Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Ned Kelly and Nations Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ned Kelly and Nations Culture - see ExampleHis main distinction seems to project been the trouble the police experienced in capturing him. A heading that comes to mind, however, is whether the Ned Kelly syndrome of contempt for legality and the law is still a force in modern bourgeois Australia. on that point is rationale to believe that the Australia which created the Ned Kelly myth might not instanter be so compassionate to it. non only does Australia thrust around twice the average personal throwaway income than the Britain which sent out the convicts now has, but Australians now distinguish themselves as overwhelmingly middle class. Martin elaborates facts to demonstrate that while only deuce-ace of the British see themselves as middle class (or better), roughly deuce-thirds of Australians fall into the same category. Times have changed.In spite of this, though, Laurie reports findings that imply that the Ned Kelly morality may be very much(prenominal) alive and kicking-- at least among our young people. In his work he found that 99% had at around conviction stolen and that 75% said they would give up again in at least one of a set of imaginary temptation scenarios. One of the set of scenarios was that of shoplifting. Ned Kelly would certainly feel at home today given these results. (Laurie, 67)Nevertheless, children have not learnt the restraints and more responsible sides that are expected of adults so the problem of attitude to crime among the population in general remains an open one. It is the objective of this paper to supply data which might help expound the question either way.Understandably, sympathy for Ned Kelly in contemporary Australia would be much less than it once was. A certain respect for the criminal is no longer characteristically Australian. Australians have become entirely bourgeois in their attitudes to crime as in their attitudes to other things. Sympathy for wee crime such as shoplifting is now as indicative of estrang ement from Australian conjunction as it would be in other countries. As observed by Laurie, the existing culture has similarly been valuable for the number of commonsense hypotheses about inter-group differences that they prove to be sham. (Laurie, 110)Particularly they are at some discrepancy with the results reported by Martin (Martin, 91). This difference could barely be accounted for by age as the two samples would seem to have been very similar in this respect. It is more possibly to be accounted for by the various type of questions asked on the two occasions. The existing sample revealed that schoolboys disapproved of shoplifting. Martin showed that on some occasions they might lock away in small crime and deceit. That attitudes and behavior may be at dissent is well-known(a) -- the well-known Do as I say, not as I do syndrome. In such situations the incongruousness between the present results and the Martin results is only evident. What has been revealed is that there is very little social support for shoplifting in modern-day Australia. Mythical thinking, Laurie tells us, is a rational form of bricolage (Laurie, 89) the bricoleur is a man who makes as well as he can what is required from what he finds to hand. He casts about,
Monday, April 29, 2019
Discussion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Discussion Paper - Essay Example pedagogy in the new globe in which the people around the world utilize technology on a daily basis to facilitate their everyday life and in the workplace as normal tool to perform task must be focus of educators around the world. In Australia efforts are underway to improve the educational technology and more must to be to achieve further advancement in this area. The world economy has transformed into a knowledge economy in all developed countries which includes Australia, and then the speed, efficiency and increase productivity that educational technological alternatives must be the focus of the Australian nation. program line has been an industry and social service that has been a part of societies for centuries. The educational field is a traditional employment in which resistance to change over is a common occurrence. Educators for decades have established methods, pedagogy, and environments that have become became the standards to abide by the majority of the educational providers. It is difficult to convince the primary providers of education such governmental institutions, educational institutions and the residents of a nation that integration of costly educational technology applications and physical items are a mandatory extremity to transform the educational system of a region (McNamara, 1989). The Australian commonwealth has been taking strides in the unspoiled direction towards making educational technology and research and development a priority. At the start of the twenty-first century the Australian government invested $736,589 on educational technology research and development in financial year 2000 (Bodnar, 2007).The financial aspect of the educational technology is just one aspect of the issue. The greater change that has to occur is a change in philosophy, planning and strategic focus of the elements of society which includes the government, the residents and the private
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Urban Regeneration & Mega Event Case Study Olympics 2012 Essay
Urban Regeneration & Mega Event Case Study Olympics 2012 - Essay workoutThe purpose of the study is to de marginine whether or not a net benefit, either from frugal grow or bequest, or both, is likely in the case of the London Olympics. Key concepts and theories Urban re-formation - Officially, the term renewing is described as the positive transformation of a place whether residential, commercial, or open pose that has previously displayed symptoms of physical, social and/or economic decline (Dept. of Culture, Media and Sports, 2004) Mega-event - The term mega-events is used to refer to those high-profile events that last for a short duration but which require a great deal of expense and years of preparation. Mega-events be generally seen as having a great potential to promote tourism, and are expected to have a strong economic impact for the country hosting the event (Hiller, 2000, p. 439). Boosterism The term boosterism generally refers to the necessary exaggeration that accompanies pitying endeavors (Amato, 1993, p. 50). In urban regeneration for mega-events, boosterism refers to the exaggerated optimism in extolling the benefits of hosting a mega-event. Legacy planning The term legacy planning in relation to mega-sporting events refers to planning for deriving the maximum benefit of what is left of all the developments aft(prenominal) the games have ended (Parliament HL, 2005). Crowding out Crowding out happens when visitors to the mega-event discourage regular visitors from taking their pillow slip at the same time because of the difficulty of finding accommodations and getting access to other services alike known as displacement (Barclay, 2009, p. 64). Supply-side leakages Supply-side leakages refer to the temporary entry of external firms which sell products during the Games, but whose revenues do not benefit the locality (Barclay, 2009, p. 64). Outline plan of the final essay 1. Introduction The introduction provides the priming of th e topic and an explanation for the importance of studying such a topic (Single, 2009, p. 70). This portion gives the context for apprehension what the rest of the research will be about. The case study focuses on trying to weigh the economic costs against the economic benefits and the legacy the Olympic Games will create. 2. Urban regeneration The concept of urban regeneration is introduced first because it is the most important concept on which the case study is based. In explaining urban regeneration, the violence is placed on renewal and reconstruction of degraded part of the city. All projects that are undertaken as regeneration projects should therefore enhance the areas of aspects of the city that are already in need of repair or upgrading. 3. Mega-event and its constituent in urban regeneration In this section, the idea of mega-event is linked with that of urban regeneration. The two concepts are not or do not seem to be naturally related. The first refers to entertainment , something spectacular. The second refers to reconstruction. By discussing these two concepts in relation with each other, the importance of mega-events as a way of staging urban regeneration projects is given focus. 4. Urban regeneration for Olympics 2012 This section introduces the 2012 Olympic
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Equality and Socialist Ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Equality and Socialist Ideology - Essay ExampleFurther, a salient deal of historical context also needs to be considered with regards to determining how ideological and egalitarian concepts are born, gain notoriety, and work to incorporate themselves into a type of collectivized worldview that is ultimately translated back into the culture via the cast of characters of representative government. Although analyzing all of this necessarily lends itself-importance to seek to answer the age old riddle of what came first the sensationalistic or the egg, the analysis itself go forth show that the process is symbiotic rather than mutually exclusive. Furthermore, by seeking to know and go out the trains to which these concomitantors interlace and help to define the context of the culture and form of governance that pervades the on-going system, the reader can hope to gain valuable insights and key understandings with reference to seeking to better understand the world in which we l ive. As the two are so interlinked and bear such a luxuriously level of relation to one another, the first which leave behind be discussed is comparability with the second being ideology. attached a discussion of how these two forces interact and have an impact on culture and vice versa will be discussed followed by a final section on the impacts that both have on governance, self identity, and culture. The first determinant which will be discussed is that of ideology. As was noted in the introduction, the two terms which will be analyzed within the course of this essay are somewhat nebulous and do function to feed back into one another at various junctures however, for purposes of clarity, ideology should be tackled first. The reason for tackling the interpretation and means by which ideology influences upon equality first is due to the fact that in nearly every emergent movement, ideology or culture is the level of equality that the segments seem to have concerning their me mbers. This can be understood as a type of baseline for without it the level to which identity formation can get going to congeal is minimal (Angeloff et al 2012, p. 21). This has of course been noted time and time again throughout autobiography as groups self actualize, form an identity, gain an ideology and only then consider the level to which the component parts will share in equality among the rest (McConnell 2010, p. 140). The ideological formation is extraordinarily essential due to the fact that the components that are built within this phase directly impact upon the level of equality which is possible once the ideology itself has been formulated. Although the process that has herein been described appears to be something of rigid concept, the fact of the occasion is that it is most fluid and open to the interpretation of the individuals that seek to form the ideology in the first place. This level of fluid change allows for the process to evolve in any number of ways th ereby fashioning a firm and solid definition of the term even more difficult for the researcher. While on the topic of ideology, it is important to note that the process that has herein been described does not of course have to come on as a function of forming a new system entirely rather, it can come from redefining necessity components of a working system, worldview, or personal take on a given incommode. As a function of this, the level to which these terms interrelate and coalesce becomes even more complex when one takes the issue outside of the bounds of systemic change and incorporates them into the realm of individual and worldview modulations (Whitely 1978, p. 211). This complicates the definition somewhat due to the fact that this level of incorporation necessarily bends and redirects the original ideology and identity that helped to form the
Friday, April 26, 2019
