Saturday, February 22, 2020
A descriptive account of the identification and utilisation of a Essay
A descriptive account of the identification and utilisation of a learning opportunity from practice - Essay Example This paper would roughly follow Gibb’s model of reflective cycle since this was supposedly more useful to the less experienced practitioner. Lynn Basford and Oliver Slevin described the five stages of the Gibbs model in reappraising the care given and in analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of a particular care in their book called Theory and Practice of Nursing. (2003, p. 55) I will, therefore, be discussing my personal learning experience in the context of these stages. My responsibilities in the four-week nursing placement program include the assistance in conducting activities, exercises as well as therapies that would improve the patients’ mental health conditions. The placement care team which I belong to is assigned a roster of clients. With the supervision of our tutors, we divided and allocated tasks regarding activities and exercises. I would like to cite my experience with a particular patient, whom for purposes of confidentiality; I would refer to as Barbara. She is one of the wards assigned to our team and hers became one of my interesting learning interactions. I believe we had a bad start due to her mental condition. Firstly, she is 31 years old, almost ten years my senior. Her dossier revealed a Prader-Willi syndrome and a challenging behavior. This posed a considerable problem for us because she is capable both of verbal and physical aggression. Naturally, most in my group are reluctant to have anything to do with her – administering in exercises and therapy sessions, preferring older but docile patients. With this in mind, I sat down and thought: If I volunteer to assist in her case, there is a remarkable risk, possibly even of violence (unlike those with extreme mental condition, she is unpredictable but not totally restrained.). But there is also a tremendous learning opportunity, so the idea tha t maybe I would be involving myself with
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Finding Easy English Research Paper Topics
Finding Easy English Research Paper TopicsEasy English research paper topics can be challenging for most students, particularly if they are not comfortable with the subject matter. Every university has its own set of topics and it can be difficult to figure out which one should be on your list of requirements. It may be helpful if you know what topics you will need prior to you go out looking for them. The following paragraphs will give you some ideas about what topics to consider and where to find the information you need.The second type of topic you need to look at is language study. This is one area that has a great deal of content and many teachers prefer students to specialize in the subject. Many companies do not require native speakers to be hired, and if you choose to take language courses you will find that it is quite easy to get by with this type of experience. Whether you want to be a writer or a translator, the standard types of things you will need to study for include the ability to identify the forms of most languages, know about the history of the language, and learn about vocabulary and grammar. There are also other areas like the structure of the language and the relationship between words and grammatical constructions.The third type of topic is one that you may think you have studied already, but have no idea where to look for it. One of the easiest ways to start is to read through the dictionary, especially if you can find a definition. You can use a combination of things such as the Glossary and the Google translation tools to find any definitions that you may not be familiar with. The most common locations for information on this topic are going to be online dictionaries and the Oxford Dictionary of English.One type of topic that you will find is difficult to cover with just vocabulary, but there are some basic subjects such as an introduction, discussion, and exam. For this type of subject, you will find that you will need to understand the theory behind the teaching and understanding. In this type of situation, you may want to have a vocabulary book, but if you only know what to ask for or how to type a search term then you may need to look for a different method of searching.One interesting thing you may want to look at is politics. This is something that will be a requirement for most universities. Although there are several popular courses that have political discussions as part of their curriculum, you may want to focus more on the social side of life. The best way to look at this topic is to first find an encyclopedia or check out online dictionary pages to see what you have been missing.The last category of easy English research paper topics include open-ended topics. Because most students are not fluent in the subject, some college classes have developed this type of subject. These are especially helpful when you are not sure about where to start because the professor will have a large amount of material to cover and will have great patience with students who are new to the subject. Some examples of this type of open-ended topics include one-on-one therapy, the human body, and even gender studies.These are just a few ideas about research paper topics and the topics you need to look at to make sure you have everything you need. Although it is hard to think about research paper topics from scratch, you can choose to find other things to do with your time to get everything covered.
