be an outcome of user charges and cost recovery measures is seen not to apply in such cases. The other dimension that equity distribution does not cater for is that of the handicapped. One of the major problem in this area is lack of accurate information on the number of children with special educational needs (Central Statistics Office, 1994) the second one is the attitude of society to education of people with special needs. Some parents feel ashamed of themselves of having disabled children hence not sending them to school. Education for these children is not provided fully because even if they enroll they do not receive all the facilities they need for quality learning. In the gender dimension, the gender-based constraints to education tend to be more pronounced in rural areas (Psacharopoulos and Woodhall, 1985). This is due to the fact that the environment is normally more accommodative of gender inequality. Rural areas display strict traditional cultural values, attitudes and practices, such practices are harmful to girls education for they encourage early marriage, abduction, genital mutilation, sexual violence, excessive domestic chores, male superiority and domination of women are tolerated and encouraged by the community both inside and outside the school and with the user charges imposed, parents will opt to sending male children to school than female ones. Alternative justification for user charges and cost recovery measures in the Zambian education system must involve the participation of the poor; people that stay in the rural areas; the handicapped, the girls and other vulnerable people in society. According to (Carmody, 2004) the Zambia education system has been faced with severe constraints in items of finance. This can be solved by the increase in the sector funding by the government and the private sector. Increased funding in a particular sector increases financial resources. The increased financial resource can be used for the construction of educational facilities for handicapped children as well as building new and better schools in the rural areas. Such resources can also be used for sponsoring the education of children from the poor families in education. This can change the face of education in Zambia if it is effectively implemented. In conclusion, user charges and cost recovery in the Sub-Saharan countries cannot alone bring about equity in the distribution of resources in entire society because such countries are still developing. This means that the presence of a large number of poor people in these countries tends to bring about such irregularities. Therefore, in order for the vulnerable to be fully incorporated into the education system, there would be need for assistance in the form of funding by the government and the private sector. These should also be involved in the provision resources and the running of education system in order for them to counter check the progress of education of the people being sponsored as well as the people sponsoring themselves.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Generation Gap
The generation gap is the different generations have different views of the same thing with different ideal. Different environments to create different people and different circumstances produce different thoughts. The emergence of the generation gap in a family is the responsibility of parents and children,parents often complain that children now too do not respect their parents; the children also complain that their parents do not understand children, making the original and the happy family have strife.It contrary to the point of view for the parents, children have their new insights and cause different thinking ideas, behaviors, habits according to their parents. Parents and children have different psychological characteristics. Children have ideals and aspirations, vision of a better future, thinking broad, have flexible response, creative spirit, fast to accept new things, strong ability of adapting to the new environment and prefer independent thinking.There has strong sense o f innovation, ingenuity, courage to break the stereotypes. However, the lack of social experiences their ideas easily extreme and deal with the problem is not calm. Parents were already undergoing many things, mature wisdom, character, maturity, and in interpersonal communication has a lot of experience. Parents see deep and thorough problem, but sometimes because of traditional attitudes, bondage of feudal ideology, ideological and stubborn, conservative, and so on.Besides that,the authoritative ideological heavier of some parents, assertive, requires children to unconditionally obey, so the children will be dissatisfied. For example, there is abundant energy of the younger generation, and competition, innovation, independent, unwilling to be controlled by others, giving a â€Å"bold and unconstrained†impression. In this regard, the older parents are not understood; feel that children had too much wind. Such deviation is bound on the understanding of direct impact to the at titudes and behavior of both sides, and both sides of the generation gap.If you both can do a role change, play the role of your opponent, to experience each others emotions, it's good to change their views, to facilitate exchanges. In this society, the generation gap is a universal phenomenon, it hinders the thoughts, feelings and daily exchanges between parents and children and communication. If the children cannot accept the arrangement of the parents, the children also must be respect their parents, trying to communicate with them, talk with them to explain their ideas like this, sometimes parents and children are also able to reach a consensus. Generation Gap Leo Tolstoy said: â€Å"All