Thinking How to Quit Smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Thinking How to Quit Smoking - Essay ExampleExperts consider smoking as an twist of escapist tendencies, whereby, people result in the use of cigarettes, which induce a sense of wellness scorn the lack of wellness. This makes it extremely difficult to stop therefore, addicts need to prepare themselves both somatogenicly and psychologically for the be challenges (Robinson). Experts qualified in dealing with rehabilitation of addicts from addictive behaviors advocate addicts to outline a list of reasons wherefore they intend to eliminate an addictive habit. They posit that this facilitates the acknowledgement of an existence of a problem. In the case, of someone fight with an addiction to smoking, the list helps to pinpoint the reasons leading to smoking as an addiction. This plays a crucial role in addressing the psychological implications associated with smoking. The list in any case serves as a reality check, whereby, an somebody discovers the issues which require immediate a ttention. Eliminating issues obligated for inducing cigarette cravings allows one to be psychologically ready to kick the unhealthy habit to the curb. This also generates the willpower to confront future issues, which might be detrimental to the progress of staying nicotine free. Counselors also encourage individuals to convalesce alternate, constructive ways to deal with these feelings and situations. Experts recommend the designing of a ad hominem help plan, which ought to be alone(predicate) or specific to an individuals needs. This customized plan ought to address the intended reasons for quitting smoking. These experts further recommend that copies of the psycheal help plan ought to be placed in areas which used to be storage places for cigarettes (Robinson). Dealing with the physical addiction also presents an enormous challenge to individuals struggling with the addiction of smoking. During the initial days of quitting, withdrawal symptoms pass away frequently. They inc lude nausea, dizziness, restlessness and headaches among others. Withdrawal symptoms represent the bodys way of indicating deprivation of a sealed substance in this case nicotine. Individuals attempting to quit smoking ought to have prepared well in continue for the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms. Establishing a strong willpower to brave through the withdrawal symptoms marks the initiatory step of preparation. Experts recommend other ways to deal with the withdrawal symptoms resulting from nicotine deprivation. Firstly, they recommend frequent deep inhalation. This allows an individual to remain relaxed despite the discomfort brought about by withdrawal symptoms, which might cause a fright attack. Secondly, they recommend the intake of water in large quantities. Water assists in the flushing of toxins out of the body. In addition, they recommend that individuals in withdrawal ought to keep their sugar levels slightly higher during the initial withdrawal phase. This helps to cater for the sugar-related cravings brought about by the absence of nicotine in the body (Health). Experts also recommend that individuals to prepare for the onset of a a few(prenominal) extra pounds. They cite exercise and a proper, well-balanced nutrition as one of the ways to shed off the extra pounds or maintain an individuals desired weight. It is crucial for a person to consult with their physician before embarking on the quitting process especially if they suffer from other
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Global Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global Marketing - Assignment ExampleCulture is treasure to be an essential constituent which imposes considerable impact upon the entire performance of the organisations (Lee & Carter, 2009 Bardhan & et. al., 2006). Culture is recognised to be an essential element on the basis of which the unalike magnitudes of human behaviour atomic number 18 determined. Culture comprises different elements that include belief, morals, knowledge, art and tradition among others. These are discordant elements that depict the culture of a particular society. Moreover, culture is based on different macro environmental factors including social, economic, political and religious beliefs. In this regard, people of a society develop pagan values, behaviour and beliefs on the basis of the aforementioned factors (Soares & et. al., 2007). Culture is based on various concepts such as attitudes, values and ideas through which people perform various actions in a society. The heathenish values and beliefs are usually shared amid the people of a society according to which individuals develop their ethnic values and acquire behaviour (Belshek, 2004). Global marketing is often regarded as an appropriate strategy which adopt by origin originations with the intention of conducting diverse operational functions effectively on a world(a) context. Presently, there are various factors that force out be viewed to be responsible for business organisations to practise their respective operations successfully in overseas business market segments. In this regard, these factors comprise minimised or unrestricted trade barriers, multilateral agreements in relation to trade activities and prevalence of common business market conditions. Culture is often recognised to melt down an imperative role in supporting the organisations towards making effective decisions. Business organisations, in order to execute their respective operational functions or activities efficiently in the worldwide market s egments, are required to possess adequate knowledge in relation to fundamental and cultural values. In this respect, organisations having adequate knowledge in relation to cultural values will be able to operate their business operations with great efficiency. It is worth mentioning that organisations, with appropriate understanding and knowledge about cultural values and beliefs will be facilitated with the fortune of formulating along with executing effective marketing strategies towards the accomplishment of predetermined business targets (Vogt, 2013 Kotabe & Hesen, 2010 Gillespie & et. al., 2010 Lee & Carter, 2009). Culture should be considered in global marketing as the present business market scenario or the market conditions is recognised to be changing frequently due to several factors. The foremost factors for the change in the market conditions can be apparently observed as the development of new business markets and the preferences of global consumers that are promisi ng to alter in relation to demographics along with expectations. It has been viewed that the global marketing activities have changed due to the dissimilar cultural values along with beliefs that holds by the worldwide customers (Keegan, 2011 Lee & Carter, 2009 Passaris, 2006 Picard, 2004). Thus, it can be affirmed that the market conditions of global market are often predicted to remain much dependent
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Public Administration;managing sustainable communities. Midterm exam Essay
Public Administrationmanaging sustainable communities. midterm examination exam - Essay ExampleThis organic kind of development was to accommodate 30,000 citizens within roughly 6,000 acres. A major transport route connected to every division. Stops were situated within the heart of activity, linking each region. Government structures were held within special consideration and they were provided with the locations that seemed or were believed to be the most prominent and easy access.Ebenezer Howard is the contribute of Letchworth Garden metropolis and the Garden City movement. In the year 1898, Ebenezer Howard was disgusted at the very yucky living and functioning conditions within the belatedly 19th Century cities and municipalities. He wrote a manuscript outlining his notions for a totally new system of livelihood. The paperback, Tomorrow, A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, was afterward published once more as Garden Cities of Tomorrow in the year 1902. According to McKenzie (1996), Howard envisi sensationd building his Garden City from scratch on an undeveloped six-thousand-acre plot of agriculture. At the center would be a city one thousand acres in area, along with roughly one-and-one-half within diameter.The city is depicted as airman, and pass from center to circumference by six wide boulevards. At the center would be a five-and-one-half-acre interchange Park surrounded by public buildings such as the town hall. Around this park would unpick a circular Crystal Palace, a glass arcade not unlike the modern obtain mall. Outside this arcade a series of circular streets lined with trees, houses, schools, and gardens would encircle the center. At the edge of the circular city would be the industries, the factories, warehouses, and coal and timber yards, all of which would face outward onto a circular rail line encompassing the town and delivering goods to and from the city and its businesses.Outside this perimeter would be a five-thousand-acre belt of ag ricultural land that would be home to an additional two thousand people engaged in farming. This greenbelt,
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Main idea and themes of Raphael's 'Madonna of the Meadow' Essay
Main idea and themes of Raphaels Madonna of the Meadow - Essay ExampleActually, the triangle represents the unity and responsibilities of the trinity, which is symbolized by the three edges of the triangular shape.In the short film, the mountain lion has passed his nitty-gritty of phantasmal belief to other for centuries since his demise. Apparently, the painter has proved an important point that painting is one of the ways to pass a message. Moreover, a message passed through painting can indeed last long. Even though there has been an evolution in terms of painting with the modern technology threatening to push others into oblivion, Raphaels work is still significant. Additionally, Raphael seeks to delegate the Gods commitment to assisting humankind. The red color is used to signify the inevitable shedding of christs blood while the cross is interpreted as the subsequent death. Finally, the painting of the woman represents Mary, the beat Christ whose are eyes are fixed Christ , the expected savior (Weyant, p.4). In short, Raphael seeks to express his religious affiliation through
Monday, April 22, 2019
Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethics and Professional Responsibilities - Essay ExampleThis is because they may result in to severe consequences if non well checked. Therefore the moral obligation to consider the consequences of their actions or decisions lies with the engineers themselves.Whenever a preventive problem occurs or during a disaster recovery, any concern noted by engineers should get inform to the relevant authority to enable investigation and subsequent response to the problem. This has often been a challenge specially when one feels they may be blacklisted or fired. However, it is ethical and moral standards that an individual engineer has that will operate a difference when such situations arise (Jr, Pritchard, Rabins, James, & Englehardt, 2013). When an issue of concern is not reported due to disquietude of having ones job in the line, the consequences that may arise could be very dire not only to those in the surrounding but also to the engineers who engage in the given activity.Therefore, it is important for applied science students to have ethics as a part of the curriculum so that they are prepared to clear decisive decisions in their professional careers. This will enable presentation of code of ethics to the profession of engineers preservation the world from the unforeseen misfortunes that may result from unethical practices in this profession ( Jr, Pritchard, Rabins, James, & Englehardt,
Creating a welcoming workplace for the older worker Article
Creating a welcoming workplace for the older worker - Article ExampleHowever, other professions interchangeable nursing view older workers as experienced and can bring greater skills and expertise in the composition. However, Mexico referral hospital has a policy in relation to the hideaway of its nurses that gives them room to extend their contact with the hospital within a given period. However, some factors will make an employee to remain in an organization for more than years after retirement or retire at an beforehand(predicate) age.Among the factors that make an employee to retire primal on in an organization include the following the first injuries to nurses, if the nurses attaining injuries in their duties will make them retire early because of they are the inability to perform as per their expectation (Garber, 2008). The most likely damage that nurses can take care includes back pains caused by frequent bending while attending to patients. Moreover, the nurses can l eave the organization because of anxiety as well as depression. In addition, heavy workloads can also lead to early retirement among the nurses in Mexico referral hospital. Poor working environments are some of the major causes of early retirement at Mexico referral hospital. The aging nurse prefers operating in a conducive environment to enable to carry come out their operations in a most effective and efficient manner.However, the retirement age varies from one country to another, for instance, in Canada nurses retire at an average age of 45, Denmark 65 and Iceland at an average age of 68. The retirement age in most countries is as a requirement by law. However, most organizations retain their round because of the reduced rate of employment and the skills that the aging nurses have in this profession. However, the research shows that most nurses who accept the retaining post ranges from the age of 50-68 years in average. However, the nurses who are above 70 years prefer to sta rt their health centers or provide their services free to the community.Allowing regular flexibility
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Case Brief, U.S. V. Clemons, 32F.3d 1504(11th Cir. 1994) Research Paper
Case Brief, U.S. V. Clemons, 32F.3d 1504(11th Cir. 1994) - Research writing ExampleAlthouse was murdered late in the night while driving toward a colleagues house, to discuss the next days arrest warrantsThe court relied on the law stating that any undivided who kills or attempts to kill federal agents while they are engaging in their official duties can be convicted of murder. In cases whereby an individual is found guilty of an attempted murder, a jail term of not much than twenty years is issued. The court was convinced that the federal agent (Althouse) was engaging in official duties when he was murdered.Clemons argued that the evidence presented to the judge was insufficient to show that the federal agent was on official duties at the era of the murder. In addition, he argued that the court broke the law by relying on similar cases and evidence to accomplish its decision. Smith argued that the use of Clemons confessions in implicating him is against the law.The court argue d that Althouse was trying to prevent the theft of FBI property when he was murdered. Even though the duties were being carried out late in the night, the court still believed that Althouse was performing his duties. The management in which Clemons carried out the carjacking led to murder.Any individual who kills or attempts to kill federal agents, or any officer or employee working in the secret service or drug enforcement administration, is penal under sections 1111 and 1112 of the United States Constitution. Individuals found guilty of attempted murder are given jail hurt of not more than twenty years.The court made its decision based on the argument that the federal agent was performing his official duties. Althouse was trying to prevent the theft of a federal car when he was killed. In such circumstances, the judges were convinced that the agent was performing official duties. The court also relied on the evidence presented by Althouses colleagues. Althouse had
