Friday, December 27, 2019
Relationship between the Change in Shapes in Yield Curves...
Letter of Transmittal Introduction This assignment is to study the relationship between the change in shapes of yield curves and change in economic prospect of an economy. In this study, Australia and America are selected for the detailed analysis of the topic. Time series data from December 2009, December 2010, December 2011, December 2012 and the most updated May 2013 will be collected for further analysis. The study will be divided into 4 parts. Below we will explain briefly how we will handle the tasks. Task 1: We will plot the yield curves of Australia and America using the yield data of Australian Treasury notes and government bonds as well as the U.S. Treasury bills. Then, we will relate the curve shapes to expectation theory of the interest rates for further explanations. Task 2: We will discuss the relationship between the change in the slope of yield curves and the change in the prospect of economy by plotting the graphs of slop change in yield curves for Australia and America. Data with a higher frequency will be collected for more detailed study. Task 3: We will look in to how effective the RBA and the FED have done on the change in monetary policy and how these policies affected the yield curves respectively. Actions taken to deal with the impact from financial tsunami in 2008 will be target of our discussion. Task 4: We will conclude the findings above and try to give out opinions on how the investors and policy makers should do to achieve a betterShow MoreRelatedUk Votes Brexit : Huge Global Political Consequences1839 Words  | 8 Pagesdiscussed and, therefore, the ensuing parting terms. The bulk of the analysis has been about the consequences for the UK economy, including the potential breakup of the Union via a second Scottish referendum. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation The End Of Slavery
From Guezlo’s introduction of â€Å"Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The end of Slavery in America†, he acknowledged that this is one of the representative of President Lincoln’s writings in the history demonstrating his dedication to free â€Å"four million black slaves†. At the end of Guezlo’s introduction, he proposed the idea of how Lincoln would be a white friend to African American due to the power, the position he had that can help him to start deliverance. The author stated, â€Å"It would be special pleading to claim that Lincoln was in the end the most perfect friend black Americans have ever had. But it would also be the cheapest and most ignorant of skepticisms to deny that he was the most significant†(359). The president was described as a manumitter who broadens the destinies for the Negroes. Moreover, this is also an opportunity to solve the happening concerns between masters, slaves, and many others involving folks . Additionally, in Guezlo’s pieces of evidence, he suggested that there was always the thought of releasing African American slaves in Lincoln’s mind even from the day when he first had the presidential oath. The president implied the â€Å"hatred†he had on slavery, of how it might affect the world, â€Å"I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (354). Lincoln insisted that having slavery is equal to the violation of the Declaration of Independence as well as the belief of the Republicans of how this issue would influence the whole society.Show MoreRelatedLincoln s Emancipation Proclamation : The End Of Slavery1301 Words  | 6 PagesLincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America, a Lincoln Prize winner, was written by Allen C. Guelzo and published in 2004. In the book, he makes a case that President Abraham Lincoln, through the utilization of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, was efficac ious in liberating the slaves. His argument varies from others that have visually examined the argument pertaining to the Emancipation Proclamation and whether it did, or did not, efficaciously emancipate slaves duringRead MoreEmancipation Proclamation : The Failures And Successes1492 Words  | 6 PagesEmancipation Proclamation: the failures and successes â€Å"The beginning of the Civil War marked the beginning of the end of slavery in the American South†(Berlin, 3). The Civil War started from opposing states’ opinions; the South thrived on slavery’s economic impact while the North opposed the institution. The issue of slavery divided the nation, and the contrasting views of the anti-abolitionists and abolitionists caused the war to occur. Slavery’s impact in the United States started in the 1600’sRead MoreThe Emancipation Proclamation By Mr. Harding1259 Words  | 6 PagesThe Emancipation Proclamation has two points of views from highly qualified professors if the Emancipation was to free the slaves or not. The first Professor is Mr. Allen C. Guelzo and the other professor is Vincent Harding. Mr. Allen proposed that Abraham used the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves. However, Mr. Harding used his research and insisted that no the Emancipation Proclamation was not to free the slaves. On the other hand, Mr. Allen makes some well-revised statements, but MrRead MoreLincolns Emancipation of the Slaves Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pages The Emancipation Proclamation speech was actually intended for most of the people that would free the slaves, not to the slaves. According to Carl Rollyson the Proclamation was not intended for the slave, blacks, or former slaves. The â€Å"Emancipation Proclamation†speech was during the Antislavery Movement or what some people call the Abolitionist