families are happy in the similar way and unhappy in its own way†. And happiness or unhappiness of any family mostly depends on relations in it. So many families so many family relations. Each family establishes its own relations in its own way. It has its own traditions and customs and its own unwritten constitution including rights and duties of every member of the family. They are also different in different families. So the problem of misunderstanding becomes urgent. Some people can it generation gap.And both sides (parents and children) should be patient and tactful and it’s the only way to settle down all the problems and stay friends. Youth is a very important period in the life of man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them and do not differ much from those that once their parents had to deal with. At the same time every generation is unique. It differs from the one that preceded it in its experience, ideals and a system of values.The adults always say that the young are not what they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation. To some extent they are true, because every new generation grows up quicker, enjoys more freedom. It is better educated and benefits from the results of the technological progress of the time. Young people of today do not directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that they are right because they are older. The adults don't want their values to be questioned. The young on the other hand can not accept the values of their â€Å"fathers†.All these differences generate a generation gap when the young and adult do not understand one another. As a rule the adults, dissatisfied with their own lives, teach the young how to live. Unfortunately, the adults apply old standards to the new way of life. They can not leave behind the ir â€Å"good old days†. This burden is very heavy. They think that the world is going down hill. They gloomily look ahead unable to understand the optimism of their children who want to pave their own way in life. The majority of the young people do not want to live in the past.They have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults and repeat the mistakes of the older generation. They want to overcome their own difficulties without looking back. However, the life of the young is frequently determined by the adults. I think that parents will never understand their children. And children, in their turn, shock their parents with their dress, language, behaviour. Traditionally, young people were looking at their elders for guidance. Today the situation is different.Sometimes the young people share information and experience with their parents. I think that it is not bad, especially when the adults really try to unders tand what is going on in the lives of their children. Moreover, young people grow up so quickly that they almost do not have time to enjoy their childhood. So, as you see, it is very difficult to be young nowadays, as it always was. But you only can be young once, and some wonderful things can happen only when you’re young. So, it is be to enjoy youth while it lasts. Generation Gap The generation gap is the different generations have different views of the same thing with different ideal. Different environments to create different people and different circumstances produce different thoughts. The emergence of the generation gap in a family is the responsibility of parents and children,parents often complain that children now too do not respect their parents; the children also complain that their parents do not understand children, making the original and the happy family have strife.It contrary to the point of view for the parents, children have their new insights and cause different thinking ideas, behaviors, habits according to their parents. Parents and children have different psychological characteristics. Children have ideals and aspirations, vision of a better future, thinking broad, have flexible response, creative spirit, fast to accept new things, strong ability of adapting to the new environment and prefer independent thinking.There has strong sense o f innovation, ingenuity, courage to break the stereotypes. However, the lack of social experiences their ideas easily extreme and deal with the problem is not calm. Parents were already undergoing many things, mature wisdom, character, maturity, and in interpersonal communication has a lot of experience. Parents see deep and thorough problem, but sometimes because of traditional attitudes, bondage of feudal ideology, ideological and stubborn, conservative, and so on.Besides that,the authoritative ideological heavier of some parents, assertive, requires children to unconditionally obey, so the children will be dissatisfied. For example, there is abundant energy of the younger generation, and competition, innovation, independent, unwilling to be controlled by others, giving a â€Å"bold and unconstrained†impression. In this regard, the older parents are not understood; feel that children had too much wind. Such deviation is bound on the understanding of direct impact to the at titudes and behavior of both sides, and both sides of the generation gap.If you both can do a role change, play the role of your opponent, to experience each others emotions, it's good to change their views, to facilitate exchanges. In this society, the generation gap is a universal phenomenon, it hinders the thoughts, feelings and daily exchanges between parents and children and communication. If the children cannot accept the arrangement of the parents, the children also must be respect their parents, trying to communicate with them, talk with them to explain their ideas like this, sometimes parents and children are also able to reach a consensus.