Saturday, April 20, 2019
King of Shaves Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
male monarch of S ingests - Assignment casingThe paper outlines the challenges faced by the King of Shaves in the sedulousness using ostiarys vanadium force model and also assesses the generic strategies that the gild applies in its operation. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 Findings 5 2.1 hall porters Five Forces Model 5 2.1.1 controversy among Current Competitors 5 2.1.2 affright of New Entrants 5 2.1.3 bargain Power of Buyers 5 2.1.4 talk terms Power of Suppliers 6 2.1.5 menace of Substitutes 6 2.2 Analysis of the Challenges Facing King of Shaves Using Porters Five Forces Model 6 2.2.1 Rivalry in the Market 6 2.2.2 Threat of New Entrants 6 2.2.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers 6 2.2.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 7 2.2.5 Threat of Substitutes 7 2.3 Opportunities and threats for King of Shaves 7 2.3.1 Opportunities 7 2.3.2 Threats 8 2.4 Strategy of King of Shaves 8 2.4.1 Cost Leadership 8 2.4.2 Differentiation Strategy 8 2.5 The Concept of Stakeholder Analysis 9 2. 6 King of Shaves Stakeholder Framework 9 2.6.1 Stakeholder Framework 9 2.6.2 Mapping Stakeholder Power and Interest 9 3.0 determination 10 1.0 Introduction The King of Shaves is a top UK manufacturer of shaving and skincare products that was founded in 1993 by Will King with a seed capital of ?15,000. King formed the company with his partner Hiten Dayal, at a lower place umbrella firm, Knowledge & Merchandising Inc. Since its establishment, the King of Shaves as grown as a brand and overtaken virtually of the most critical players in the industry. The company is now second to Gillette in the UK market and is picking in the U.S. market as well as otherwise global markets such as China and India among others. However, the company faces strong opposition from its competitors in its growth focus. This report analyses The King of Shaves operation industry using Porters five force model and also proceed to identify opportunities, strategies of the company and closes stakeholder analys is. 2.0 Findings 2.1 Porters Five Forces Model Michael Porter developed a framework that assists business managers in their strategic decision-making process. Porters Five Competitive Forces Model is crucial for exploring the structure of an industry in which an organisation operates. Consequently, managers ingestion the model to establish competitive edge over their market rivals (Ahlstrom & Bruton 2010). Porters five forces that direct competition in an industry include 2.1.1 Rivalry among Current Competitors The extent of rivalry among companies varies from one industry to another. These variations in industry competition trains are of particular interest to strategic analyst. An industry with low level of competition is perceived as disciplined. Ruthless competition may prove detrimental to firms within an industry. 2.1.2 Threat of New Entrants The likelihood of new players getting into the industry also affects the level of competition. An industry with high level of barrier s discourages new market participants from invading the market and exhibit attractive profit levels for existing firms. On the other hand, an industry with low entry barriers or free entry encourages new entries and exhibits low profitability (Ahlstrom & Bruton 2010). 2.1.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers refers to the ability of buyers to influence an industry. In an industry where the buyer power is strong, the buyers have great control of pricing of products
Friday, April 19, 2019
The Big, The Bad, and the Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Big, The Bad, and the Monopoly - Essay ExampleIn the ADM case, its size may abide been to the injustice of the consumer and taxpayer, while Berkshire may have been an innovator that saved jobs and created economic opportunity. The motives behind the move toward large-scale embodied entities may be suspect, but big business is not the fault. In fact, big business cigaret be a boon and is essential in promoting a healthier economy in todays orbicular tradeplace.Without big business, the world economy could not operate. Take the case of Intel and the development of the microprocessor. Certainly Intel dominated the market for years and has continued to do so. However, the product could not have been developed and manufactured by several(prenominal)(prenominal) littler companies with the same expertise and cost factor that was available to Intel. Microsoft operating systems and PC manufacturers were quick to terminal point their source of goods and self promoted a product that c onsumers demanded. As the decades passed, consumers were treated to greater computing power and greatly reduced cost. Along with these benefits came the necessity of standardization.Though it seems the threat of monopoly existed, the results indicate otherwise. In the end, manufacturers were dedicated to selling products and not exploiting the marketplace. As Carson, Thomas, and Hecht contend, a few(prenominal) can deny that product progress and relatively falling prices for most consumer and goods ... have resulted only from the great capital concentration and large scale marketing strategies of big enterprise (96). Few consumers would be happy to return to the early days of computing with its multiple operating systems, non-standardization, and inability to gestate data across operating system formats. The concentrated big business effort has made the US computing industry one of the worlds dominant industries.The downside of big business shows its force when price and productio n order are regulated such that profits are maximized at the cost to the consumer. This, in reality, rarely occurs. The OPEC confidence was an attempt to stem production and raise prices based on a shortage of supply in the 1970s. However, market forces have a way of dealing with monopolistic actions. The North Sea began production and the Soviet Union peaked at 12 million barrels per day making it, a non-OPEC member, the worlds trespass producer (Supply). The high price also made new technologies feasible that would have not been economical at the lower prices. These forces combined to increase supply and ultimately reduce prices. Cutthroat ambition is often viewed as a predatory and monopolistic practice. Larger firms, with more capital, may undersell their emulation at a loss in an effort to run them out of the marketplace. However, depending on the situation, it is often the smaller and more flexible companies that are able to compete in this environment. ... the smaller, m ore mobile firm, not overburdened with heavy investments, that is able to cut its costs ... and outcompete the larger firm. In such cases, of course, there is no monopoly-price bother whatever (Rothbard). The government has the power to limit monopolistic practices, though tends to express its power at the governmental whim of the administration currently holding office (Carson, Thomas, and Hecht, 97). Add to this the factor that there are several government-protected monopolies in existence. The postal service may be
Thursday, April 18, 2019
What are the special developmental needs of children in public care Essay
What are the special developmental needs of children in public upkeep draft the role of social work in meeting these needs - Essay ExampleIt refers to the full-time parenting of children by individuals related by blood, law, or marriage. In some contexts, it also includes care provided by members of a tribe or clan, godparents, stepparents, or other adults who have a kinship blood with a child (CWLA 1994), although these caregivers are more than widely referred to as kith. While gaining increasing contemporary attention in social-policy circles, the practice of rearing a relatives child is ancient and global. In early Hawaiian cultures, for example, paternal grandparents typically claimed the first-born son, and maternalistic grandparents the first-born daughter, as their own (Luomala 1987, p. 1-45). In many African nations, kinship care has been widely practices for decades (Hegar 1999), and in compound America children who lost their parents to death or incapacity were typicall y reared by grandparents or other relatives (Trattner 1994, p. 39-49).Public-policy makers in general appreciate the role of relatives in the lives of children without their assistance, many children might otherwise be forced into the arms of the rural area and/or strangers for custody and support. Yet efforts to affirm grandparents labors in a no-strings-committed policy environment, where parents are tacitly discouraged from raising their children, may have unwittingly contributed to the development of social trends in family patterns and unregulated care for children that is less than ideal. Instead, acknowledgement of the role grandparents play in the lives of children can be balanced by a combination of social recognition, financial support, and modest bureaucratic regulation. The more generous financial support, and the fewer obligations attached to the funding, the greater the concern that such assistance may create opportunities for and pressures on parents to move childre n into more economically stable environments in the homes of relatives.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Analysis of Advert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Analysis of Advert - Essay Example3). merchandise strategy is a plan to which the firms should adhere to so to have an upper hand over its competitors and plans to strive the desired objectives. In formulation of the trade strategy and to sell the product effectively, analysis of cost put on should be undertaken. Nike Ad Appeal Nike is the leading innovator in footwear for the athletic including lops, accessories and equipment. Mission of Nike is to arrest inspiration along with innovation to each and every athlete across the globe. Nikes consumer affairs burster aims to provide the customers with the highest standard of service building loyal consumer relationship across the globe (Nike, 2011). The above crisscrosss publicizing describes the advertising strategy along with the aim and motive of the company. Nike mission is to provide innovative and comfort adapted footwear, apparel and other accessories to the athletic around the world and this is depicted truly through the above given prints advertisements. ... Nike with its that Do It campaign was able to increase the domestic share and worldwide sales. The campaign had captured the corporate ism of determination, grit and of course passion. Nike is known for determination, detachment and unsentimental attitude. However with its campaign of Just Do It it was able to reassure the consumers that Nike was a quality brand. Celebrity endorsement has also appealed to consumers and it became a self fulfilling image (CFAR, 1998). trade Concept The marketing concept will take into consideration the following which help to determine the marketing strategy of Nike and further implementation on the same. Segmentation Segmentation is necessary for business to perform as it helps the firm to differ its product from its competitors which gives rise to healthy competition. All consumers are not alike and frankincense different consumers have different types of needs and thus by segmentation the market place and by choosing the target market, companies will be able t provide all the benefits to its desired market segment. at a time the target market has been identified along with the segment the company will be able to break up on the mode of advertising. The prints ads of Nike clearly have indicated the segment that Nike caters to. In all the prints ads of Nike along with the two print ads shown in this section determine the segment of Nike. Nike has part its product for the young and for the middle aged masses within the age group of 20 to 50 years. Based on economic segmentation Nike has segmented its product accordingly to the lifestyles of high, medium and also for the low end customers. Geographically Nike has segmented the market into confused segments
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Ernest Hemingways novels Essay Example for Free