Movement, during the 1860s. The main leaders of the abolitionist movement were Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. The point of Lincoln writing theRead MoreAnalysis of the Emancipation Proclamation Speech1339 Words  | 6 Pages The Emancipation Proclamation speech was actually intended for most of the people that would free the slaves, not to the slaves. According to Rollyson the proclamation was not intended for the slave, blacks, or former slaves. The â€Å"Emancipation Pro clamation†speech was during the Antislavery Movement or what some people call it the Abolitionist Movement, during the 1960s. The main leaders of the abolitionist movement were Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. The point of Lincoln writing the speechRead MoreLincoln And The Emancipation Slavery990 Words  | 4 Pages Lincoln and the Emancipation Slavery caused many violent events in the 17 and 1800’s. The South and the North could not agree with slavery; the North was anti-slavery and the South were pro-slavery. 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In Abrahams First Inaugural Address he states quot;I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.quot;quot; (Pg 53-54) Lincoln did not want the SouthRead MoreSignificance And Impact Of The Emancipation Proclamation1658 Words  | 7 PagesSignificance and Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln once said, A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. (Lincoln s House-Divided Speech in Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858). The critical issue of slavery throughout the 19th century
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Strategic Planning for Local Government ICMA Publishing
Question: Describe about the Strategic planning for local government for ICMA Publishing? Answer: Introduction: This assignment deals with the implementation of a strategic plan for an organization. Strategic planning is very important as well as necessary action for the organization. As stated by (), strategic planning is the activity of organizational management that can be utilized for setting the priorities, focusing the resources, strengthen the operation and ensures effective human resource management within the organization. Strategic planning refers to a set of plan that can be used for achieving the common goal of the organization. In order to make an effective strategic planning Starbucks has been taken by the assignment. Starbucks is an American company of global coffee business. Effect of external factors upon the activities of organization: According to Bryson (2011), external environment of a business organization can be referred to the business environment of the particular industry where the company operates its effective business activities. Therefore, PESTEL (Political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal environment) analysis of Starbucks have been done through this assignment in order to know the effect of political, economical, social and legal sector upon the business organization of Starbucks. PESTEL helps to measure the goal of an organization as per the demands and influences of external environment within the coffee business sector of the United Kingdom. Needs and expectations of stakeholders: Different stakeholders are involved within the groups of customers, employees and other shareholders or stakeholders of this company. However, customers have demanded for different products from the Starbuck organization. On the other hand, employees of this organization also have demanded for the effective training and development process within the organization. Effect of external environment on the activity of organization: Political environment: As discussed by Gordon (2013), political stability of United Kingdom has played an important role within the business sector of Starbucks. Political stability is very effective for the business operation of Starbucks. Economical environment: The GDP real growth of United Kingdom is 1.20 %. On the other had Jemmasi, Strong Taylor (2011) argued that, market sector of food and beverage is very competitive. The demand of younger generation is very high. However, the inflation rate has affected the business operation of this organization. Food and beverage industry has faced slowdown in the year of 2009 as the economic crisis and changes in taste of consumers have affected the business operation of Starbucks within the market sector (Fitt, Pell Cole, 2013). Social environment: The pattern of consumers choice has been changed. Therefore, this industry has to face some problems due to the changing pattern of the tastes of consumers. Technological environment: Different companies of this industry have acquired different innovative as well as advanced technology in order to operate business effectively. Innovative technology helps to reduce the costs and other operating products of this industry. Environmental issues: This Company aims to produce handmade coffee that does not negatively affect the environment. Legal environment: Different types of laws and regulation can affect the operation of an organization. However, Starbucks has not been affected by some regulatory methods (Smith, 2013). Effects of current business plans of the organization: As discussed by Johnston Bate (2013), Starbucks follows different types of strategies for doing effective business operation within the competitive sector of this industry. Major strategies of business model of Starbucks are to provide product differentiation to the customers. Offering innovative products to the customers can be the most successful strategies of Starbucks in order to deal business