Friday, February 7, 2020
GRE Writing Prompt Pool For Issue Essay
GRE Writing Prompt Pool For Issue EssayThe GRE Writing Prompt Pool for Issue Essay is designed to make a more streamlined writing process. This process will help prepare a student for the real thing by providing them with the tools they need. The guidelines will take a few seconds to check out and then allow for you to place your essay topic in a topic section. The goal of this system is to make your essay as accurate as possible so that you can pass the exam.The GRE Writing Prompt Pool for Issue Essay offers some tips for a more streamlined writing process. It is designed to make a more streamlined writing process so that the student can create a more meaningful and effective essay. It will also help to create an essay that is concise and able to carry more weight than one that is not properly reviewed.The GRE Writing Prompt Pool for Issue Essay will review and analyze what sort of essay will be most appropriate. The system will guide the student through making a decision on the typ e of essay that is needed. The guidelines are designed to provide students with the answers to their questions, which will help them prepare for the real thing.The system is designed to help students eliminate articles from the beginning of the essay by using it as a brainstorming tool. It is designed to help students get into the right mindset before they begin writing their essays. Once they are prepared, they can start with planning the essay itself.The GRE Writing Prompt Pool for Issue Essay allows for students to make use of the five most common topics that will be encountered during the exam. These topics include doctor, honor student, career, family, and finances. The topics are designed to provide a simple framework for creating an essay. These topics will aid the student in easily creating the specific content needed.The prompts will also help the student to eliminate multiple choice questions. When the prompt is taken into consideration, the amount of time it takes to comp lete the essay will decrease, which will save time on a number of levels. The system will also allow for less time spent discussing important issues in the essay.The GRE Writing Prompt Pool for Issue Essay is designed to aid students in achieving the success they want during the exam. The guidelines will reduce the amount of time needed to write the essay and minimize the amount of wasted effort. This will mean more time for doing other things as well.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Management of Discretionary Costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Management of Discretionary Costs - Essay Example If one is starting with MRP f the product, care should be taken that prices do not include sales tax, and are typically net f distribution expenses. In case f an FMCG product (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) unit realization f the company, which will appear as gross sales will be typically 65% f MRP price which the consumer pays. Many a times, companies give their volume figures under generic product category name. The volume figures include products f different sizes, types and prices. The analyst has to take care f expected changes in product mix while forecasting. Keep a broad picture f the competitive scenario and its impact on pricing. Also, understand key drivers f pricing, like for petrochemicals, India is a price taker, so global price trends have a bigger influence in determining Indian price trends. Material Costs Estimate material costs, which in most cases is the most significant cost item. Key variables - Raw material prices - Production efficiency, conversion norms and yield improvement have a significant bearing on cost estimation. The analyst has to understand the basic manufacturing process and get a fix on input output norms. Labour Costs For estimating labour costs, one can start with previous year's labour cost and adjust it for the following factors. Key variables - Additions/ adjustments for additional capacity/ new plant, - Reduction for retrenchment/ sale f a unit etc, - Salary increases on settlements with union etc. Many companies plan for settlement hikes and make provisions even if negotiations are delayed, - Bonus, profit linked incentives, - Salary increases. Fuel and power cost... Financial challenges faced by Kramer and Associates, and especially by the director of this investment consulting company deal with attempting to manage clients’ portfolios to suit each and everyone’s future financial needs. In summary, the simulation involves three clients with different risk profiles. Adrian O’Donnell has a high-risk growth profile, and wants to see returns as quick as one and a half to two years time. Tonya Davidson has a conservative-risk growth profile, and wants to see a steady growth of her investment over the span of 10 years. John Barrett has a moderate-risk growth profile, and wants to see steady returns over a period of five to six years. The challenge arises on how to allocate their investment funds to meet their desired risk and returns level. With treasury bills, the returns are almost exactly what was promised initially, therefore making them an almost risk-free investment. The returns on T-bills are on average about five percent. Stocks on the other hand, have returns of average 10 percent per year. In this case, companies may eventually experience bankruptcy, which means a depletion of one’s stocks in that company, or that company may experience enormous growth, meaning that the investor will experience enormous returns. Therefore, the simulation challenges the consultant to find the right mix of investment options to satisfy the goals of each client.