Benefits of eating dark chocolate Essay
Although it seems too good to be true, dark chocolate can actually be good for you! Despite the fact that sweets are not the healthiest food in the world, dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, has some powerful benefits, not only for the mood, but also for the body. However, only dark chocolate is beneficial for health, not white, semi-sweet, milk or any other type of chocolate. Most people think that everything chocolate-related is unhealthy and they always feel guilty after eating chocolate, even though it makes them feel happier. After eating dark chocolate you will feel the feeling of falling in love. In fact, it stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that bring on feelings of pleasure. Happiness may be a bite away, you just need some delicious dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is good for the body. The darker the chocolate is, the less sugar will contain. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate two or three times each week can help lower your blood pressure and it increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. Dark chocolate also helps combat beauty’s public enemy number one: Stress. Less stress hormones mean less collagen breakdown in the skin, so fewer wrinkles. Chocolate can surely provide some powerful health benefits. Of course this does not mean that people should consume lots of chocolate every day. Therefore eat a square or two after dinner and enjoy the awesome taste without feeling guilty.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Fitness Exercise Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fitness Exercise Training - Essay Example This is the case considering that videos and animations may contain rich forms and extraneous details which present information in a way that is more complex compared to an animation. In this respect, a video is more likely to overburden the working memory of learners to the extent that they may not be able to store whatever they have learnt in their long-term memory (Mayer & Clark, p. 316). Furthermore, videos may provide information that may distract the learners from focusing on the main message being passed to the. On the other hand, still diagrams may be less motivating to the learners. Using still diagrams as the preferred option is consistent with the results of different studies that show that they are more effective than videos and animations (Mayer & Clark, p. 316). As the instructor uses still diagrams to teach about exercising, it is best for them to accompany the diagrams with audio narration. This is consistent with several findings from research (such as those done by Moreno (2006); Sweller 2005; and Ginns (2005)) that show audio narration to be more effective than printed text when it comes to learning (Mayer & Clark, p. 317).
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Explain what is meant by the 'Biopsychosocial' perspective. Show how Essay
Explain what is meant by the 'Biopsychosocial' perspective. Show how this perspective is important in our understanding of psychological disorders - Essay Example The main aim is to define what is meant by BPS and how it is applied in the treatment of psychological disorders. To achieve this, I will be analyzing a disorder through the lens of BPS. The aim is not so much in determining the treatment of the disorder but to make the reader appreciate the use of BPS. The biopsychosocial (BPS) model in healthcare stresses the need for approaching illnesses and disorders holistically. Usually, medical professionals would usually limit themselves to understanding illnesses thru the lens of science especially that of biology. The model considers the health and disorders of human beings as the result not only of biological failure or invasion but also of psychological and social environment by which he is immersed. In treating disorders, beliefs, thoughts and emotions must also be taken into account. We can think of the human physiological systems including our genes to be rather open and flexible systems which respond to the demands place upon them as opposed to the encapsulated system view that is so pervasive in our society. BPS relies on the assumption that biological disorders could lead to psychological disorders. This is further amplified by social factors such as inappropriate environment and undesirable social interactions. The overall result is a dysfunctional and painful state of mind (Kirkpatrick, 1990). A biopsychosocial perspective in the treatment of alcoholism in wom... The wealth of literature of the topic helps us further to provide a more revealing discussion on the use of BPS. In the following passages, the reader will find that there are unique circumstances and challenges women alcoholics must deal with when compared to their biological counterpart. 2.3 Biological Factors There are certain biological realities that make women alcoholics at a worse position than men. To start with, women tend to be more affected physiologically by the consumption of alcohol. They may be drinking a little amount but that is already equivalent to a drinking spree by their male peers. In the study undertaken by Wilsnack, Wilsnack, and Miller-Strumhofel (1994) and Deal & Galaver (1994), it was found out that the biological makeup of women of having more fatty tissue causes this difference in physiological response. Since women have more fatty tissue and that alcohol does not dissolve well in this environment, the same amount of alcohol consumed by a man and woman will lead to higher blood pressure for the later. Deal and Galaver (1994, p. 190) was also able to show that women have lower levels of dehydrogenase - a very important enzyme in breaking down alcohol. This together with the fatty tissue differentials result to a higher blood alcohol concentration for women which also translates to higher risks for developing the liver illness called cirrhosis. There are many studies indicating that women are indeed more prone to cirrhosis than men and this includes that of Krasner, Davis, Portmann, & Williams (1977) and Peres, Gavallero, Brugera, Torres, & Robes (1986). Nixon (1994) was able to establish that in populations with alcoholic hepatitis, the women's condition were likely to deteriorate to