operation within the market. The product mix, customer service has provided successful business operation of this company. On the other hand, Combe et al. (2012) stated that, the value of the Starbucks brand is very effective within the market in order to do a successful business operation within the competitive sector of the market of United States and United Kingdom. Merger and acquisition is another important strategy of Starbucks to promote effective business operation to the customers. This company has made smart acquisition and strategic alliance with some companies within different countries of world. However, Williamson (2012) discussed that, Starbucks does not follow the franchising model as well as company oriented stores in order to do effective business operation. Therefore, Starbucks has made acquisition of Bay Breads (bread products), Teavana (Tea products) and similar companies for utilizing the strategy of product diversification. Starbucks also operates effective business through providing joint venture with many other organizations. Reviewing the position of Starbucks in current market: Starbucks develops its international business within different geographical places of the world. Starbucks remain successful in order to enhance the business operation within 60 countries of the world. These strategies of Starbucks have helped to gain competitive advantage among the competitors within the competitive sector of the market. Therefore, Starbucks have remained successful in order to sustain its brand within the competitive sector of two important markets of United Kingdom and United States. On the other hand, Weinstein (2013) stated that, some stores of Starbucks in United Kingdom face slow down of sale compared to the previous year. However, Starbucks operate effective chain of restaurants with 20,000 stores at global level. Evaluating competitive strengths and weaknesses within the business strategy of this organization: A SWOT analysis has been done to understand the competitive strengths and weaknesses of this company. SWOT analysis refers to the internal strengths, weakness and external opportunity and threats of an organization. Hence, the internal strengths, weakness of Starbucks have been analyzed in respect of the current market situation. As discussed by Smith (2013), strengths and weaknesses of Starbucks are as follows: Strengths: Starbucks is a well-known and valuable brand within the international sector Financial record is quite good in this competitive industry High quality of products and services Strong management of employees There are many outlets of star bucks It has maintained strong relationship with the suppliers Starbucks has maintained its responsive strategy within the global level of operation Weakness: Starbucks is dependent on the relationship with different suppliers of the market Starbucks mainly depends on the operating segment of United States Future growth of Starbucks largely depends on the operating segment of international level. This organization can maintain effective business operation by providing good finance in order to operate business. Starbucks have different outlets in many sectors of different countries. It maintains an effective strategy within the global level of business. Developing options for strategic plan: As discussed by Schmid (2014), strategic options refer to different elements of the external and internal factors of the organization. Strategic options are the alternative responses to the external condition of an organization. The creative should respond the faced situation of an organization and action oriented responses. These responses can be called as the strategic options of an organization. Different strategic options help to identify the alternative resources of strategy to develop the business operation of the organization within the competitive sector of the market. On the other hand, Weinstein (2013) argued that, there are different steps of developing strategic options for the organization. The steps involve assessing the context of the external environment, prioritizing the opportunities, developing strategic options and rating different strategic options for the organization. Therefore, Starbucks should formulate strategic options those respond one or more than one opportunity and threats. Starbucks should formulate strategic options those are related with the input, output, vision and mission of the organization. Starbucks should be creative in order to develop strategic option for the organization. Developing comparative understanding of activities of different organizations within the market: However, Starbuck is involved within the competitive sector. Therefore, Starbuck do not have to face immense competition among markets of different countries. However, Starbuck needs to implement some effective measures and techniques while dealing with the business. Creating options to form basis of future organizational strategy: However, Santos, Doz Williamson (2013) argued that, Starbucks can attain achievable growth within the sector of packaged coffee packet and iced beverages products. Starbucks can take effective strategy to get shelf space. This company can also enhance the level of distribution channel by taking different efficient and effective channel through by maintaining effective relation with the big box retailers of the market. Proposing a suitable structure for strategy plan: Challenging aspect of a strategic planning is the proper implementation of the strategic plan within the sector of organization. The organization needs to develop different structural elements for implementing the strategic plan within the