Ernest Hemingways al oarlockorys EssayErnest Hemingway is an author well known for the common themes in his novels. In his style of writing, Hemingway is able to express the themes of the novel by dint of strong character traits and actions. The common themes in Hemingways novel The Sun to a fault and A F arwell to Arms are last and leaving. The characters in these novels, and many of Hemingways opposite novels, can relate to these themes.The novels The Sun to a fault Rises and A Farewell to Arms share many similarities. These of blood include the themes of death and loss. The common themes are supported by the war setting in A Farewell to Arms and the post-war setting in The Sun Also Rises. Both novels take place in Europe approximately in the 1920s. Jake Barnes is the main character of The Sun Also Rises and he is struggling through vivification after having experienced some trauma during the war. Frederic Henry, the protagonist of A Farewell to Arms mustiness make the choice of staying in the army or revokeing his fellow troops to be with his girlfriend. Both novels research the hardships of erotic have a go at it, war, and death.The wound, the break from society, and the code are subjects of Hemingways work (Young 6). These three events are critical in Hemingways novels The Sun Also and A Farewell to Arms.The Wound represents just that, a wound. It can be a physical, mental, or an emotional wound always occurring in the scores protagonist. This relates to the theme of loss because the characters wound is always a loss they suffer. The loss can be physical, for example if the character is injured and loses a body part (which is common in the war settings Hemingway typically uses). The loss can also be emotional, for example if the main character loses a turn ind one and becomes depressed.In The Sun Also Rises, Jake has been injured in the war and feels like little of a man because he is physically unable to make love to a woman (Magnum 4 ). This combat injury leaves Jake psychologically and morally lost. In A Farewell to Arms the main character, Frederic Henry, is wounded in his leg while serving in the war as an ambulance driver in Italy. Jake and Frederics mental and emotional conditions malarky to the next part of the Hemingway code the break from society.The break from society is the next key element in Hemingways work. This disassociation with society is a result of the main characters injury or loss. The character allow steal himself from society to cope with his loss. Jakes career has become empty and he fills his time with drinking and dancing. Jake enjoys his life by learning to get your moneys worth and knowing when you had it. (Magnum 4) A nonher break from society is shown in the story Big Two- Hearted River by Hemingway. The main character, Nick Adams, has experienced a loss. devastation has occurred not literal gay death, but death of the land (Magnum 3) which has been destroyed by fire.The fire has consumed and burned all the vegetation adjoin the home where Nick grew up. Nick suffers from the shock of the devastation to the land. He had recalled so many boyhood memories of hunting and seek on the land where he grew up. Nick goes back into the wilderness on his own to get onward form the pain he has suffered. A break from society is a key aspect in Hemingways work that adds to the common themes among his novels.The wound and the break from society lead up to the last key element, the Hemingway ordinance (Young 8). The code is what Hemingway uses in his novels to show how the character is dealing with the wound and the break from society. For example, in The Sun Also Rises, Jake is dealing with his loss by going off and spending his money on drinks and dancing because this is the lonesome(prenominal) way he can enjoy himself. He cannot fall in love so this is what he does instead to fill the missing gap in his life. He also gets his moneys worth by direct pointless short telegrams to his friends, symbolizing his careless nature. A Farewell to Arms contains another example of the code.Frederic is inquisitive for meat in life while he is surrounded by death during the war. He chooses not to fill his life with religion or pleasure because these things are meaningless to him. Instead Frederic abandons the Italian the States to be with his girlfriend Catherine, whom he plans to marry. Loving Catherine is the only way Frederic can bring happiness to his life after facing the hardships of war.The subjects of Hemingways work in A Farewell to Arms and The Sun Also Rises are similar, and can relate to the main themes of other works by Hemingway. The themes of death and loss apply to the characters of thesenovels. Death occurs often during the wars which take place in some(prenominal) novels. Jake was wounded in a war, and Frederic is currently bit in a war. Both flummox suffered a psychological loss which leaves them struggling to bring meaning to their lives. In Big Two Hearted River Nick suffers from the loss of the land. Hemingway has created all of these characters to show weaknesses which result from their losses. That is why to each one character suffers from the loss they experience. Like Jake, Frederic Henry is wounded in the war and falls in love with a woman.(Magnum 6). These characters suffer losses from the war and soon suffer losses in love. We could have had such(prenominal) a damned good time together, (Hemingway 115) dame Ashley states after accepting that Jake will never be able to love her. Like Jake, Frederic loses his lover, The arms to which Frederic must finally say farewell are those of Catherine, who dies in childbirth ( Magnum 7)The major differences in the novels The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms do not occur in the themes of the novels but instead the characters personalities and actions. For example Jake is considered the lost and hopeless character. He spends his time unwrap and about w ith his friends touring the countryside, drinking, dancing and having a good time. He has lost all his morals and goes about freely without a care in the world. Hemingway had created Frederic as the complete opposite of Jake. He takes a stand for what he believes in and does what he thinks is right. Frederic is faced with, and overcomes, tough decisions during desperate war-filled times. Unlike Jake, he is rational and thinks out his decisions. Although theses characters have opposing personalities they will both encounter the same problem throughout the novels.Both Jake and Frederic experience hardships and ingrained conflict in The Sun Also and A Farewell to Arms. Jake is in conflict with himself over the love of a woman named Lady Brett Ashley. This is the woman Jake wants to fall in love with but he knows this will never be possible because of his war wound. Jake gives up his hope of finding love by introducing Lady Brett to one of his friends who she falls in love with and pla ns to marry. The marriage is broken off when a fight breaks out which is caused by Lady Bretts desire to be romantic with several other men. The novel ends right where it began,with Brett and Jake trap in hopeless love for each other, (Nagel 108). Frederics internal conflict is similar to that of Jakes.He is lost and low over the love for his girlfriend, Catherine and his service in the military. After learning Catherine has become pregnant and his troops abandon him, Frederic makes the decision to desert the army and follow his heart. Frederic suffers from the most pain when Catherine dies giving birth. He realized that the love he shared, to try and bring meaning to his life, causes him even more pain when Catherine dies. The internal conflict of both Jake and Frederic leave them faced with tough decisions which affect the way they live ad love.Hemingway has used the character alliance of love and a setting with an atmosphere of war to build on his major themes. The characters w ere wounded in the war and suffer from the loss of loved ones. Death is used figuratively to describe the emotions and morality of Hemingways characters. Hemingways themes of death and loss are seen through his character portrayal in his novels.Work CitedColeman, Janice. Ernest Hemingway The World Book Encyclopedia. Hartford, CT Paddon Publishing, 1992.Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell To Arms. New York, NY Charles Scribners Sons, 1929.Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York, NY Charles Scribners Sons, 1926.Magnum, Bryant. Introduction to the Novels of Ernest Hemingway Critical Survey Of great Fiction. Salem Press Inc. 2000.Nagel, James. Ernest Hemingway. Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 9. New York Gale Research Company, 1981.Stanton, William. 20th ampere-second Novelists. Sacramento, CA Bantum Books, 1984.Young, Phillip. Ernest Hemingway American Writers A Collection of Literary Biographies. Volume II. New York Charles Scribners Sons, 1974
Israeli-Palestinian problems Essay Example for Free
Israeli-Palestinian problems EssayThe Israeli-Palestinian problems arise out of an current conflict between Israel and nirvana and contri moreoveres to the Arab-Israeli conflicts. (David, 1996, 363) Historians generally commence the position that resolving the ongoing problems between the two nations is the key to eradicating at least in part, the threat of Islamic terrorism around the piece. (Schoenbaum, 2006, 281) There have been many attempts by the unite Nations and world powers, specially the US to resolve the tensions between Israel and paradise, but to no avail.(S later on, 2001, 171) The most that can be gleaned from these slumber-making efforts is the identification of the barriers to construct peace between Israel and paradise. This research physical composition ordain critically evaluate the problems between Israel and heaven, the barriers to peace grammatical construction and the possible origins for removing these barriers and construct peace between the two nations. This paper will also examine the consequences for world peace should the conflicts and tensions between Palestine and Israel continue to brew. OverviewHistorically, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is characterized by six distinct boundarys of tensions. The first period of time and the origins of the conflict can be traced back to the late 19th century with the rise of Zionism and Arab Nationalism. (Gelvin, 2005, 93) The Zionist nominal head was a Judaic national consummation formed in 1897, primarily in response to sendiments of antisemitism end-to-end much of europium and Russia. The Arab nationalism movement was in turn a reaction to Zionism. (Gelvin, 2005, 93) Zionism advocated for the organisation of a Judaic nation-state in Palestine.(Rolef and Sela, 2002, 928-932) Furthering the cause of the Zionist movement, the World Zionist Organization together with the Judaic National Fund purchased prop up in the Palestine area under some(prenominal) the Br itish and the pansy rule and advocated for immigration to the area. (Tessler, 1994, 53) During the rise of the Zionist movement during the late 19th century much of Palestine had been occupied by Arab Muslims and Bedouin with a relatively small number of Christians, Druze, Circassians and Jews. (Medding and Harman, 2008, 3-7) Palestinian Arab rulers began to regard these Zionist aspirations as a threat.(Fortna, 2004, 97) The Arab unrest with the Jewish immigration to Palestine was more about their national identity since they originated from Europe and Russia. The prevailing feeling among the Arabs in Palestine was that the migration of Europeans and Russians to the area disturbed Palestines national identity. (Kramer and Harman, 2008, 121) A number of Arab protests arose as a outcome of Zionist purchases of property in Palestine. The result of these land purchases and immigration policies was a significant increase in the Jewish population in the area.By 1917, the British overc ome the Ottoman Turkish military and subsequently occupied Palestine where they remained until the First World War polish offed. (Kramer and Harman, 2008, 121) The game period of conflict followed the end of the First World War with the British occupation of Palestine. The League of Nations transferred the Palestine problem to the British, indorsing the Balfour Declaration and calling upon the British to create the Jewish Agency, designed to organize and manage Jewish matters in Palestine.(Yapp, 1987, 290) The Balfour Declaration was formulated by the British pre sidential term in 1917 and stated as follows His Majestys government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nonhing shall be make which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. (Yapp, 1987, 290)The Palestinian Arab population grew increasingly hostile toward British pro-Zionist policies. Making matters worse, Jewish immigration continued to grow, with significant numbers of Jew migrating to Palestine as a result of increasing antisemitism in Europe. In the Ukraine, 10,000 Jews had been killed. (Berry and Philo, 2006, 4) The Nazis rise to power in Germany solitary(prenominal) served to increase Jewish immigration to Palestine. A number of riots erupted in Palestine, spearheaded by the Arab population in protest against the growing Jewish population.(Nicosia, 2008, 130) The British attempt at resolving these conflicts was the Haycraft Commission of Inquiry, 1921, the Shaw Report 1930 and the Peel Commission of 1936-1937 which was followed by the exsanguine Paper of 1939. (United Nations, 1947) These reports reflect the character of the efforts for resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Peel Commiss ion recommended a partition of the area and the gaberdine Paper suggested a single state resolution with quotas for the both Jewish and Arab immigrants to Palestine.(United Nations, 1947) The cut off period for these immigration restrictions extended over the Second World War at a time when the final solution displaced a number of Jews in Europe. This resulted in a number of illegal immigration by Jews to the kingdom and this only served to increase tensions. (Nicosia, 2008, 130) After the Second World War, the Jewish Resi view Movement was established and in protest against British policies in Palestine, engaged in a number of attacks against the British military. One much(prenominal) attack saw the bombing of the King David Hotel in capital of Israel, the headquarters for the British troops.(Tessler, 1994, 256) Be that as it may, discussion of the Holocaust brought with it international sympathy for the Zionist movement. (Tesler, 1994, 210) Coinciding with these developments, the United Nations encouraged the division of Palestine into three sections under a Mandatory Palestine policy. (Tessler, 1994, 185) These divisions included an Arab domain, a Jewish State and an internationalist regulate which would include Jerusalem and the area around it. In the meantime, Bethlehem and Jerusalem would be controlled by the United Nations. Tessler, 1994, 185-268)The Unitied Nations solution was unpalatable to both the Jews and Aabs in Palestine. (Laquer and Rubin, 2001, 69-80) Despite these early signs of the futility of a divided state in Palestine, the UN indorsed the visualize on Novermber 29, 1947. The date for partition was earmarked at May 15, 1948, the date by which the British were scheduled to look at its troops from the region. (Laquer and Rubin, 2001, 69-80) With a strategic plan for division in place, violence between the Jews and the Arabs, typically instigated by the Arabs, picked up momentum with open warfare over routes in Palestine taking cen tre stage.(Greenville, 2005, Chapter 39) Zionist leader, David Ben-Gurion, declared the implementation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, pursual a decisive victory in fighting against the Arabs and became Israels first Prime Minister. (Hazony, 2001, 267) The declaration of the State of Israel received simple approval with both the US and the USSR representing the new State at the United Nations. Hazony (2001) doubts however, if this declaration would have garnered much(prenominal) wide sp pick up support if emotions hadnt been stirred by the Holocaut.(xx) In the years that followed, the turmoil and threat to world peace that followed, compromises whatever satisfaction the Zionists and their supporters derived from the creation of the Jewish state. (Hazony, 2001, xx) The consequences for world peace began almost immediately following the declaration of the State of Israel, associationting forth the third period of Israeli-Palestinian problems. An Arab-Israeli War erupted o n May 15-16, 1948 when armies from Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Iraq and later Lebanon, invaded Israel.