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Computer Methods Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Computer Methods - Math Problem Example S' will be computed by finding T - S, so S' = { (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2) } Question 2 1. a) Using the following propositions h: it is humid c: it is cloudy and d: it is raining express the following logical expressions in good English. i) (hc)r ii) (rh)c b) Assuming and S is a set of lectures and the and the predicatesL(x): x is a lecturer and A(x): x is articulate write the following sentences in symbolic form i) Larry is an articulate lecturer. ii) There is a lecturer who is not articulate. iii) Not every lecturer is articulate. What is the relationship between predicates (ii) and (iii) c) Determine the truth table for (pq)(pq) State whether this expression is contingency, a contradiction or a tautology. Solution a) i) (hc)r the atmosphere is humid cloudy and it is not raining ii) (rh)c if atmosphere is raining or humid then atmosphere is cloudy. b) (i) Larry is an articulate lecturer. L(Larry) A(Larry) (ii) There is a lecturer who is not articulate. To solve this we will use the concept of universal quantifiers $(x) Which means that a statement is true for all values of x. Now the statement in symbolic form is: "(x)[L(x) 'A(x)]' Which means that "it is not true that all the lecturers are articulate". So in this sense this predicate describes that "there are some lecturers who are not articulate" (iii) Not every lecturer is articulate. "(x)[L(x) 'A(x)]' The relationship between last two predicates is that these define same thing i.e. "Not every lecturer is articulate" does not ever means that " All the lecturer are not articulate" it could mean...And all the points that are not common in any set are placed in circles where no intersection is occurring. The relationship between last two predicates is that these define same thing i.e. "Not every lecturer is articulate" does not ever means that " All the lecturer are not articulate" it could mean that "There are some lecturers who are not articulate" so we can not use universal quantifiers for this predicate hence it means that "Not every lecture is articulate but there are some that can be articulate" so in this sense of interpretation last two predicates are same.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Action, Goals and Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Action, Goals and Benefits - Essay Example It is our most valued possession. While pursuing an education, we will certainly run into obstacles along the way. However, by having a clear vision of our goals and a well-developed habit of study we can clear any hurdles that are placed in our path. Though the pace of today's world makes an education seem difficult, it can be made easier by following some simple rules. One of the first things we realize when we begin an education is that there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. It's important to recognize that education is the priority. An awareness of my goals can be the best aide in setting a schedule for my activities (Managing Your Time). It may mean giving up a Sunday football game. I may have to suffer with a couple less hours of sleep now and then. Managing my time will require me to make a schedule that will take priority over most of the other events in my life. Sticking to my schedule will be easier if I concentrate on my goals and my reasons for getting an education. I hope to improve my writing skills in this class and become a better communicator. The ability to write successfully will enhance my professional opportunities as well as give me a sense of personal accomplishment. My current lifestyle and schedule is an obstacle that I need to work around. I work 12 hours a day and set aside Sunday for church. At first glance, it seems that I only have Gen 101: Action, Goals and Benefits Saturdays to study. However, I can read during my lunch breaks at work. I can set aside an hour each night dedicated to my studies. Vince Lombardi once said that hard work is the price we pay to achieve our goals (cited in Determination Quotations). I can extend my study period on Saturday by 2 hours and work in an additional 2 hours on Sunday. This will give me an additional 14 hours of study time each week. It may mean some personal sacrifice, but eventually it will become a habit and will be almost unnoticed. By applying myself to my studies and keeping to my schedule I should see considerable progress throughout the course. I expect my writing to become easier and clearer. The library will open my mind to new opportunities and interests. I expect that my schedule and study routine will become a habit that will transfer to my other courses in the future. I plan to continue my education at the University of Phoenix after I finish this course on March 7, 2007. The path to a degree will also bring about increased opportunities and positions in my employment. Aside from benefiting from an increase in salary, it will also give me greater self-esteem. Education is a continual process of self-improvement and that improvement will show in every part of my life. Whether at work, at home, or in a social situation, an education shines through and makes the whole world a little brighter. To sum it all up, my education is important to me and it is a crucial step on my path to self-improvement. This course will give me the tools to write better, read better, Gen 101: Action, Goals and Benefits study better, and develop a greater sense of personal management. Though my schedule may be packed, I can find ways to set aside the time I need to study. By keeping my goals on my mind, it's easy to make education a priority. Small sacrifices now can realize big rewards later. My plan is to focus on this program and continue to study at UOP. It will give me a greater chance for career advancement and offer me better economic opportunities. Education is the one thing you always carry with you and no one can take from you. This course is a step in acquiring that very valuable
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