business structure of the organization. Starbucks should communicate the new strategic plan with the internal as well as external stakeholders of the organization. Detail plan should be communicate with proper explanation of the plan within the different levels of stakeholders of the organization. Communication is the first step of implementing a strategic plan within the organization. Reviewing potential options for strategy plan: On the other hand, Hsu (2014) stated that, Starbucks should take effective action in order to enhance the business operation within the rural market of United States and other countries of the world. Growth strategy of Starbucks within the saturated market of United States should focus upon the process of getting additional penetration within the rural sector of the market. Therefore, Starbucks has to focus upon offering low price to the customers of the society. Constructing strategy plan including resource implications: Starbucks can obtain the huge level of growth within the international sector of this particular industry of food and beverages. Starbucks should enhance its business within the emerging market of India, Brazil, South Africa, and Mexico. These developing countries have different middle class customers with high trend of fast food, beverage consumption. Starbucks can offer new stores for attracting new customers of this region (Hill et al. 2014). In spite of offering coffee Starbucks also offers fresh juice and tea to the customers. Therefore, Starbucks should also offer these products to the customers with tea and other products of beverages. On the other hand, Starbucks also can offer healthy products to its menu. Comparing core organizational value with current objectives of the business: Starbucks should consider about offering more healthy products to the customers. This company should be able to meet the changing needs as well as requirements of customers within the society. Starbucks should put more emphasis on the process of making healthy and innovative products to attract potential as well as loyal and new customers of this company. This company should make other products while making coffee or beverages. Developing vision and mission statement for the organization: However, the vision and mission of this organization should base on making innovative plan while selling coffee to the customers within the market. However, this organization should produce other related beverages to the customers. Producing future management objectives for the organization: Effective HRM should be able to provide effective training and development to the employees of the organization. However, the experts should very well manage research and development process of this organization. Developing measures for evaluating the strategy plan: Starbucks should take advertising as an effective tool of marketing in order to promote the products and services of Starbucks to the customers. Starbuck should make effective advertisements to face the increased competition within the market. Starbucks should make balanced investments for making effective advertisement and marketing process in order to sustain within the competitive sector of market. Immense competition within the market sector of food and beverage industry has reflected that potential utilization of advertising in different medium is very necessary and important for Starbuck in order to do effective business operation in future. Starbuck should obtain process of home delivery to the customers. Mobile application of Starbuck should be very easy to use. Developing schedule for implementing strategy: First, organization should communicate this with the employees. New plan should be involved in the process of engaging people with the new activities of the plan. Human resources should be trained with the effective process of training and development as per the new and developed plan of the organization. The people of the organization should be aware about the fact that the new strategy will be very much different from the previous strategy. Creating dissemination process to gain commitment from the stakeholders of organization: Effective information should be communicated with the employees of the organization. This organization can provide information regarding the new process through different medium, like television, advertisements and online. On the other hand, this organization should publish relevant information through financial magazine of this organization towards the shareholders of this organization. Designing monitoring system for implementing strategy: After the process of effective communication, the organization should be able to engage different representatives as well as stakeholders of the organization. The plan must be aligned with the goal of the organization. After that, the organization needs to identify the measurement of the plan. The plan should be linked with the daily activities of the organization. However () stated that, the last step of strategy implementation should include within the process of setting priorities for the organization. Conclusion: This assignment discusses the strategic planning of the company Starbucks. This company is an American company that sells high quality coffee to the customers. It operates its effective business activity within different important countries. Therefore, this assignment has discussed the strategic planning of this company. It also delivers the recommendation of future direction of the business operation within the competitive sector of the industry. Reference lists Books Gordon, G. L. (2013).Strategic planning for local government. ICMA Publishing. Smith, R. D. (2013).Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge Weinstein, A. (2013).Hbook of market segmentation: Strategic targeting for business technology firms. Routledge Hill, C., Jones, G., Schilling, M. (2014).Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach. Cengage Learning. Journals Bryson, J. M. (2011).Strategic planning for public nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening sustaining organizational achievement(Vol. 1). John Wiley Sons Jemmasi, M., Strong, K. C., Taylor, S. A. (2011). Measuring service quality for strategic planning analysis in service firms.Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR),10(4), 24-34. Johnston, R. E., Bate, J. D. (2013).The power of strategy innovation: a new way of linking creativity strategic planning to discover great business opportunities. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Combe, I. A., Rudd, J. M., Leeflang, P. S., Greenley, G. E. (2012). Antecedents to strategic flexibility: Management cognition, firm resources strategic options.European Journal of Marketing,46(10), 1320-1339. Williamson, P. J. (2012). Strategy as options on the future.Sloan management review,40(3). Grnig, R., Khn, R. (2015). Developing Assessing Strategic Options at the Corporate Level. InThe Strategy Planning Process(pp. 147-162). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Schmid, O. (2014). Strategic options for sensory quality communication for organic products to different target groups research needsresults from ECROPOLIS project.Building Organic Bridges,4, 1023-1026. Hsu, I. L. (2014). The Impacts of Social Commerce Design Model on Purchase Intention-A Case of Facebook President Starbucks Fan Page. Fitt, E., Pell, D., Cole, D. (2013). Assessing caffeine intake in the United Kingdom diet.Food chemistry,140(3), 421-426. Santos, J., Doz, Y., Williamson, P. (2013). Is your innovation process global.MIT. Sloan Management Review,45. De Propris, L. (2012). 5 Creative industries in the United Kingdom.Creative Industries Innovation in Europe: Concepts, Measures Comparative Case Studies,57, 103. Fridell, G. (2014). Fair trade slippages and Vietnam gaps: the ideological fantasies of fair trade coffee.Third World Quarterly,35(7), 1179-1194.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Runaway Slaves as the Origin of Free free essay sample
Abroad Ever since abduction of African slaves from the shores of the Dark Continent, there has been a struggle for the same people to find freedom until slavery was eventually abolished in the years just before 1900. The struggle for freedom has always been costly to the African slaves during the middle passage and after they had been sold to work in American and European plantations. The quickest route to freedom for the African slaves was usually attempting to run away in order to start a new life away from their masters.When slaves attempted to run away, they were pursued using rude means and hunted down like animals. Slaves were usually treated as animals. The people that went after slaves that had run away usually did so in order that they may win the reward that was usually offered by the slave masters. The slaves attempts to run away from their white masters was the earliest symbol that they were human beings that desired to live in humane conditions and also the avenues through which the African slaves built the resilience that became useful for several centuries until slavery was illegal. We will write a custom essay sample on Runaway Slaves as the Origin of Free or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Figure 1: Image of 1 sass Runaway Slave Named Nelson, bloodspot. Com, 12 Deck. , 1861. Web. 1 Jan. , 2013 The poster above (fig. 1) shows the reward and conditions of recovering a run-away slave by the name of Nelson in the era before the abolishment of slavery. 100 US dollars was a good incentive for recapturing fugitive slaves in the past. For this reason, there arose a breed of people that worked in plantations as slave masters who corrected and retrieved the wayward slaves.As Americans were eager to build a nation of people that were loyal to Biblical principles, some of the major problems that the pre-dominantly male chauvinistic society faced were the run-away slaves, disobedient wives and hillier that were not loyal to the teachings of their parents (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 53). The slave masters who were usually male white supremacists at times lost run-away slaves because their children and wives were not as vigilant and as enthusiastic about keeping them in bondage. Hoffman et al. Explains that not everybody in the society was in agreement as to the manner in which the slaves should be treated.A slave by the name of Frederick Douglass explains that when working with some Irishmen, they showed sympathy for him and even advised him that to run away from vapidity would be a valid choice (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 410). The Irishmen, who would be expected to be interested in the reward that was offered to people that brought slaves back home were more concerned with the well being of the African slave. This being the case, Douglass mind (and deductively the mind of enslaved black people in general) became receptive to the possibilities of freedom after this generous offer from strangers.Although Douglas feigned disinterest in the opportunity to escape as presented by the Irish people, he marked the possibilities in his mind and prepared for his first attempt at escaping. In 1 838, Douglass embraced the possibilities of finding freedom by first becoming a fugitive s lave. The man escaped