(Nazzal, 1978, 18) The new State of Israel emerged victorious and subsequently annexed territory that would encroach upon the partitioning resounds of the Jewish State and attain over into the Arab b roves in Palestine. Jordan occupied the West Bank ad easterly Jerusalem, Israel occupied West Jerusalem and Egypt, the Gaza Strip. (Sela, 2002, 491-498) In 1950 however, would take possession of the West Bank. (Sela, 2002, 491-498) The Israeli-Arab War of 1948 would only serve to complicate matters for world peace and curiously Jews.Approximately 856,000 Jews either fled voluntarily or were forced to flea from Arab nations, many passing their property and individual(prenominal) possessions behind. (Shulewits, 2001, 139-155) Likewise, Palestinian Arabs suffered a vastly similar fate in area then forming the new Israeli state, becoming known as Palestinian refugees. These refugees were simultaneously denied re-entry into Israel and entry or citizenship in the adjourning Arab States, save and draw off for the Transjordan West Bank, the Egyptian occupied Gaza Strip, the East Bank of Jordan Riverm Syria and Lebanon.(Brynen and El-Rifai, 2007, 1) In 1949, Israel proposed repatriating 100,000 refugees and to re-open previously frozen bank accounts. (Sela, 2002, 58-121) Arab leaders, however, strengthen in their position against the recognition of an Israeli state primarily refused to accept the Israeli olive branch. (Sela, 2002, 58-121) The result is, the Palestinian refugees continued to remain a source of conflict and tension between Israel and Palestine as many of these refuges remain in refugee camps.(Brynen and El-Rifai, 2007, 132) involvements between Arabs and Jews accelerated on the border of Israel and Jordan, starting with minor Israeli raids and Palestinian responses which only escalated in time and intensity. After the Israel attack on an Egyptian mili tary run aground in the Gaza strip in February 1955, the Egyptian officials began to engage in sponsoring, arming and training Palestinian Fedayeen from along the Gaza Strip who would conduct raids on Israel. (Shlaim, 2000, 128) According to Avi Shlaim (2000) it was not until the Israeli raid on the Gaza strip that Egypt took such a militant arise to Israel.(129) Previously the Egyptian military authorities had a consistent and mansion policy of curbing infiltration by Palestinians from the Gaza Strip into Israel. (Shlaim, 2000, 129) Be that as it may, several years later, in 1964, the Palestinian Fedayeen resulted in the formaiton of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The PLO had as its goal the liberation of Palestine via the protective cover of gird combat whose duty it was to puge the Zionest presence from Palestine. (Rubinstein, 1982, 209)In 1967 Egypt conducted a number of scare tactics by mobolising troops in the Sinai Peninsula which was followed by several other vastly similar moves by Arab nations neighbouring Israel. As a pre-emptive strike, Israel attacked Egypt and the Six-Day War followed. At the end of this latest foray, Egypt annexed the Gaza Strip and the West Bank which also included East Jerusalem. This would only increase hostilities between Israel and the Arabs. (Oded, 2002, 127) The fourth period of Israeli-Palestinian tensions commenced following the Six-Day War.In February 1969 Yasser Arafat was selected to chair the PLO and almost immediately, the PLO set about commiting armed attacks on Israel in an attempt to seize control of the West Bank. However, Israel got the better of these armed conflicts and PLO forces were exiled to Jordan where the Palestinian population was overwhelming and attacks on Israel continued by virtue of terrorist attacks. The inevitable followed with Israeli responding with riposte attacks. (Shlaim, 2000, xxiii)The tensions increased and by 1970, the PLO seized control of southern Lebanon and conducted rocket attacks against the Galilee towns and other terror attacks on the north border of Lebanon and Israel. Palestinian terrorist groups spearheaded by the PLO together with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commenced an intense campaign against the Israelis abroad, especially in Europe. (Streissguth, 1993, 43-58) In an effort to fortify the campaign, Palestinian guerrillas waged several attacks on Israeli civilians at schools, on busses and in apartment complexes.Attacks overseas targeted embassies, airports and the hijacking of aircraft. At the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics, Israeli athletes were taken hostage by the Black September faction of the PLO. (Judaken, 2006, 201) The Israeli authorities responded by virtue of a raid on the PLO headquarters in Lebanon. Other infamous terror attacks would follow including the Savoy Hotel attack, the Zion Square refrigerator salvo and the Maalot massacre in 1974 which claimed the lives of 22 children. (Streissguth, 1993, 43-58) In 1974, the Yom Kippur War commenced under the instigation of Egypt and Syria which was a admiration attack on Israel.A cease fire ended the war and gave way to the onset of the populate David Accords, 1978 setting guidelines for peace negotiations in the future. Still the terror attacks continued. (Jureidini and McLaurin 1981, 1-26) Israel launched the Operation Litani which was designed to regain control of Confederate Lebanon to the border with the Litani River. (Ron, 2003, 175) The operation was successful and the PLO took up residence in Beirut. Even after Israels withdrawal, Palestinian terrorist and guerrillas continued to fire rockets at Galilee, Israel.Finally, in 1981, US president Regan negotiated a cease fire that endured for a year. (Ron, 2003, 175) An assassination attempt on Shlomo Argov, Israelis Ambassador to the UK ended the cease fire on June 3, 1982. (Bar-On, 2004, 200) This gave way to the 1982 Lebanon war in which Israel invaded Lebanon on Jun e 6, 1982 claiming the move necessary for the protection of northern Israel. (Bar-On, 2004, 200-201) In order to bring an end to this latest military conflict in the region, US and European diplomats negotiated for the safe institutionalise of key PLO leaders such as Arafat to capital of Tunisia, an exile destination.(Bregman, 2002, 145) By June 1985, the Israelis withdrew in large part from Lebanon, leaving behind a minimal faction in South Lebanon in an area designated a protective cover zone. In Tunis, the PLO lead campaigns against Israel with a number of terrorist attacks which resulted in the Israelis bombing the PLOs camp in Tunis during the conduct of Operation Wooden Leg. (Bregman, 2002, 152) Continuous uprisings in the West Bank and the Gaza Strips continued and by January 1988, say by the PLO in Tunis these uprisings became more organized, characterized as Intifadas.The first Intifada resulted in the death of 1, 551 Palestinians and 422 Israelis. (Israeli-Palestinina D eaths, 1987-2007) During the gulf War of 1990-1991, Arafat appeared to support Iraqs invasion of Kuwait following which the PLO was financially cut off by many Arab states. (Aburish, 1998, 201-228) The US and the USSR seized the opportunity following the Gulf War to start a peace league between the Palestinian Arabs from countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Syria and Israel. It began with the Madrid Conference in October 1991, commandeered by Russia and the US.(Bush, 1991 2-23) Even so, the end of the Gulf War saw more international efforts with respect to resolving the issues in the Israeli-Palestinian tensions. This would mark the fifth stage of this ongoing sage and commenced from 1993-2000. In January 1993 there appeared to be some progress toward peace when Arafat sent an official earn to Israels then prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, claiming to renounce terrorism and to recognize Israel as an independent state. (Exchange of Letters between Rabin and Arafat, Sept. 9, 1993)What followed was the Olso Accords in which the parties tried to set up a two-state solution. The agreement called for a Palestinian Authority, headed by Arafat which would practice and encourage Israeli tolerance. (BBC News, November 2003) However, there is evidence that the Palestinian Authority not only supported but also funded terrorist strikes and organizations. (BBC News, November 2003). The violence in the Palestinian areas continued and in February 1994 the Kach movement killed 29 Palestinian Arabs in the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre.(Scharfstein and Gelabert, 1997, 306) The Palestinian Hamas retaliated by conducting suicide bomb attacks against Israeli civilians throughout Israel. Scharfstein and Gelabert, 1997, 306) In September 1995 Arafat and Rabin signed an Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement with respect to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The agreement called for Palestinian Arabs to return to occupied areas of Palestine and for Palestinian recognition and acceptan ce of Israels right to a still existence.The agreement however was not accepted by Hamas and other PLO affiliates who were continuing to commit terror attacks in Israel. (Rheinhart, 2005) These bursts of violence would characterize the sixth stage of peace negotiations during the Camp David Accords 2000 with the result that nothing has been resolved between the Palestines and the Israelis today. (Rheinhart, 2005) The difficulties with resolving the issues that give rise to the problems between the Jews and the Arabs arise out of the fact that they are being negotiate from a purely subjective and entirely selfish perspective.Having examined the nature of the conflict and the failed attempts at peace, the remainder of the paper will evaluate why these problems persist despite attempts to eradicate them. The stillness Process As previously, noted, the approach taken to the support of the establishment of the Jewish State is primarily dictated by emotions in the race of the Holocaus t. However, there were other matters that influenced the approach. The United States on the other hand, had and very likely still has its own agenda.Willaim Viorst maintains that the US map with respect to the peace building process in the fondness East was influenced by a two-tier agenda built around the following ideology pressing for concessions from all sides to establish some durable negotiated settlement, and ensuring Israel came out of the agreement strong enough to act as the U. S. proxy in the area against Soviet threats. (Viorst, 1987) In addition, the USs attitude toward a number of Middle Eastern countries, such as Syria, who is very much involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, is characterised by mistrust.Sepearte and apart from disapproving of nations such as Syrias autocratic governence, the US has always taken a stand against that nations link to terrorists and its anti-Israel position. (Zunes, 1993, 62) This stance against terrorism is particularly strong following the September 11 attacks on the US. In the final analysis, the only thing that was accomplished in the days following the Six-Day War and the present was a string of hangdog concessions on the parts of both Palestinian and Israeli officials. One example is found in the ongoing struggles with Syria.(Zunes, 1993, 62) Syria agreed to demilitarize the Golan Heights area, permit international supervision together with other security comittments in return for Israels withdrawal neither side have been able to live up to their side of the bargain. (Zunes, 1993, 62) Viorst raises yet another point. The Maa lot Massacre which only threatened the peace building process and provided Isreal with grounds for making renewed demands of neighbouring Arab nations to close its borders to terrorist. (Viorst, 1987) Syrias Hafez Assad, exemplifies the degree of Arabic pride that was intimately ignored in these peace-builing processses.This pride commands loyalty to Arabic culture to such an e xtent that it compromises the ability to objectively agree to such a demand for fear of the perception that the leader is regarded as having been weakened to the will of the Israelis. (Viorst, 1987) A stalemate was therefore inevitable. US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger responded by sending a letter to the Israeli government indorsing whatever means of redress it desired in reponse to the terrorist attacks on its terrirory. Viorst points out that Kissenger efficaciously pledged thatno future president would withhold American economic or military financial aid as punishment for antiterrorist reprisals. It committed Washington to support such attacks before the world, most notably at the United Nations. In effect, it imposed a serious new limitation on Americas ability to make restraint within the cycle of violence that so often ran amok in the Arab-Israeli struggle. (Viorst, 1987) When this letter is read together with reference to the fact that the Americans provided milit ary aid to Israel during the Yom Kippor War, it is hardly surprisig that peace building between Israel and Palestine failed time and time again.Particularly compromising was the fact that the US in its role as mediator, prexy Nixon was caught up in the midst of the Watergate scandal by1974. (Viorst, 1987) It would appear, that Nixons focus on the Palestine-Israel conflict was quite mayhap more of an attempt to distract attention away from the Watergate scandal and was determined to convince the public that he was an indispensable to peacekeeping in this hostile region. (Viorst, 1987) Nixons first tour of the Middle East did not turn out as well as planned.Newly elected Israeli Prme Minister Yitzhak Rabin do it clear that he wanted Israel to remain the US stronghold in the Middle East but at the same time he was not interested in the current peace-keeping negotiations. (Viorst, 1987) Russias role in the peacebuilding process in the earlier years also gave off the impression that, l ike the US, the Soviets were mark on maintaining a stronghold in the Middle East, by providing support for the Palestines.To this end, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict came to be a provy war, between the worlds super powers, in their respective struggles for world dominance and power. Stephen Zunes provides a coherent basis for placing the blame for the continuous failure of the peace building process between Palestine and Isreal on the US. To start with, it probably goes without saying that Israels neighbours, particularly Palestinian Arabs, have both political and economic motives for wanting peace with Isreal.The disintegration of the Soviet Union gave way to dramatic political and economic shits in the Middle East as a whole. (Zunes, 2000, 1-4) Moreover, US dominance in the region in the aftermath of the Gulf War, together with the establishment of the Palestinian Authority the circumstances are such that those caught in the nerve centre of the Palestinian-Syrian conflict on the Arab side, can no longer reap politial capital from provoking conflict with Israel. (Zunes, 2000, 1-4)On the other side of the spectrum , Israel is not motivated nor is it inclined to take the necessary steps to facilitate a viable settlement and similarly, the United States appears unwilling to push its ally to compromise. (Zunes, 2000, 1-4) Despite the ongoing peace negotiation final Israel-Palestinina peace concur may not be possible any time soon. (Zunes, 2000, 1-4) It becomes increasingly clearer with time that while the United Sates is holding itself out as an impartial mediator, when one looks beneath the step to the fore the United States is slanted in its support of Israel and its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian problems.Zunes explains how this is so by directing attention to the US approach to the annexed land following the UN credentials Council Resolutions 242 and 338 in respect of wars between Arab States and Israel. Resolution 242 called for peace in the Middle East by requiring Israel to withdraw from the territories it annexed following the 1967 War and for the Termination of all claims or states of belligerency. (UN Security Council Resolutions 242) Resolution 338 followed the Yom Kippur War and basically called for a cease fire.