The Chronicles of Tips to Remember Writing Collage Essay
The Chronicles of Tips to Remember Writing Collage Essay The Hidden Facts on Tips to Remember Writing Collage Essay The essay is frequently the student's only opportunity to speak right to the admissions committee about why they should be admitted over possibly thousands of different applicants. Next, you are going to want to organize your new ideas into a form that could be written. Don't neglect to attempt all questions which you have selected. If you choose to make an outline, write your topic at the peak of the webpage. While an essay is a big project, there are lots of steps a student can take which will help break down the task into manageable components. The next thing to do is to go through your thoughts and determine which one is going to result in the strongest essay. Writing a college paper is a critical part of the college application procedure. Writing an essay has to be stressful. It should enable the writer to express his or herself in the best way possible. You see, the conventions of English essays are somewhat more formulaic than you may think and, in a variety of ways, it can be as easy as counting to five. Well, now you have to return to that list and determine which essays you still will need to write. All essays follow a similar format, so when you know the overall structure you ought to have a notion of the way to write virtually any kind of essay. A poorly executed essay can lead to a stellar student to become rejected. If, on the flip side, you have more than 1 idea you love, consider whether any of them may be used for different essays you should write. One of the absolute most important tips we can share is that each and every essay should have a strategy. Even super renowned authors have editors. So you don't will need to further elaborate any portion of the essay. When you're confident that you understand just what to do, send that essay off and then settle back and watch for your acceptance letter! Naturally, the tone of your application essay needs to be conversational. To put it differently, the introduction is the tone setter for the full essay. The essay that's full of bad puns or off-color jokes will often wind up in the rejection pile. Also, humor isn't a replacement for substance. It's essential that you've got a particular point that you want to make about what type of person you're, what sort of college student you'd make, or what the experience you're describing taught you. No matter your approach, there are a number of tips everyone may benefit from. You should give a very clear sense of who you are as an individual and the way you got to where you're in your life at the moment. Tips to Remember Writing Collage Essay Can Be Fun for Everyone Keep in mind your deadlines and don't forget that a few schools may require more than 1 essay or request quick paragraphs along with the principal personal statement. When you're thinking up of an outline, you'll want to estimate the amount of the paragraphs and think of the places where you wish to introduce ideas. Writing properly isn't an easy job, and there are quite a lot of reasons why. Building your argument in the primary body of your exam answer will present your general opinion credibility. The secret to writing your very first draft isn't to be worried about whether it's any good just get something on paper and go from that point. Writing a draft, you will learn that there is a good deal of information and material that you'll need to be able to finish your college paper. A whole lot of students see a conclusion as a last sentence to complete the piece off.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
What You Do Not Know About Final Stage of Writing an Essay Might Surprise You
What You Do Not Know About Final Stage of Writing an Essay Might Surprise You Literature research It is necessary to found your essay on dependable and up-to-date sources to be able to create works worth of praise and valuable for the upcoming research. When many assignments may not approve of certain on-line sources, there are several scholarly databases readily available on the Internet that you might also utilize in addition to news websites and sites such as Google Scholar and Google Books to access what might not otherwise be available. You'll also need to make certain you get website links down as well that'll be essential for the reference list on the essay. In the end, ensure you properly cite you sources. After getting a synopsis of the essay, you're going to be in a better place to select a more relevant topic. If you think that your essay question raises several issues, attempt to break them down them into separate segments. If you discover that it's really hard to think of an essay topic, ask your teacher for assistance and you'll receive a topic that you will have to defend with relevant sources. Ultimately, however, the topic doesn't matter. The History of Final Stage of Writing an Essay Refuted You might want to begin working on the next paper early so you have lots of time for revising. If you lose out on the principal idea of the problem, your grades will surely disappoint you. Prior to beginning the formal procedure for writing a draft. It's far better to work with a definite plan which can help you to search systematically for certain kinds of errors. If you can't organize your writing process, have a look a the 5 principal phases of writing that can help you create your paper fast and effortless. Sure, it is possible to find plenty of essay conclusion examples on the net, but in the event that you really need to ace the ending of your paper, you should invest a little time and effort into attempting to comprehend what features make the last portion of any paper worth reading. The Tried and True Method for Final Stage of Writing an Essay in Step by Step Detail Everyone hates being made to compose an essay. Now, let's analyze several essays conclusion examples to receive a little more practical insight about it. Continue following your chapter outline and compose each chapter till you finish writing the very first draft of your manuscript. Do not make personal attacks, once you are writing on any issue that is connected to a specific section never give remarks that could end up being personal. The main key to writing a very good essay is to concentrate on a topic that interests you. Any writer is sensitive about their work when it's submitted to the audience. The conclusion is the point where the points are drawn together so the writer can suggest to the reader at the place where they ought to go from here. Though the majority of people can write, writing an excellent essay isn't as easy as it appears. It's a long-answer writing item type which tests a candidate's capacity to compose persuasive or argumentative essay on a particular topic. A whole lot of helpful and intriguing strategies on topic choice can be seen in the Topic selection section. Your topic is the topic of your writing and you should be sure you answer the question or fulfil the brief you're given. Make sure you satisfy the term count. Check that you have all of the information that you want to begin, including notes and instructions. Several papers are in reality written of scratch. There are plenty of stages to revision.
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