for sure as expected but it is the success that he had in escaping that was strange. Despite that a German blacksmith noticed his activities and identity the man did not raise any alarm and let him go free (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 410).The consequences of attempting to escape from the control of their white masters did not fully deter the slaves from aspiring for a free life. The punishments for attempting to escape, other than a major whipping, were as many as the masters with plantations. One slave explains that his attempts to escape from his master caused him to be sold to a master named BRB at a cheap and disgracing price (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 375). In a short while, the run-away slaves were no longer in need of looking for a better life; they had unions to affiliate themselves with (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 432).The opportunity to run away was sometimes facilitated by the most unlikely sources. The structure of the society in the era of slavery was mostly according to social class just as much as it was based on race. The plain white folk were able to relate to the struggles of the slaves. These people interacted with the slaves to the point that their children and the enslaved children spoke similar dialects, worked together, played together, were involved in acts of crime and in some events they would run away together (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 65).The confidence that the common folk built with the slaves was more cohesive than the rewards that the slave masters offered to the people who captured the run-away slaves. When Aloud Equation (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 46-50) gives an account of his earliest memories from a free African man to a traded slave in the horses of the West, he recounts the horrors that he and his peers faced that warranted any man to be eager to escape. The man was even fearful that the white strange looking men were going to consume him as food.The fears that Equation had were calmed down by the observation that he made on the manner that the white servants were treated by t he merchants. Although many people came into European and Western colonies as captives and laborers, it is the African people that suffered the most perils in the hands of the whites. The Africans were also subjected to slavery for longer periods of mime (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 49). As the black people became permanent laboring elements in Western households, the manner in which they were treated continued to improve.At some point they were even treated as would be the white servants. Equation explains that the relationship that they formed with the white servants was useful to them when they tried to escape and when they attempted to strive for better lives (Hoffman, Greed and Bulb 49). Long after the activities of the original slaves had persisted for years and even after the abolishment of slavery, black people remained oppressed. At he height of slavery, the black people started to design methodological ways to escape from their captors and masters rather than running aimlessly for their freedoms sake.The Underground Railroad was the dangerous path to freedom that the slaves of American masters, especially in the South, designed as their route to free lives (XIII). The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 allowed and encouraged the capture of fugitive slaves due to the fact that they were seen as stolen property, rather than abused human beings (LICE). This was not the only worry that the people faced after they had taken to heir heels to escape the intolerable slave conditions that they had been subjected to. The environment itself was a threat to the livelihood of run- away slaves.Wild animals, tough terrain, intolerable temperatures and lack of food were all problems that the run-away slaves had to cope with as they utilized the Underground Railroad (ELLI). The black people tolerated these conditions and more with the hope that they would either be free to head home in the future Or become citizens of America in the Free states. The nature of the average escapade by slaves in America gradually morphed onto the black peoples fights for their civil rights. The conditions that the slaves had tolerated before they found freedom by right or fight was reas on enough for them to forge bombard against tremendous resistance. Freedom seekers continued to hide in remote and inaccessible areas, but over time new opportunities appeared (Bolton l). The war for American independence presented the people with an opportunity. In his study of freedom sought by slaves in the form of flight, Bolton concludes that the different forms of aid that the escapees were granted were the reason they were generally successful in finding freedom (1 The author argues that the friends of the fugitives facilitated their escape instead of showing interest in the rewards that the system gave to those who were obstacles to slaves escape.At times, aid for the escaping slaves would come in the form of thieves whose only motive was selfish profit but in other cases the evidence suggests the assistance was designed to benefit the enslaved person (Bolton 4). The suffering that the African community in the Western world was subjected to when they were slaves persisted after slavery was abolished. These people resisted in fighting for th eir own freedom from racism in the same manner that they fought slavery which was against all odds and with a few well- wishing individuals to aid them.
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