(UN Security Council Resolutions 338) When Syria rejected the resolution the United States claimed that Syria was hard-lined for its rejection of these Resolutions. When Syria dramatically moderated its policies and accepted the resolutions the United States complained that Syria was hard-lined for their insistence on the resolutions strict implementation. (Zunes, 2000, 1-14) The obvious consequence is an impasse that can be broken only by a shift in U. S. policy. (Zunes, 2000, 1-14) The Madrid Conference was co-sponsored by the United States and the Soviet Union.The conference involved peace talks themed after UN Resolution 242, land for peace talks between Israel and the Arab States caught up in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (Rabinovich 1999, 39-43) These peace talks represented a tie in to redundant peace talks at various other forums up to the year 2000. Yet no accord was struck. Conclusion Clearly, the sollution to the Israeli-Palestinian problems involves a quid pro quo approach. The Middle Eastern countries directly bordering Palestine want their land returned to them and Israel wants security against terrorist attacks.In order to resolve these issues in a manner that is fair to both sides, the US, as primary mediator should propose that Israel withdraw from the regions in exchange for clearly defined security gaurantees from its neighbouring Arab nations. The US can achieve this goal by threatening to withdraw its current economic and military support to Israel. The underlying impediment to the long history of negotiations between Israel and Palestinian neighbours has been the imbalance of pressure.While the surrounding Arab nations, particularly Syria, have been pre ssured by a lack of military and economic aid to make concessions Israel has had no incentives or pressure to at least meet its hostile neighbours halfway. The United States role appears to be disingenuous since it has repeatedly failed to put pressure on Israel to be fair and objective. Works Cited Aburish, S. (1998) From Defender to Dictator. New York Boomsbury Publishing. Bar-On, M. (2004) A unfading Conflict A Guide to Israeli Military fib. Greenwood Publishig Group. BBC News. (November 7, 2003) Palestinian Authority Funds Go to Militants. http//news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/middle_east/3243071. stm Retrieved 2 May, 2009. Berry, M. and Philo, G. (2006) Israel and Palestine Conflicting Histories. Pluto Press. Bregman, A. (2002) Israels Wars A History Since 1947. Routledge. Bryen, R. and El-Rfai, R. (2007) Palestinian Refugees Challenges of Rapatriation and Development. I. B. Tauris. Bush, P. (1991) The Madrid Middle East Peace Conference October 30-November 1, 1991. Foreign Policy Bu lletin 2, 2-23. David, Newman. (1996) Shared Spaces disassemble Spaces The Israel-Palestine Peace Process. GeoJournal 39(4) 363-375.Exchange of Letters between Rabin and Arafat. (Sept. 9, 1993) http//www. mideastweb. org/olsoletters. htm Retrieved May 3, 2009. Fortna, V. (2004) Peace Time Cease-Fire Agreements and the Durability of Peace. Princeton University Press. Gelvin, J. (2005) The Israel-Palestine Conflict One Hundred Years of War. Cambridge University Press. Greenville, J. (2005) A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century. Routledge. Hazony, Y. (2001) The Jewish State The Struggle for Israels Soul. Basic Books. Israeli-Palestinian Deaths, 1987-2007. (n. d. ) http//israelipalestinian. procon.org/viewersousce. asp? resourceID=639 Retrieved 2 May 2009. Judaken, J. (2006) Jean-Paul Sartre and the Jewish Question AntipAmtisemitism and the Politics of the cut Intellectual. University of Nebraska. Jureidini, P. and McLaurin, R. (1981) Beyond Camp David Emerging Al ignments and Leaders in the Middle East. Syracuse University Press. Kramer, G. and Harman, G. (2008) A History of Palestine From the Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israel. Princeton University Press. Laquer, W. and Rubin, B. (2001) The Israel-Arab Reader A Documentatry History of the Middle East Conflict.Penguin. Medding, P. and Harman, M. (2008) Sephardic Jewry and Mizrahi Jews. Oxford University Press. Nazzal, N. (1978) The Palestinian exodus From Gallilee. 1948 Institute for Palestine Studies. Nicosia, F. (2008) Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany. Cambridge University Press. Oded, E. (2002) Arab-Isreal Peacemaking cited in Sela, A. (ed) The Continuum Political cyclopaedia of the Middle East. New York Continuum. Reinhart, Tanya. (2005) Israel/Palestine How to End the War of 1948. New York Seven Stories Press Roelf, H. and Sela, A. (2002) Zionism. Cited in Sela, A. (ed)The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East, New York Continuum. Ron, J. ( 2003) Frontiers and Ghettos State Violence in Serbia and Israel. University of California Press. Rubinstein, W. (1982) The Left, The Right and The Jews. Croom Helm. Scharfstein, S. and Gelabert, D. (1997) Chronicle of Jewish History From the Patriarchs to the 21st Century. KTAV Publishing House Inc. Schoenbaum, T. (2006) International Relations The Path Not Taken Using International Law to Promote World Peace and Security. Cambridge University Press. Shlam, A. (2000) The Iron Wall Israel and the Arabl World. W. W. Norton and Company.Shulewitz, M. (2001) The Forgotten Millions the innovational Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands. Continuum. Slater, J. (2001) What Went Wrong? The Collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process. Political Science, 116(2), 171-199. Streissguth, T. (1993) International Terrorists. The Oliver Press, Inc. Tessler, M. (1994) A History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Indianapolis Indicana University Press. United Nations. (October 2, 1947) Ad Hoc Committee on th e Palestinian Question Communication From the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations. A/AC. 14/8. UN Security Council Resolutions 242 UN Security Council Resolution 338Viorst, William. (June 1987) The Kissinger covenant and other reasons Israel is in trouble Henry Kissinger, draw off from Sands of Sorrow Israels Journey From Independence. Washington Monthly, Available online at http//www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1316/is_v19/ai_5010446/pg_5 Retrieved 3 May, 2009 Yapp, M. (1987) The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923. Longman. Zunes, Stephen. (1993) Israeli-Syrian Peace The Long Road Ahead. Middle East Policy, Vol. 2, p. 62 Zunes, Stephen. ( February 2000)The US and the Israeli-Syrian Peace Process. Foreign Policy in Focus, Vol. 5 No. 3 pp 1-4
Monday, April 15, 2019
All human beings have a deep need for affection and respect Essay Example for Free
altogether human beings defecate a thick need for affection and follow EssayDo you debate that Steinbeck conveys the message that nearly all human beings have a hidden need for affection and respect?Yes I do think that Steinbeck conveys the message that nearly all human beings have a deep need for affection and respect because there is a lot of characters in the story that are genuinely lonely and depressed, they need someone to utter to and to discuss their own problems with. Curleys wife is very lonely and she doesnt have anyone to talk to. She is the only woman on the ranch and isnt treated properly. She has a dream to become and actress and she tells us the story about the time she was talking to a man and he told her that he would send her a letter back to become an actress and she is still waiting on the letter. She should be respected and it makes us become it.George and Lennies dream is to liv of the fata the lan. This means that they dream to buy their own land and be there own boss and work there every day. They also want to be feed from there and Lennie wants to tend his rabbits. As soon as candy finds out that George and Lennie have a dream, sugarcoat buys in to it by offering all his savings. Lennie and George are outcasts and exiles, the reason for this is for the fact that they are itinerant workers and they incessantly work together and go everywhere with each other. This makes them outcasts because they always go everywhere together where as compare to other people at that moment in time every one went on their own.Crooks is lonely and no one talks to him, he doesnt sleep in the bunkhouse with the other ranch-hands because he is black. This shows the racism at this time. When Lennie goes in to his room he tells Lennie to get out of it because he wasnt allowed in their rooms so why should Lennie be in his room. It shows the way he is rejected from the others and that he has a need for deep affection.Curley is very bossy and he thinks that everyone is afraid of him. He bullies people because this is the way he can talk to people. He thought that he would be able to bully Lennie because Lennie looked stupid and very shy, but later on he cause Lennie a few times so as soon as George told Lennie to hit him back he did so.Every person has a need to convey their affection and in Of Mice and hands Steinbecks shows this in different ways, with the different characters.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Louis Xiv Essay Example for Free
Louis Xiv EssaySam Jones Mr. Johnson societal Studies 13 July 2011 breeding of the Common People under Louis XIVs Rule An Absolute Monarchy was a new concept to the concourse of France during the 1600s. Other forms of goernment were failing from lack of control, so the people of France cancelled to an Absolute Monarch, named Louis XIV. The only problem with Louis was that he was self-centered, and did non care a whole lot approximately governing his kingdom. He was more concerned with making himself looking good, and even went as far to chaffer himself the Sun God. As a result, the French common people lived very rough lives, due to the send packing of their king.It was not an easy life for the French people under male monarch Louis XIVs run, and it was not made better by his view on governing. This is shown through his lack of genuine care for his people, over taxation, and wars of the time. City life was very harsh on people, and this is shown by the fact that King Louis XIV himself did not live in the city. The people of Paris were starving because of a war happening all of the forage is going to the troops. Louis handles this problem by showing his generous heart, and giving the people spoiled nourishment to eat. This movement caused unrest and rioting, which was a problem for King Louis.The citizens of Paris were treated as mere objects and not people, and this would be hard to live with. Harsh living conditions made life hard as it is, and the spoiled food added to their loathsome lives. During king Louis XIVs reign, he fought umpteen wars in order to expand his territory. This caused many people who did not want to fight, be forced to join in wars they didnt believe in. King Louis would even go as far as to send womens loved ones into combat, just so when they died their inevitable death, he could have their significant other. Also, wars caused even more poverty for the people of France.In an causa where a adult females husband was killed in combat, the wife would be left to supply their family with food. The kind status of women at the time was very low, so it would be very hard for any woman to find a well paying job, causing even more starvation. This is the kind of environment the people of France lived in, and it was not an easy one. If war and a selfish king wasnt enough, the people of France were also creation heavily taxed. War wasnt cheep, and King Louis needed some way to finance it. The simple solving was to tax the already poor French people.The people were already starving, and the heavy taxation made the interference of life much heavier. No money, meant no food, which made the people very upset at the king. Life wasnt easy as it was, and lack of food and money made it unbearable. Absolute monarchy had its advantages and disadvantages. Many nonaged issues may have been resolved, but under King Louis XIV, new problems arose. People starved, were forced to fight, and were overtaxed. Life was r ough, and the rule of King Louis was not helping make it better. The citizens of France got what they wanted with an Absolute monarch, but their burdensome lives did not improve.
Friday, April 12, 2019
I dont belive in ghost Essay Example for Free
I dont belive in ghostwrite EssayI dont belive in ghost,I said to my grand mom.But she shocked me by saying her repugnance incident that she experienced .A fort night ago,she was alone at home and we children were playing in the garden.She was dismissal to watch a horror movie.A very thrilling scene was going to happen,she said.Suddenly the let downs started to flicker and there was a powercut.She heard nises f someone counting numbers.As it counted till ten,it saidI am coming. She got scared.She went to switch on the emergency light but unfortunately it was not charged. It was re anyy dark. Some how she managed toreach her room. She sat on the bed and started to pray. She heard noises,but as she was scared she did not go to see who was there. She heard noises of doors shutting,someone saying shhhhhhhh,and so on. As soon as the light came, she came outand saw that there was no one.After narrating the whole story she said that she believed in ghost.I short started to lauh and said that it does not make sense.Evil spirits and ghost donot exist. I told her actually what happened. We cousins were playing in the garden.As it started btto rain,thre was a sudden powercut. We came in and then decided to play hie and seek. One of us started to count and we all started to hide ourselves.I said t her that we were the ones who made that noises.As the rain stopped,the light came an we went back to the garden for playing.Thats the reason she could notsee anyone in the house.I tld her not to believe in such incidents and try to find the logic behind it. She lso started to laugh.i would ilk to convey a massage that never ever believe in ghost.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
An analysis of “Night†and “Beloved†Essay Example for Free
An analysis of dark and earnest EssayIn the list of the most tackled themes for literary works, exemption and lie with probably top the list. The Novels Night and dear are some examples of the literary pieces which intertwine these two popular concepts. Basically, the books dwelled on stories of slavery and brutality which ultimately destroyed the lives of the fictional char cultivateers. In this paper, the researcher tries to examine how these books address the importance of freedom and love in terms of living a manner of subject matter and purpose. The Lack of Freedom Can get over WorthBoth literary pieces demonstrate that without freedom, a person can ultimately loose his sniff out of self, and thus stripping the individual of his love for himself and his worth(predicate) as a human being. The lack of worth is often initiated by the perpetrators or those who enslave. However, through continuous exposure to mal discourse, discrimination, and intolerant violence, the enslaved may loose hope, and in the end accept the fact that he and his life are indeed worthless and that there is no point of loving himself and his fellows. This is clearly shown in the first novel.In the beginning of the Night, the Jews who were brought to the Nazi campsite found relief in caring for each other. They in addition turned to religion and their God at times when they feared for their lives. In particular, Eliezer excessively prayed experienceking salvation, security, and purpose in his faith and believing that God would not let evil prevail. The Jews alike move to seek relief from supporting Zionism. To a certain spirit, the captives tried to preserve their worth as a human being through loving and caring. (Wiesel) However, brutal experiences compel them to thwart their beliefs and their worth.They had to see babies that were burned in open pit furnaces. Such all the samet is very change to people since babies are often regarded as symbols of pure and inno cent lives which needed love, not brutality. Apart from that, they were also forced to watch the hanging of their fellow Jews, people whom they loved and cared for. Such experiences combined with the inhumane treatment of Nazis gradually led the Jews to believe that they were basically nothing but slaves individuals who have no purpose in life but to serve the superior race.They were somehow, undeserving of love and life, which will only be purposeless through unjustifiable and imposed death. In Beloved, the slaves were liberated but one can see that their liberation was probably too late in the sense that slavery already nailed their sense of self. Take the case of Paul D. As a slave, he was treated with utmost rigour by the school teacher. When he tried to escape with Sixo, they were captured and Sixo was killed. Paul D was then subjected to abjection when he was forced to wear an iron bit much like a horse. He also suffered from pitiless beatings and torturing of the chain g ang.As a result of these inhumane treatments, Paul D often felt insecure and unconvinced of his humanness and manhood. (Morrison) In the case of Sethe, she was also treated as an inferior being that, as the school teacher notes, has animal characteristics. She was violated by men and even whipped almost to death, despite the fact that she was pregnant. As a result of these experiences, she felt a feeling of self-disgust for becoming a slave. Sethe also cannot find a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment in her own self. That is why she saw motherhood as the only chance for her to redeem her worth.Thus, she regarded her children, especially Beloved as her best thing. By being so selfless to the point of martyrdom, it seems that Sethe did not possess both love for herself. Rather, every loving emotion is directed to her children. The Lack of Freedom Can Distort a Persons Sense of Life and Love The two novels also showed that slavery can greatly alter a persons view of living and lovi ng. Basically, the lack of freedom can predate seemingly irrational and unreasonable perspectives that are derived from sheer fright, panic and anxiety.In Night, the lack of freedom reduced the lives of the Jews as nothing but mere struggles for survival. Through the extensive selection process promoted by the Nazis, the Jews developed the idea that the fittest are truly the only ones who can live. This is demonstrated by the fact that those who were considered as ill and weak were quickly exterminated while the strong ones were used for labor. The idea of the survival of the fittest was supercharge enforced by the scarcity of resources in the camp. There was too little food and water and this prompted the Jews to repugn against themselves.Whats worse was that the competition even prompted the prisoners to lose their sense of love and respect for their fathers. As storied by one of them Listen to me, boy. Dont forget that youre in a slow-wittedness camp. Here, every man has to fight for himself and not think of anyone else. Even of his father. Here, there are no fathers, no brothers, (and) no friends. Everyone lives and dies for himself alone. (Wiesel) In a sense, without freedom the lives of the Jews became animalistic. They lost their regard for familial relations along with the loss of their hopes to be free.Without freedom, they had no love and without love, their lives seemed to have no meaning. Elizier further demonstrates this point through his memorial of a sons beating of his father because of a fight over food on the train to Buchenwald. (Wiesel) In Beloved, the most twisted result of slavery is shown through murder. In the story, the school teacher wanted to take Sethe and her children back into the barn where slaves were dehumanized. Instead of surrendering her children however, Sethe decided to kill them rather than forcing them into a life without freedom.Through this act, Sethe demonstrated that life without freedom is worse than death. S he somehow equated death as the only mode to escape slavery and achieve freedom. For her, the act of murdering her own children cutting their throat with a handsaw was an act of love. Paul D explained Sethes actions She just flew. Collected every bit of life she had made, all the part of her that were precious and fine and beautiful, and carried, pushed, dragged them through the veil, out, away, over there where no one could hurt themOutside this place, where they would be safe.(Morrison) In conclusion, the two novels, Night and Beloved show that without freedom, individuals can lose their idea of love both in terms of self-love and love for others. Continuous demoralization and dehumanization can ultimately ruin a persons concept of love and life. Moreover, such acts can drain purpose and meaning in living. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York Knopf, 1987. Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York Bantam Books, 1960.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Multi agency teams work Essay Example for Free
Multi agency squads work EssayMulti-agency teams work together by bringing practitioners from all opposite sectors and professions within boorcare to provide effective and in depth way of working to support children and issue great deal. This implys support of that child or vernal individuals family. Multi-agency teams work together to ensure the children and young people that require additional support have exactly the right professionals around them to achieve their maximal potential. Assessment may includeParents and familyPediatricianEducational Psychologistspecialiser Teachers for Learning Support, Hearing, Vision, Sensory Impairment, Autism/Complex converse DifficultiesClinical PsychologistSpeech and Language TherapistPhysiotherapistOccupational Therapist.In addition to parents, one or more of these people may be involved, helping to gain an understanding of childrens communication strengths and require, and how speech communication and language can be developed. They can also provide information, advice, guidance and training. If a child require support from a speech therapist, a social worker, teacher and health worker, then a team of those professionals will be set up, but with the consent of the child, young person and family. Support may includeSpeech and language therapistEducational psychologistPhysiotherapistOccupational therapistHealth visitorSpecialist teachers for Learning Support, Hearing, Vision, Sensory Impairment and Complex communication/AutismThese people with specialist knowledge and skills support the people in daily gain with the child. They try to remove barriers to achievement, agree strategies, provide training and identify, and nearlytimes provide, resources By working together, the team will enable children to make maximum progress and improve the quality and facility of their lives. The members of these teams will share information and support each another so that the child / young persons needs are met as effi ciently and effectively as possible. There are some circumstances where multi-agency teams work together literally in one place. There are other examples where teams may operate virtually- via email/ web cam. The role of a practitioner requires them to meet regularly to discuss the needs of the child or young person in question. This is so they can plan and carry turn up coordinated, targeted interventions. Development may includeParents and familyChild minderEarly Years setting staff such as playgroup leaders, nursery nurses and play/nursery assistantsSchool staff such as teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisorsConnexions staffBefore after school care.These people listed above are the people who come into contact with the child in question every day. They apply their training and knowledge to the situation and know how to be good communication partners, and how to provide a good communication environment. They are the ones actively developing the childs speech and language. They can share ideas about what does and what does not work for individual children.ReferencesWorcestershire County Council and Worcestershire. (2011). Effective multi-agency working and collaboration. Available http//www.worcestershire.gov.uk/cms/speech-language-communication/targeted-specialist-provision/effective-multi-agency-working.aspx. Last accessed 18/9/14.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Why Time Travel is not Paradoxical according to David Lewis Essay Example for Free
Why Time Travel is not Paradoxical according to David Lewis EssayThe grandfather conundrum is genius of the most well known fonts of a paradox associated with meter travel. Supposing that a person, say Henry, wants to slay his grandfather, and Henry wants to travel back in measure to do so. If Henry does succeed in cleaning his grandfather at a time when the grandfather has not yet fathered the offspring that would eventually hold up Henrys p arent, then Henry would never have been born in the first place, so how could he have traveled back in time?David Lewis argues that time travel is not paradoxical. His react to the grandfather paradox is that, in the first place, Henry would not have been able to kill the grandfather. In other words, a time traveler who goes back to the past cannot change the past. According to Lewis, Henryor any time travelerwould simply be percent of the reality of the past.Henry would be part of the past as a time travelerin other words, there is only one past in the first place, and that past has always included the time traveler Henry. Thus, there are no changes that can be done to the past, because the fact that he time-traveled would have been true even originally he decided to do it, and even before he existed. Every point in time is equally real, and nothing can change it.Another paradox is the causal loop, to which Lewis solution applies as well. An example of a causal loop is when a person receives the plans for a time machine from a thick stranger. This person creates the time machine, travels back in time, and gives his younger self the plans. The problem here is the origin of the time machine plans. Where did they come from? According to Lewis, the plans would simply have had no cause, in the same way that the universe, or God, exists uncaused.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
World Economics assignment Essay Example for Free
World Economics assignment EssayIntroductionIn this report, it leave alone introduce the World Economy. Main focus is the key feature of the global economical environment. The bone marrow economic issues that atomic number 18 focused on in this report are mountain, transnationalistic payments, exchange pass judgment and economies undergoing change.ProcedureTo gather the required information to issue this report, extensive usage of the internet, various search engines and university subroutine library to understand global economics theory and current affairs. digest on Element 1Firstly, international sell increased word-wide out fix. International pot activities direct develop and explore the comparative advantages of a unpolished, meanwhile, upgrade the professionalism of industries, higher good because of this. If the world-wide output is enhanced and comparative advantages are well-exerted, producers can obtain benefits of economies of scale, agreely, the fol low testament descend and profit ascend.Secondly, it give ups greater swerve of commodities for consumers and more choice. Customers coming from varied counties could buy commodities which are not produced domestically by the means of international flock. It contributes to enlarging purchasing grocery. Since, no matter the similar types of products or goods that not are able produced in domestic area, they could be got through international betray.Additionally, world trade has make an overall increase in standard of living. Specifically, a server of job vacancies offered by muti-national companies help work out the employment problem, then corporation revenue and individual revenue are elevated. Consequently, increased tax go away be invested to welfare and infrastructure system.depth psychology on Element 2 harmonise to wikipedia, let off trade is a system of trade policy that allows traders to act and or transact without interference from government. According to the l egal philosophy of comparative advantage the policy permits trading partners mutual gains from trade of goods and run.(1)According to wikipedia, The Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) was created in the 1960 Treaty of Montevideo by Argentina, brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. The signatories hoped to create a common market in Latin America and offered tax rebates among member nations. LAFTA came into effect on January 2, 1962.When the trade association commenced it had cardinal members and its main terminus was to eliminate all duties and restrictions on the majority of their trade within a twelve year period. By the late 1960s the area of LAFTA had a population of 220 million and produced about $90 jillion of goods and services annually. By the same time it had an ordinary per capita gross national product of $440. The goal of the LAFTA is the creation of a free trade zone in Latin America. It should foster mutual regional trade among the member states, as well as with the U.S. and the European Union.(2)Analysis on Element 3According to wikipedia, In economics, principle of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or nation) to produce more of a good or service than competitors, apply the same amount of resources. spell Smith first described the principle of absolute advantage in the context of international trade, using labor as the only(prenominal) input(3). For instance, the dandy market of UK is absolute advantage when comparing to the developing countries.According to wikipedia, The law of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, a firm, or a country) to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than an otherwise party. It is the ability to produce a product with the highest relative efficiency given all the other products that could be produced(4). For instance, during the end of 19 century and beginning of 20 century, textil e industry of UK developed well. However, in the middle and end of 21 century, Chinas textile industry became a comparative advantage because of enhanced efficient by means of adopting sunrise(prenominal) product technologies.Analysis on Element 4According to wikipedia, Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states, through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to discourage imports, and prevent external expunge-over of domestic markets and companies(5). Its a execute of regulating imports and exports with the purpose of shielding domestic industries from foreign competition. Governments adopt protectionism in order to help the country become self-sufficient, to protect tender industries, or as a bargaining tool.In term of tariff which was applied in protectionism, there are two examples. On September of 2010, Chinese government follow out new import duties ranging from 50.3 to 105.4 percent on US chicken lasting for five years, since a investigation found that US chicken was being sold at low prices a process called dumping(6). another(prenominal) instance is, according to the webpage, on November of 2009, Brazil would raise cane over U.S. ethanol tariff. The reason for that is Brazil sugar producers say sugar-based fuel is more environmentally sound than electricity or corn ethanol for as an alternative for powering cars(7).Analysis on Element 5Trade barriers are constraints that tend to resist the motivation to engage in the importing or exporting of goods(8). There are two types of barriers that a government can employ, which are Tariff barriers and Non-Tariff barriers. According to the student guide, Tariffs are taxes or customs duties located on foreign products to artificially raise their prices and this hopefully, suppresses domestic demand for them.(9) According to wikipedia, Non-tariff barriers to trade (NTBs) are trade barriers that r estrict imports but are not in the usual form of a tariff.(10) it can take many forms, including quotas, embargoes, exchange controls, import deposits, voluntary export restrains, product standard procedures, subsidies and etc.There are two instances that indicate how tariff barriers influence the global trade. According to the webpage, On September of 2010, chinas commerce ministry inform that it would impose import tariffs on American poultry of up to 105.4 percent(11). Another is, on August of 2010, Mexicos new list which intromits meats, vegetables and household items face tariffs of 5 percent to 25 percent, which will hurt Texas more(12).Analysis on Element 6In brief, according to the webpage, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization which can bear a negotiating forum, offer a set of rules and helps to settle disputes for its memberships between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flow as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible(13).According to the publication of European Commission, on 8 December 2003, the EC requested consultations with India on 27 antidumping measures imposed on a variety of EC exports, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, paper, textile and steel. The problems in the Indian cases mainly referred to the highly insufficient injury and causality analysis, the failure to provide meaningful disclosure documents and a continuous disregard of arguments presented by EC exporters and the EC. Following the consultations held in February 2004, India exposed a review process which has led to the termination of most of the contested measures, including those of most economic busy for EC exporters (steel and pharmaceutical products)(14).Analysis on Element 7The aims of EU are following Firstly, deflect customs duties and quotas between members. Secondly, pee common external tariff for non members (operated through common commercial policy). Thirdly, establish free failment of state, service, goods and cap ital between members, meanwhile, reduce anti-competitive practices. Fourth, associate with countries outside union to increase trade. Further, move towards full economic and monetary union. Lastly, develop common foreign, security and defense policy(15).In respect of trade, EU has promoted to use one integrity money which promotes the development of trade. Regarding to administration, the applying of Schengen Visa decrease administrative impediments and encourage the flow of individuals and vocation. Moreover, it implements unified foreign policy when confronted with trade disputes.Analysis on Element 8The repose of Payments can effectively be broken down into two parts. According to the webpage, The Current cypher records international trade in goods and service, international income flows and current grafts. The Capital Account and Financial Account form the promise part to this, recording the changing pattern in the international self-command of assets. While the Financi al Account records changes in the cross-border flows of assets the international Investment Position measures the total stocks of foreign assets and liabilities held by a nation(16).The trade in goods dimension is the difference between the value of goods exported and the value of goods imported. The trade in services is recorded in the same way, with credits to the Current account reflecting services exports and debits services imports. Net income flows reflect international payments associated with the ownership of the factors of production (land, labor and capital). Current transfer records a miscellaneous set of net payments including workers remittances, social security, foreign economic aid and contributions to international organizations(17).In 2009, the current account shortage stands at15.5 billion. The dearth of trade in goods account falling to81.9 billion. The trade in services account has shown a plain of 49.9 billion. The investment income balance rose to a record level of 32 billion. The deficit of transfers account reached a record of 14.8 billion. Additionally, The capital account represented in 3.2 billion and financial account had a net inflow of 5.6 billion(18).Analysis on Element 9According to the bar chart of trade in good and trade in services, the UK trade was fluctuated over the last 30 years. The UK trade has really only been in surplus in the very early 1980s which around 3 billion. However, after that, there has a discernible drop from 1982 to 1989 where at a bottom in minus 25 billion in 1989. Then, from 1990 to 1997, it somewhat remained same which around 10 billion deficits. What is worse, the UK trade has a substantial decline which from 21 billion deficits in 1998 to 90 billion deficits in 2008 during the ten years. In 2009, the trade of good has a deficit around 81.9 billion(19).As for the trade in services, the UK has traditionally been in surplus and certainly has been so from 1976-1997. The services trade approximate ly remained surplus 4 billion during four years which from 1980 to 1984. Then, it peaked at 7 billion within 3 years which from 1985 to 1987 during the 1980s. From 1991 to 1997, it ascended gentlely from 4 to 11 billion deficit. However, there was a crisply growth after 2005 which from 25 billion positive to 56 billion positive in 2008. In 2009, it dropped to 49.9 billion trade in services.Analysis on Element 10According to the wikipedia, The exchange order between two currencies specify how much notes is worth of a foreign nations in terms of the home nations currency(20). It has two forms which are fixed exchange rate and drift exchange rate.As to the floating exchange rate, according to the student guide, if the value of currency rises imported goods will be cheaper, therefore the trade in goods is interchangeablely to move into deficit. If the value of a currency falls, domestic goods and services will be dearer in domestic markets. This should mean an improvement in trade in goods(21). With regarding to the fixed exchange rate, according to the student guide, a persistent surplus could be dealt with by measures which allow domestic consumers to feel assured to purchase more. If the domestic economic system cannot respond then imports would probably increase and exports might become less(prenominal) competitive.(22) Therefore, it will lead to a decrease of trade in goods. If the opposite were the case, a persistent deficit then measures could be used to restrict domestic demand and also to place greater restrictions on imports.(23) Hence, an increase of trade in goods will be emerged with that.For example, it is suggested that the American government has a requirement of change magnitude the value of RMB (increasing the exchange rate of RMB to change dollar) in 2001. In the end of 2006, Chinese government put the policy to take the exchange rate, it means originally 100 US dollars exchange 826 RMB, now only swap about to 800 RMB. In this way, they can make use of less money to change more products of Chinese in order to offset the quota of currency.Analysis on Element 11The single currency is usually a double edge sword, which both bring the UK government strengthens and weaknesses.AdvantagesTo the UK economy, keeps interest rates lower, the trueness to low inflation should allow the economies to operate lower cost.Increase foreign investment, if the UK join the single currency system, direct inward investment should be attracted because the reduction of uncertainly there is not the need to aim demonstrate the UK pound(24).DisadvantagesFor the UK government, changes from old currency may be costly the government needs spend spare money, like, purchase the new equipment and staff training.The UK government will lose the independent monetary policy, since when UK adopt the single currency, the scope for fiscal policy adjustments is restricted by need to stay within 3% of GDP(25).Analysis on Element 12To individuals, adopting the single currency could eliminate cost on exchange currency. No matter Tourists or citizens, they do not need to care about more money will be spend because of changing exchange rate.Besides, it renders purchasers convenient and efficient shopping, most essentially, a wide range of selections of goods and considerations without additional expenditure.To the business, utilizing a single currency intensifies stiff competition among members within EU. By the contrast, it also provides corporations with increasingly opportunities and possibilities of expansion, so that these firms could produce their product to wider within EU. Whats more, it decreases the cost of foreign investment to dedicate domestically.Analysis on Element 13According to wikipedia, Least Developed Country (LDC) is the name given to a country which, according to the United Nations, exhibits the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development, with the lowest Human Development Index ratings of all countries in the w orld. A country is classified as a Least Developed Country if it meets three criteria* low-income (three-year average GNI per capita of less than US $905, which must exceed $1,086 to leave the list)* human resource weakness (based on indicators of nutrition, health, study and adult literacy) and* economic vulnerability (based on instability of agricultural production, instability of exports of goods and services, economic importance of non-traditional activities, product export concentration, handicap of economic smallness, and the percentage of population displaced by natural disasters)(26)For instance, Bhutan and Maldives in Asia is confronted with several problems which include shortage of education investment, out-dated medical treatment and high incident of employment.Analysis on Element 14NICs like Kiribati may face the problem of indebtedness. According to the student guide, As the living standards and per capital income of NICs orgasm those of the mature economies they wi ll certainly find it difficult to sustain growth, they may well confuse benefited from aid from the World Bank or IMF. Were they clever enough to pay off all debts they might have owed externally or as close to it as they could before being exposed to some middling fierce competition(27).In Cambodia, the unemployment is usually very high with very little industry because most people work on their own small plots of land. The social, cultural and religious patters within these countries are barriers to mobility and change(28).Analysis on Element 15The impact of multi-national firms on NICs and LDCs may be broadly similar. The benefits have increase employment, the new methods and engineering science and contribute to economic growth, to name just a few. At the same time the problems have which may eliminate domestic competition, occupy the local nature resources and the profits are mainly transfer back to Home County(29).Volkswagen as the first group company into Chinese marketing , they merger the Shanghai auto firm and established the Shanghai Volkswagen Company. The professional training designed for Chinese worker brought in the updated technology and management skills. The other instance is about Samsung Electronics. The organization install their manufactory in developing countries like India, it may use up the natural resources and give extreme detrimental environmental influences on host country.SummaryAll those are the 15 key elements about the world economy. At present, the global economy tends to integration, so to realize world economy is very necessary for countries, businesses, and even individuals.Reference(1) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_trade(2) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_American_Integration_Assosiation(3) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_advantage(4) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative_advantage(5) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protectionism(6)http//www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/09/27/business/main6904479.shtml(7)http//dome sticfuel.com/2010/04/06/brazil-eliminates-tariff-on-ethanol-imports/(8)http//www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/tariff-trade-barrier-basics.asp(9) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing suffer Page34.(10) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-tariff_barriers_to_trade(11) http//www.nytimes.com/2010/09/27/business/global/27yuan.html(12) http//www.mysanantonio.com/business/local/article/Mexico-s-new-tariff-list-may-hurt-Texas-621156.php(13) http//www.wto.org/english/res_e/doload_e/inbr_e.pdf(14) http//trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2007/may/tradoc_134652.pdf(15) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 66.(16) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_of_Payments(17) http//www.statistics.gov.uk/elmr/09_09/downloads/ELMR_Sep09_Chamberlin.pdf(18) United farming Balance of Payments The Pink Book(19) United Kingdom Balance of Payment-The Pink Book(20) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_rate(21) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 91and 92.(22) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 103.(23) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 103.(24) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 112.(25) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 113.(26) http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_Developed_Country(27) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 134 and 135.(28) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 139.(29) Economics 2 The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 148-149.
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